導航:首頁 > 化學知識 > 怎麼分辨化學的英文翻譯


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Ⅰ 有關化學名詞的英語翻譯。


硫酸 Sulfuric acid
硝酸 Nitric acid
鹽酸、氫氯酸、Hydrochloric acid、Chlorohydric acid
磷酸 Phosphoric acid
磷酸根 phosphato
硫酸根 trisulfato
鹽酸根(氯離子) chlorine ion
氧化物 oxide
氧化性 oxidative
還原劑 rectant
還原性 rective
氨氣 ammonia
Universal Indicator solution 廣域(通用)指示劑

Ⅱ 化學英文怎麼讀


chemistry ['kemɪstrɪ]


化學英文怎麼說, 化學用英文怎麼拼啊?



chemical fiber
Primarily applied for the filtration in polyester and chemical fiber spinning proction.
PET, Chemical fiber, Yarn, Glass fiber.


《化學專業英語》一書、《英漢化學化工詞典》、 谷歌線上翻譯、金山翻譯、ki翻譯助手等等, 都可以幫助你用英文寫化學式,化學名稱, 希望對你有用,謝謝。


Today I read the "Chemical Secret",Although not quite like to watch the English novel, but I watched this addiction!
For me this novel is a timid man "thriller". The novel is about Mr. Duncan's Paint career: from an impoverished unemployed people to find a wealthy and rich career, to return to live in a *** all apartment in a dirty unemployed people. Unconventional and downs throughout the story, it is a good thing can be instantly transformed into a negative factor, is "a blessing in disguise, bad thing.".
Duncan is both sympathetic and people who hate people. He is a petent biologist, found that the toxicity of the paint factory, but the boss is under coercion self-deception to think no one will hurt, but to the munity to conceal the truth. Sadly, his pregnant daughter, to uncover the truth, unfortunately, in the survey fall into the river, was filling with venom of this river. At the end of his walk in the way to the hospital, mental uneasy thought: fetal malformation ... This makes the novel even more tragic and suspense.
I do not like this inside the paint David's boss, David is a person who only seek their own interests, he ignored the safety of others, just know that money is really selfish shameful act! Be clearly seen in his pany and drink contaminated water to seal poisoning, but he said the paint quickly into the sea, we never drink, it was only 200 million dollars a purification equipment costs.
We all know the importance of environmental protection, but in the interests of the face, which one would you choose?


chemical pesticide
希望我的回答 對你有所幫助 如有疑問 請線上交談 祝你:天天開心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...




Coordination Chemistry


The chemical formula
chemical structural formula
chemical formula

Ⅲ 化學英文怎麼說

chemistry 化學 [huà xué]


analytical chemistry;

theoretical chemistry;


inorganic chemistry;

physical chemistry;

applied chemistry;

organic chemistry

1.化學爆炸 chemical explosion;
2.化學泵浦 chemical pumping;
3.化學變化 metamorphosis; chemical change;
4.化學表面硬化 chemical surface hardening;
5.化學玻璃 chemical glass;
6.化學(用)玻璃器皿 chemical glassware;
7.化學剝皮法 chemical barking;
8.化學補償物 chemical shim;
9.化學不完全燃燒 chemically incomplete combustion;
10.化學不育劑 chemosterilant;
11.化學擦光 chemical polishing;
12.化學層 chemosphere;
13.化學常數 chemical constant;
14.化學沉積 chemical deposition; chemical plating; electroless plating;
15.化學成分 chemical composition; chemical constitution;
16.化學成熟 chemical ripening;
17.化學弛豫 chemical relaxation;
18.化學抽運激光器 chemically pumped laser;
19.化學除草劑 chemical herbicide;
20.化學除莠 chemical weed control;
21.化學處理 chemical treatment;
22.化學傳遞 chemical transmission;
23.化學純 chemical pure;
24.化學磁化 chemomagnetization;
25.化學瓷器 chemical porcelain;
26.化學促進劑 chemical promoter;
27.化學打枝法 chemical pruning;
28.化學彈葯 chemical ammunition;
29.化學當量 chemical equivalent;
30.化學當量比 stoichiometric ratio;
31.化學地雷 chemical mine;
32.化學遞質 chemical transmitter;
33.化學點火器 chemical ignitor;
34.化學電化學清砂 chemical-electrochemical cleaning;
35.化學電離離子源 chemical ionization ion source;
36.化學電離源質譜法 chemical ionization source mass spectrometry;
37.化學電容器 chemical capacitor;
38.化學電位 chemical potential;
39.化學電源 eletrochemical power source; electrochemical cell;
40.化學定性分析 qualitative chemical analysis;
41.化學動力學 chemical kinetics;
42.化學動態學 chemical dynamics;
43.化學堵水 chemical water plugging;
44.化學鍍 chemical plating; electroless plating;
45.化學短纖維 staple fibre;
46.化學鈍性 inactivity;
47.化學惰性 chemical inertness;
48.化學發光 chemiluminescence;
49.化學發光反應 chemiluminescence reaction;
50.化學發光分析 chemiluminescence analysis;
51.化學反擊 chemical counterattack;
52.化學反應 chemical reaction;
53.化學反應產物 chemical reaction proct;
54.化學反應弛豫 relaxation of chemical reaction;
55.化學反應工程 chemical reaction engineering;
56.化學反應活性 chemical reactivity;
57.化學反應劑 chemical reactor;
58.化學反應式 chemical reaction formula;
59.化學方程式 chemical equation;
60.化學防護 chemical protection;
61.化學防禦 chemical defence;
62.化學防治 chemical control;
63.化學仿生學 chemical bionics;
64.化學非平衡 chemical non-equilibrium;
65.化學肥料 chemical fertilizer;
66.化學肥料污染 chemical fertilizer pollution;
67.化學廢物 chemical waste;
68.化學分解 chemolysis; analysis;
69.化學分析電子譜法 electron spectros for chemical analysis;
70.化學分類學 chemotaxonomy;
71.化學分析 chemical analysis;
72.化學敷鍍 chemical plating;
73.化學輻射效應 chemical radiation effect;
74.化學輻射偵察分隊 chemical-radiation reconnaissance element;
75.化學符號 chemical symbol;
76.化學腐蝕傷 chemical cautery;
77.化學腐蝕加工 chemical-corrosive machining;
78.化學腐蝕凸版 chemigraph;
79.化學腐蝕製版法 chemigraphy;
80.化學改性 chemical modification;
81.化學干擾 chemical interference;
82.化學乾燥 chemical seasoning;
83.化學感官 chemoreception (指味覺和嗅覺);
84.化學感覺 chemical sensation;
85.化學感受器瘤 receptoma;
86.化學跟蹤劑 spyst;
87.化學工程(學) chemical engineering;
88.化學工業 chemical instry;
89.化學工業廢物 chemical instry waste;
90.化學工藝 chemical technology; instrial chemistry;
91.化學工藝學 chemical technology;
92.化學固氮 chemical nitrogen fixation;
93.化學灌槳 chemical grouting;
94.化學過程分析 chemical process analysis;
95.化學過程減弱 chemasthenia;
96.化學過濾呼吸器 chemical filter respirator;
97.化學海洋學 chemical oceanography;
98.化學合成 chemosynthesis; chemical synthesis;
99.化學合成標記 chemosynthetic labeling;
100.化學合成品 synthetic;
101.化學恆定培養 chemostatic culture;
102.化學互感作用 allelopathy;
103.化學化 {農} extensive use of chemical fertilizers and other farm chemical;
104.化學化石 chemical fossil;
105.化學環境 chemical environment;
106.化學還原 electronation;
107.化學灰霧 chemical fog;
108.化學活性[機理] chemism;
109.化學火箭 chemical rocket;
110.化學機械加工 chemical machining;
111.化學機械拋光 chemically mechanical polishing;
112.化學機械拋光機 chemical-mechanical polishing machine;
113.化學激發 chemi-excitation;
114.化學激光器 chemical laser;
115.化學激光器引發技術 initiating technique of chemical laser;
116.化學集魚器 chemical fish collector;
117.化學劑量測定法 chemical dosimetry;
118.化學劑量計 chemical dosimeter;
119.化學計量 stoichiometry;
120.化學計量學 chemometrics; stoichiometry;
121.化學家 chemist;
122.化學計算 stoichiometric calculation;
123.化學計演算法 stoichiometry;
124.化學加工 chemical machining; chemical milling;
125.化學加固 chemical consolidation;
126.化學監測 chemical monitoring;
127.化學鑒定 chemical analysis;
128.化學漿 chemical pulp;
129.化學漿料 chemical size;
130.化學降解 chemical degradation;
131.化學交換 chemical exchange;
132.化學交聯 chemical crosslinking;
133.化學教育 chemical ecation;
134.化學結構 chemical construction; chemical structure;
135.化學結構式 chemical structural formula;
136.化學結合效應 chemical binding effect;
137.化學結合磚 chemical hardening brick;
138.化學解毒劑 chemical antidote;
139.化學介質老化 chemical media aging;
140.化學進化 chemoevolution; chemical evolution;
141.化學浸蝕 chemical etching;
142.化學浸蝕加工 chem-milling;
143.化學浸軋 chem pad;
144.化學精製 chemical refining;
145.化學凈化 chemical cleaning method;
146.化學絕育法 chemosterilization;
147.化學刻圖 chemical scribing;
148.化學擴散 chemical diffusion;
149.化學歷程 chemism;
150.化學療法 chemotherapy;
151.化學流變學 chemorheology;
152.化學流動 chemical flow;
153.化學流體力學 chemical fluid mechanics;
154.化學彌散鍍 chemical dispersion plating;
155.化學滅火器 chemical fire extinguisher;
156.化學敏感半導體器件 chemically sensitive semiconctor device;
157.化學敏感場效應管 chemically sensitive field effect transistor;
158.化學敏化 chemical sensitization;
159.化學木漿 chemical wood pulp;
160.化學能 chemical energy;
161.化學偶合 chemical coupling;
162.化學偶聯學說 chemical coupling hypothesis;
163.化學拋光 chemical polishing;
164.化學胚胎學 chemical embryology;
165.化學平衡 chemical equilibrium;
166.化學平衡常數 chemical equilibrium constant;
167.化學起源 chemical origin;
168.化學氣相沉積 chemical vapor deposition;
169.化學氣相沉積工藝 chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method;
170.化學氣相沉積設備 chemical vapor deposition equipment;
171.化學親合力[勢; 性] chemical affinity;
172.化學清蠟 paraffin removing with chemical method;
173.化學清洗[脫垢] chemical cleaning;
174.化學驅油 chemical displacement of reservoir oil;
175.化學去污 chemical decontamination;
176.化學燃料導彈 chemical missile;
177.化學熱處理 chemical treatment;
178.化學熱力學 chemical thermodynamics;
179.化學人類學 chemical anthropology;
180.化學溶蝕 chemolysis;
181.化學蠕變 chemical creep;
182.化學殺蟲劑 chemical insecticide;
183.化學燒傷 chemical burn;
184.化學滲透假說 chemosmotic hypothesis;
185.化學滲透作用 chemosmosis;
186.化學-生物-核防護 CBR defence;
187.化學-生物-核消毒 CBR decontamination;
188.化學生物學 chemical biology;
189.化學蝕刻 chemical etching;
190.化學實驗室 chemical laboratory;
191.化學史 chemical history;
192.化學勢 chemical potential;
193.化學示蹤劑 chemical tracer;
194.化學試劑 chemical reagent;
195.化學試劑添加劑 reagent additive;
196.化學受激分子激光器 chemically excited molecule laser;
197.化學輸運技術 chemical transport technique;
198.化學術語 technical terms of chemistry;
199.化學鬆弛 chemical relaxation;
200.化學特性 chemical character;
201.化學天平 chemical balance;
202.化學添加劑 chemical addition agent; chemical additive;
203.化學統計學 chemometrics;
204.化學突變產生 chemical mutagenesis;
205.化學土壤改良 chemical amelioration;
206.化學推進 chemical propulsion;
207.化學脫殼 chemical decladding;
208.化學脫水 chemical dehydration;
209.化學脫鹽 chemical desalting;
210.化學脫葉劑 chemical defoliant;
211.化學拓撲學 chemical topology;
212.化學位移 chemical shift;
213.化學位移試劑 chemical shift reagent;
214.化學穩定性 chemical stability;
215.化學污染 chemical pollution;
216.化學污染物 chemical pollutant;
217.化學武器 chemical weapon;
218.化學霧 chemical fog;
219.化學物理學 chemical physics;
220.化學物種 chemical species;
221.化學吸附[吸著] chemisorption;
222.化學吸附鍵 chemisorptive bond;
223.化學吸收 chemical absorption;
224.化學襲擊威力估算 estimate of chemical attack power;
225.化學銑削 chemical milling;
226.化學系統工程 chemical system engineering;
227.化學纖維 chemical fibre;
228.化學纖維工業 chemical fibres instry;
229.化學纖維機械 chemical fibres manufacturing machinary;
230.化學纖維漿粕 chemical fibres pulp;
231.化學纖維紗 chemical fibre yarn;
232.化學纖維原料 raw materials of chemical fibres;
233.化學纖維織物 science fabric;
234.化學纖維助劑 chemical fibres assistant;
235.化學顯像法 chemical development;
236.化學線粒體 electrosome;
237.化學相似性模擬法 chemical similitude;
238.化學信息物質 semiochemicals;
239.化學性質 chemical property;
240.化學需氧量 chemical oxygen demand;
241.化學岩 chemical rock;
242.化學葯劑拌種機 chemical seed dresser;
243.化學葯品 chemicals;
244.化學葯品瓶 saltmouth;
245.化學要素 tincture;
246.化學冶金學 chemical metallurgy;
247.化學液體運輸船 chemical carrier;
248.化學抑制劑 chemical inhibitor;
249.化學引信 chemical time fuze;
250.化學引誘劑 chemical attractant;
251.化學應力鬆弛 chemical stress relaxation;
252.化學硬化型砂 chemically solidifying moulding sand;
253.化學永久變定 chemical permanent set;
254.化學有害物監測 chemical harmful substance monitoring;
255.化學誘變 mutagenesis;
256.化學誘導動態核極化 chemically inced dynamic nuclear polarization;
257.化學誘發突變 chemical inction of mutation;
258.化學育種 breeding of chemical inction;
259.化學元素 chemical element;
260.化學元素周期表 periodic table of chemical element;
261.化學原理 principles of chemistry;
262.化學鑿岩 chemical drilling;
263.化學增感 chemical sensitization;
264.化學戰爭 chemical warfare;
265.化學障礙物 chemical barrier;
266.化學哲學 philosophy of chemistry;
267.化學偵察車 chemical reconnaissance vehicle;
268.化學振盪 chemical oscillation;
269.化學整理 chemical finishing;
270.化學指示劑 chemical tracer;
271.化學紙漿 chemical pulp;
272.化學致癌物 chemical carcinogen;
273.化學製版 chemitype;
274.化學治療[術] chemotherapy;
275.化學治療劑 chemotherapeutant;
276.化學貯藏 chemical storage;
277.化學轉變 chemical transformation;
278.化學轉化膜 chemical conversion coating;
279.化學灼傷 chemical burn;
280.化學組成 chemical composition; chemical constitution;
281.化學作用 chemical action

Ⅳ 化學式英語讀法規則

mono di這些是出現於co2,carbon dioxide,so3 sulfer trioxide這種類型的,非金屬,非金屬
例如,nitrogen trioxide,N2O3.。可以發現,這種組合方式是,前面直接是元素,後面根據氧有幾個來命名。

另一種,是金屬,非金屬在一起。也就是說的第二個也省的情況。例如Bacl2,barium chloride。他們的變化也是集中在後面。sulfite是亞硫酸根,sulfate是硫酸根,sulfide是硫,也就是不帶氧氣那種。


+ 在英語讀 positive。- 在英語讀 negative。(sodium ion) Na+ = "N" "a" positive。(potassium ion) K+ = "K" positive。(calcium ion) Ca2+ = "C" "a" two positive。(chloride ion) Cl- = "C" "l" negative。

原子 atom adj.atomic 原子核 nucleus 質子 proton 中子 neutron。

電子 electron(abbr. e) 離子 ion [ˈaɪən] 陽離子 cation 陰離子 anion

分子 molecular [məˈlekjələ] 單質 element。

化合物 compound。

純凈物 pure substance/chemical substance 混合物 mixture。

相對原子質量relative atomic mass(abbr. Ar) 相對分子質量 relative molecular mass(abbr. Mr) 化學式量 relative formula mass 物質的量 amount of substance。

Ⅳ 化學的英文是什麼



英 [ˈkemɪkl]美 [ˈkɛmɪkəl]


  1. The whole food chain is affected by the overuse of chemicals in agriculture.


  2. The state allotted them large quantities of chemical fertilizer.


  3. We must rece the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms.


  4. We are exposed to an overwhelming number of chemical contaminants every day in our air, water and food.


  5. Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.




Ⅵ 化學英文翻譯



Ⅶ chemistry 是什麼

[英] [ˈkemistri] [美] [ˈkɛmɪstri]
n. 化學;物質的化學組成(或性質),化學作用(現象);(常指有強烈性吸引力的)兩人間的關系;〈比喻〉神秘的變化(過程);

Ⅷ 翻譯化學的英文單詞

electronegativity [i'lektr�0�5u,neɡ�0�5'tiv�0�5ti] 基本釋義 n. [化學] 電負性;[化學] 電負度 electronegativity [i'lektr�0�5u,neɡ�0�5'tiv�0�5ti] 基本釋義 n. [化學] 電負性;[化學] 電負度 Cations and Anions 陽離子和陰離子 radical ['r�0�3dik�0�5l] 基本釋義 adj. 激進的;根本的;徹底的n. 基礎;激進分子;[物化] 原子團;[數] 根數 carbon tetrachloride 基本釋義 [有化] 四氯化碳(等於tetrachloromethane)[有化]四氯化碳(等於tetrachloromethane)
tetrachloromethane, phenixinoctet rule 基本釋義 八隅規則;八角定則



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