㈠ 幾個化學實驗報告常用名詞的翻譯。
Experimental aim 實驗目的
Experimental principles 實驗原理
Experimental methods 實驗原理
Experimental results 實驗結果
其實你寫aim, methods, results。。。就好了,不需要再加experimental.
㈡ 化學實驗報告(英文版)(幫我話成英文版的吧)
1.Research the caustic soda mix sulfuric acid copper the response condition 2.2NaOH+CuSO4=Cu(OH)2+Na2SO4 The caustic soda joins the sulfuric acid copper proction cupric hydroxide precipitation and the sodium sulfate3. Experiment thing: Spirit lamp, filter paper, glass rod and so on4.Laboratory procere: In the caustic soda joins the sulfuric acid copper proction blue color to precipitate, heats up the blue color to precipitate again, the observation responds the phenomenon Conclusion: The caustic soda joins the sulfuric acid copper to respond the cupric hydroxide precipitation and the sodium sulfate Cu(OH)2=CuO+H2OThe cupric hydroxide precipitation heating turns the copper oxide and water
㈢ 求英語大神幫忙翻譯化學實驗報告一篇。
Aluminum potassium sulfate preparation and crystal growth
One, the purpose of the experiment
1 understand the principle and process of procing aluminum sulfate;
2 further understanding of the Al and Al (OH) 3 sexes;
3 ecation principles and methods of crystals from solution.
Two, the experimental principle
The sulfate aluminum with alkali metal (K2SO4) forming aluminum potassium sulfate salt.
Aluminum potassium sulfate (K2SO4 · Al2 (SO4) 3 · 24H2O) commonly known as alum, it is a kind of colorless crystals, Yi Rong in the water, and the hydrolysis of Al (OH) 3 casse. It has a strong absorption performance, aluminum salt instry is important, as water purifying agent, filling agent in papermaking etc..
This experiment using aluminum dissolved in sodium hydroxide solution, four hydroxy aluminum acid sodium proction of soluble metal aluminum, otherimpurities are insoluble, filter to remove impurities. Then using H2SO4 to regulate the pH value of the solution for 8-9, namely Al (OH) 3 precipitate,separation, adding H2SO4 in the precipitation, the Al (OH) 3 into Al2 (SO4) 3,and then made into Al2 (SO4) 3 crystals, Al2 (SO4) 3 crystal and K2SO4 crystalrespectively into saturated solution, mixing with alum generated. The reaction is as follows:
2Al + 2NaOH + 6H2O = 2Na[Al (OH) 4] + 3H2
[Al (OH) 4]+ H+ = Al (OH) 3 + H2O
2Al (OH) 3 + 3H2SO4 = Al2 (SO4) 3 + 6H2O
Al2 (SO4) 3 + K2SO4 + 24H2O = K2SO4 · Al2 (SO4) 3 · 24H2O
Cultivation of alum crystal: when there is K2SO4 · Al2 (SO4) 3 · 24H2O crystal precipitation, filtering to obtain crystal, choose structured as a seed, put in the filtrate, the upper dish, let the solution of natural evaporation, crystallization will graally grow up, become a large single crystal, crystal has eight surface morphology. In order to make the seeds grow large single crystal, it is important not to solution temperature change is too big, make water slow evaporation. In addition to grow large crystals, crystal system can also be generated with the nylon rope, suspended in solution. Such crystals in the growth rate is not affected, the crystals formed more rules.
Three, experimental equipment
Apparatus and materials: beaker, electronic scales, funnel, the evaporating dish,alcohol lamp, three tripod, asbestos, matches, glass funnel, cylinder, filter paper,pH paper, nylon line.
Reagents: Al chip (C.P), NaOH (C.P), K2SO4 (C.P), H2SO4 (3mol · L - 1, 1:1),BaCl2 (0.1 mol · L - 1).
Four, the experimental steps
1.Al (OH) 3 generation
Take 2.3 grams of NaOH solid, into a 200mL beaker, add 30mL distilled water solution. Take 1 grams of aluminum scrap, in batches into the solution (reaction,prevent spills, should be carried out in a fume hood), to no longer have bubbles,indicating the reaction is completed, and then adding distilled water, the volume is about 40mL, filtration. The filtrate into a 200mL beaker, heated to boiling, withcontinuous stirring, add 3mol · L - 1H2SO4, the solution of pH 8 - 9, continue to stir boiled a few minutes, and then filtration, washing and precipitation with boiling water, until the washing liquid pH value reced to about 7, dry.
2.Al2 (SO4) 3 preparation
The prepared Al (OH) 3 into the beaker, under continuous stirring, adding 1:1,H2SO4, and water bath heating. When the solution became clear, stop adding sulfuric acid, Al2 (SO4) 3 solution. The concentrated solution for the 1/2 of the original volume, removed, water cooling to room temperature, the crystallization,filtration, the crystal blot with the filter paper, weighing.
Culture and crystal 3 alum system
The weighing of the aluminum sulfate crystal is arranged on the small beaker,with saturated solution at room temperature. The other weigh K2SO4 solid, alsowith the same volume of saturated solution, and then an equal volume of twosaturated solution phase mixing, stirring evenly. After placement, there will bealum crystal precipitation. Select the filter, structured as a seed, put in thefiltrate, the upper dish, let the solution of natural evaporation, crystallization will graally grow up, become a large single crystal, crystal has eight surfacemorphology.
In order to make the seed generation of large single crystal, it is important not tosolution temperature change is too big, make water slow evaporation. To generate a large crystal, crystal system can also be generated with the nylon rope, suspended in solution. Such crystals in the growth rate is not affected.
㈣ 求一個英文的化學實驗報告
Service life at an operating temperature of 40℃
6.15.1 The test shall be carried out with 3 cells or 3 monobloc batteries.The units shall have an actual capacity Ca of at least 95%C3rt(3hr to 1.7Vpc) and be full charged.
6.15.2 The units shall be float charged at 40℃(humidity<35%) with Uflo for 25℃.
6.15.3 Every 118±3 days the units shall,after cooling down to room temperature under float charge voltage setting.
6.15.4 Do 3hr@I3 to 1.70vpc and record C3a within 24h±12h.
6.15.5 Repeat from 6.15.2 to 6.15.4 until the C3a is less than 80%C3rt.
6.15.6 If needed,plot the indivial value C3a in a graph as function of days elapsed at 40℃.
㈤ 求英語牛人化學實驗報告翻譯
㈥ 實驗報告英語怎麼說
experimental report
test experiment。
㈦ 「實驗報告」用英語怎麼說
Lab report
㈧ 求一篇英文的化學實驗報告範文 (!!)
Chemistry Lab sample
(This is one of my Chemistry 11 lab assignment...)
Cooling and Heating Curves of a Pure Substance
to investigate the cooling process for liquid paradichlorobenzene
to investigate the heating process for solid paradichlorobenzene
to determine and compare the melting and freezing temperatures of paradichlorobenzene
Apparatus: rin stand and ring support buret clamp
bunsen burner; wire gauze with ceramic centre;
test tube(18mm*150mm); beaker(400ml); 2
thermometers; lab apron; safety goggles.
Reagent: paradichlorobenzene
It's freaking long for this lab and I can't type them all out. Basically, it is just what you do to complete the lab and list them step by step. You can also draw diagrams if it's necessary.
Data and observations:
So generally, it's the data you record throughout the lab. Data table should be customized for each lab.
Sum up your data and observations and come up with a conclusion...lol sometimes, we just use this part to answer the objective questions(the objective of the lab)
Questions and follow-up questions:
Answer any question assigned at the back of the lab
After all, this is only a high school lab example. If you are looking for a university chem lab template, i guess it would be more spesific in details... well, generally, it goes like that. you can write your own one as long as you think you make clear of what you do. Have fun with it.
㈨ 化學實驗報告里燒杯一隻用英文怎麼寫
one beaker。a beaker。