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㈠ 關於光學工藝方面的中英文對照翻譯

BASIC 語言及應用 BASIC Language &Application
C 語言 C Language
CAD 概論 Introction to CAD
COBOL語言 COBOL Language
生物物理學 Biophysics
真空冷凍乾燥技術 Vacuum Freezing &Drying Technology
16位微機 16 Digit Microcomputer
ALGOL語言 ALGOL Language
BASIC 語言 BASIC Language
COBOL語言程序設計 COBOL Language Program Designing
C與UNIX環境 C Language &Unix Environment
C語言與生物醫學信息處理 C Language &Biomedical Information Processing
dBASE Ⅲ課程設計 C ourse Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ
IBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XT
IBM-PC微機原理 Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC
LSI設計基礎 Basic of LSI Designing
PASCAL大型作業 PASCAL Wide Range Working
PASCAL課程設計 Course Exercise in PASCAL
X射線與電鏡 X-ray &Electric Microscope
Z-80匯編語言程序設計 Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages
板殼理論 Plate Theory
板殼力學 Plate Mechanics
半波實驗 Semiwave Experiment
半導體變流技術 Semiconctor Converting Technology
半導體材料 Semiconctor Materials
半導體測量 Measurement of Semiconctors
半導體瓷敏元件 Semiconctor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements
半導體光電子學 Semiconctor Optic Electronics
半導體化學 Semiconctor Chemistry
半導體激光器 Semiconctor Laser Unit
半導體集成電路 Semiconctor Integrated Circuitry
半導體理論 Semiconctive Theory
半導體器件 Semiconctor Devices
半導體器件工藝原理 Technological Fundamentals of Semiconctor Device
半導體物理 Semiconctor Physics
半導體專業 Semiconction Specialty
半導體專業實驗 Specialty Experiment of Semiconctor
薄膜光學 Film Optics
報告文學專題 Special Subject On Reportage
報刊編輯學 Newspaper &Magazine Editing
報紙編輯學 Newspaper Editing
泵與風機 Pumps and Fans
泵與水機 Pumps &Water Turbines
畢業設計 Graation Thesis
編譯方法 Methods of Compiling
編譯技術 Technique of Compiling
編譯原理 Fundamentals of Compiling
變電站的微機檢測與控制 Computer Testing &Control in Transformer Substation
變分法與張量 Calculus of Variations &Tensor
變分學 Calculus of Variations
變質量系統熱力學與新型回轉壓 Variable Quality System Thermal Mechanics &Neo-R
表面活性物質 Surface Reactive Materials
並行演算法 Parallel Algorithmic
波譜學 Wave Spectrum
材料的力學性能測試 Measurement of Material Mechanical Performance
材料力學 Mechanics of Materials
財務成本管理 Financial Cost Management
財政學 Public Finance
財政與金融 Finance &Banking
財政與信貸 Finance &Credit
操作系統 Disk Operating System
操作系統課程設計 Course Design in Disk Operating System
操作系統原理 Fundamentals of Disk Operating System
策波測量技術 Technique of Whip Wave Measurement
測量原理與儀器設計 Measurement Fundamentals &Meter Design
測試技術 Testing Technology
測試與信號變換處理 Testing &Signal Transformation Processing
產業經濟學 Instrial Economy
產業組織學 Instrial organization Technoooligy
場論 Field Theory
常微分方程 ordinary Differentical Equations
超導磁體及應用 Superconctive Magnet &Application
超導及應用 Superconctive &Application
超精微細加工 Super-Precision &Minuteness Processing
城市規劃原理 Fundamentals of City Planning
城市社會學 Urban Sociology
成組技術 Grouping Technique
齒輪嚙合原理 Principles of Gear Connection
沖擊測量及誤差 Punching Measurement &Error
沖壓工藝 Sheet Metal Forming Technology
抽象代數 Abstract Algebra
傳動概論 Introction to Transmission
感測器與檢測技術 Sensors &Testing Technology
感測器原理 Fundamentals of Sensors
感測器原理及應用 Fundamentals of Sensors &Application
傳熱學 Heat Transfer
傳坳概論 Introction to Pass Col
船舶操縱 Ship Controling
船舶電力系統 Ship Electrical Power System
船舶電力系統課程設計 Course Exercise in Ship Electrical Power System
船舶電氣傳動自動化 Ship Electrified Transmission Automation
船舶電站 Ship Power Station
船舶動力裝置 Ship Power Equipment
船舶概論 Introction to Ships
船舶焊接與材料 Welding &Materials on Ship
船舶機械控制技術 Mechanic Control Technology for Ships
船舶機械拖動 Ship Mechamic Towage
船舶建築美學 Artistic Designing of Ships
船舶結構力學 Structual Mechamics for Ships
船舶結構與制圖 Ship Structure &Graphing
船舶靜力學 Ship Statics
船舶強度與結構設計 Designing Ship Intensity &Structure
船舶設計原理 Principles of Ship Designing
船舶推進 Ship Propeling
船舶搖擺 Ship Swaying
船舶阻力 Ship Resistance
船體建造工藝 Ship-Building Technology
船體結構 Ship Structure
船體結構圖 Ship Structure Graphing
船體振動學 Ship Vibration
創造心理學 Creativity Psychology
磁測量技術 Magnetic Measurement Technology
磁感測器 Magnetic Sensor
磁存儲設備設計原理 Fundamental Design of Magnetic Memory Equipment
磁記錄技術 Magnetographic Technology
磁記錄物理 Magnetographic Physics
磁路設計與場計算 Magnetic Path Designing &Magnetic Field Calculati
磁碟控制器 Magnetic Disk Controler
磁性材料 Magnetic Materials
磁性測量 Magnetic Measurement
磁性物理 Magnetophysics
磁原理及應用 Principles of Catalyzation &Application
大電流測量 Super-Current Measurement
大電源測量 Super-Power Measurement
大機組協調控制 Coordination &Control of Generator Networks
大跨度房屋結構 Large-Span House structure
大型鍋爐概況 Introction to Large-Volume Boilers
大型火電機組控制 Control of Large Thermal Power Generator Networks
大學德語 College German
大學俄語 College Russian
大學法語 College French
大學日語 College Japanese
大學英語 College English
大學語文 College Chinese
大眾傳播學 Mass Media
代用運放電路 Simulated Transmittal Circuit
單片機原理 Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers
單片機原理及應用 Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers &Applications
彈性力學 Theory of Elastic Mechanics
當代國際關系 Contemporary International Relationship
當代國外社會思維評價 Evaluation of Contemporary Foreign Social Thought
當代文學 Contemporary Literature
當代文學專題 Topics on Contemporary Literature
當代西方哲學 Contemporary Western Philosophy
當代戲劇與電影 Contemporary Drama &Films
黨史 History of the Party
導波光學 Wave Guiding Optics
等離子體工程 Plasma Engineering
低頻電子線路 Low Frequency Electric Circuit
低溫傳熱學 Cryo Conction
低溫固體物理 Cryo Solid Physics
低溫技術原理與裝置 Fundamentals of Cryo Technology &Equipment
低溫技術中的微機原理 Priciples of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology
低溫絕熱 Cryo Heat Insulation
低溫氣體製冷機 Cryo Gas Refrigerator
低溫熱管 Cryo Heat Tube
低溫設備 Cryo Equipment
低溫生物凍干技術 Biological Cryo Freezing Drying Technology
低溫實驗技術 Cryo Experimentation Technology
低溫物理導論 Cryo Physic Concepts
低溫物理概論 Cryo Physic Concepts
低溫物理概念 Cryo Physic Concepts
低溫儀表及測試 Cryo Meters &Measurement
低溫原理 Cryo Fundamentals
低溫中的微機應用 Application of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology
低溫裝置 Cryo Equipment
低雜訊電子電路 Low-Noise Electric Circuit
低雜訊電子設計 Low-Noise Electronic Designing
低雜訊放大與弱檢 Low-Noise Increasing &Decreasing
低雜訊與弱信號檢測 Detection of Low Noise &Weak Signals
地理 Geography
第二次世界大戰史 History of World War II
電測量技術 Electric Measurement Technology
電廠計算機控制系統 Computer Control System in Power Plants
電磁測量實驗技術 Electromagnetic Measurement Experiment &Technology
電磁場計算機 Electromagnetic Field Computers
電磁場理論 Theory of Electromagnetic Fields
電磁場數值計算 Numerical Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields
電磁場與電磁波 Electromagnetic Fields &Magnetic Waves
電磁場與微波技術 Electromagnetic Fields &Micro-Wave Technology
電磁場中的數值方法 Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Fields
電磁場中的數值計算 Numerical Calculation in Electromagnetic Fields
電磁學 Electromagnetics
電動力學 Electrodynamics
電鍍 Plating
電分析化學 Electro-Analytical Chemistry
電工測試技術基礎 Testing Technology of Electrical Engineering
電工產品學 Electrotechnical Procts
電工電子技術基礎 Electrical Technology &Electrical Engineering
電工電子學 Electronics in Electrical Engineering
電工基礎 Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering
電工基礎理論 Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering
電工基礎實驗 Basic Experiment in Electrical Engineering
電工技術 Electrotechnics
電工技術基礎 Fundamentals of Electrotechnics
電工實習 Electrical Engineering Practice
電工實驗技術基礎 Experiment Technology of Electrical Engineering
電工學 Electrical Engineering
電工與電機控制 Electrical Engineering &Motor Control
電弧電接觸 Electrical Arc Contact
電弧焊及電渣焊 Electric Arc Welding &Electroslag Welding
電化學測試技術 Electrochemical Measurement Technology
電化學工程 Electrochemical Engineering
電化學工藝學 Electrochemical Technology
電機測試技術 Motor Measuring Technology
電機電磁場的分析與計算 Analysis &Calculation of Electrical Motor &Electromag
netic Fields
電機電器與供電 Motor Elements and Power Supply
電機課程設計 Course Exercise in Electric Engine
電機繞組理論 Theory of Motor Winding
電機繞組理論及應用 Theory &Application of Motor Winding
電機設計 Design of Electrical Motor
電機瞬變過程 Electrical Motor Change Processes
電機學 Electrical Motor
電機學及控制電機 Electrical Machinery Control &Technology
電機與拖動 Electrical Machinery &Towage
電機原理 Principle of Electric Engine
電機原理與拖動 Principles of Electrical Machinery &Towage
電機專題 Lectures on Electric Engine
電接觸與電弧 Electrical Contact &Electrical Arc
電介質物理 Dielectric Physics
電鏡 Electronic Speculum
電力電子電路 Power Electronic Circuit
電力電子電器 Power Electronic Equipment
電力電子器件 Power Electronic Devices
電力電子學 Power Electronics
電力工程 Electrical Power Engineering
電力生產技術 Technology of Electrical Power Generation
電力生產優化管理 Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation
電力拖動基礎 Fundamentals for Electrical Towage
電力拖動控制系統 Electrical Towage Control Systems
電力系統 Power Systems
電力系統電源最優化規劃 Optimal Planning of Power Source in a Power System
電力系統短路 Power System Shortcuts
電力系統分析 Power System Analysis
電力系統規劃 Power System Planning
電力系統過電壓 Hyper-Voltage of Power Systems
電力系統繼電保護原理 Power System Relay Protection
電力系統經濟分析 Economical Analysis of Power Systems
電力系統經濟運行 Economical Operation of Power Systems
電力系統可靠性 Power System Reliability
電力系統可靠性分析 Power System Reliability Analysis
電力系統無功補償及應用 Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems &Applicati
電力系統諧波 Harmonious Waves in Power Systems
電力系統優化技術 Optimal Technology of Power Systems
電力系統優化設計 Optimal Designing of Power Systems
電力系統遠動 Operation of Electric Systems
電力系統遠動技術 Operation Technique of Electric Systems
電力系統運行 Operation of Electric Systems
電力系統自動化 Automation of Electric Systems
電力系統自動裝置 Power System Automation Equipment
電路測試技術 Circuit Measurement Technology
電路測試技術基礎 Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology
電路測試技術及實驗 Circuit Measurement Technology &Experiments
電路分析基礎 Basis of Circuit Analysis
電路分析基礎實驗 Basic Experiment on Circuit Analysis
電路分析實驗 Experiment on Circuit Analysis
電路和電子技術 Circuit and Electronic Technique
電路理論 Theory of Circuit
電路理論基礎 Fundamental Theory of Circuit
電路理論實驗 Experiments in Theory of Circuct
電路設計與測試技術 Circuit Designing &Measurement Technology
電器學 Electrical Appliances
電器與控制 Electrical Appliances &Control
電氣控制技術 Electrical Control Technology
電視接收技術 Television Reception Technology
電視節目 Television Porgrams
電視節目製作 Television Porgram Designing
電視新技術 New Television Technology
電視原理 Principles of Television
電網調度自動化 Automation of Electric Network Management
電影藝術 Art of Film Making
電站微機檢測控制 Computerized Measurement &Control of Power Statio
電子材料與元件測試技術 Measuring Technology of Electronic Material and Element
電子材料元件 Electronic Material and Element
電子材料元件測量 Electronic Material and Element Measurement
電子測量與實驗技術 Technology of Electronic Measurement &Experiment
電子測試 Electronic Testing
電子測試技術 Electronic Testing Technology
電子測試技術與實驗 Electronic Testing Technology &Experiment
電子機械運動控制技術 Technology of Electronic Mechanic Movement Control
電子技術 Technology of Electronics
電子技術腐蝕測試中的應用 Application of Electronic Technology in Erosion Measu
rement 電子技術基礎 Basic Electronic Technology
電子技術基礎與實驗 Basic Electronic Technology &Experiment
電子技術課程設計 Course Exercise in Electronic Technology
電子技術實驗 Experiment in Electronic Technology
電子理論實驗 Experiment in Electronic Theory
電子顯微分析 Electronic Micro-Analysis
電子顯微鏡 Electronic Microscope
電子線路 Electronic Circuit
電子線路設計與測試技術 Electronic Circuit Design &Measurement Technology
電子線路實驗 Experiment in Electronic Circuit
電子照相技術 Electronic Photographing Technology
雕塑藝術欣賞 Appreciation of Sculptural Art
調節裝置 Regulation Equipment
動態規劃 Dynamic Programming
動態無損檢測 Dynamic Non-Destruction Measurement
動態信號分析與儀器 Dynamic Signal Analysis &Apparatus
鍛壓工藝 Forging Technology
鍛壓機械液壓傳動 Hydraulic Transmission in Forging Machinery
鍛壓加熱設備 Forging Heating Equipment
鍛壓設備專題 Lectures on Forging Press Equipments
鍛壓系統動力學 Dynamics of Forging System
鍛造工藝 Forging Technology
斷裂力學 Fracture Mechanics
對外貿易概論 Introction to International Trade
多層網路方法 Multi-Layer Network Technology
多目標優化方法 Multipurpose Optimal Method
多項距陣 Multi-Nominal Matrix
多元統計分析 Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis
發電廠 Power Plant
發電廠電氣部分 Electric Elements of Power Plants
法律基礎 Fundamentals of Law
法學概論 An Introction to Science of Law
法學基礎 Fundamentals of Science of Law
翻譯 Translation
翻譯理論與技巧 Theory &Skills of Translation
泛函分析 Functional Analysis
房屋建築學 Architectural Design &Construction
非電量測量 Non-Electricity Measurement
非金屬材料 Non-Metal Materials
非線性采樣系統 Non-Linear Sampling System
非線性光學 Non-Linear Optics
非線性規劃 Non-Linear Programming
非線性振盪 Non-Linear Ocsillation
非線性振動 Non-Linear Vibration
沸騰燃燒 Boiling Combustion
分析化學 Analytical Chemistry
分析化學實驗 Analytical Chemistry Experiment
分析力學 Analytical Mechanics
風機調節 Fan Regulation
風機調節.使用.運轉 Regulation,Application &Operation of Fans
風機三元流動理論與設計 Tri-Variate Movement Theory &Design of Fans
風能利用 Wind Power Utilization
腐蝕電化學實驗 Experiment in Erosive Electrochemistry
復變函數 Complex Variables Functions
復變函數與積分變換 Functions of Complex Variables &Integral Transformation
復合材料力學 Compound Material Mechanics
傅里葉光學 Fourier Optics
概率論 Probability Theory
概率論與數理統計 Probability Theory &Mathematical Statistics
概率論與隨機過程 Probability Theory &Stochastic Process
鋼筆畫 Pen Drawing
鋼的熱處理 Heat-Treatment of Steel
鋼結構 Steel Structure
鋼筋混凝土 Reinforced Concrete
鋼筋混凝土及磚石結構 Reinforced Concrete &Brick Structure
鋼砼結構 Reinforced Concrete Structure
高層建築基礎設計 Designing bases of High Rising Buildings
高層建築結構設計 Designing Structures of High Rising Buildings
高等材料力學 Advanced Material Mechanics
高等代數 Advanced Algebra
高等教育管理 Higher Ecation Management
高等教育史 History of Higher Ecation
高等教育學 Higher Ecation
高等數學 Advanced Mathematics
高電壓技術 High-Voltage Technology
高電壓測試技術 High-Voltage Test Technology
高分子材料 High Polymer Material
高分子材料及加工 High Polymer Material &Porcessing
高分子化學 High Polymer Chemistry
高分子化學實驗 High Polymer Chemistry Experiment
高分子物理 High Polymer Physics
高分子物理實驗 High Polymer Physics Experiment
高級英語聽說 Advanced English Listening &Speaking
高能密束焊 High Energy-Dense Beam Welding
高頻電路 High-Frenquency Circuit
高頻電子技術 High-Frenquency Electronic Technology
高頻電子線路 High-Frenquency Electronic Circuit
高壓測量技術 High-Voltage Measurement Technology
高壓測試技術 High-Voltage Testing Technology
高壓電場的數值計算 Numerical Calculation in High-Voltage Electronic Field
高壓電器 High-Voltage Electrical Appliances
高壓絕緣 High-Voltage Insulation
高壓實驗 High-Voltage Experimentation
高壓試驗技術 High-Voltage Experimentation Technology
工程材料的力學性能測試 Mechanic Testing of Engineering Materials
工程材料及熱處理 Engineering Material and Heat Treatment
工程材料學 Engineering Materials
工程測量 Engineering Surveying
工程測試技術 Engineering Testing Technique
工程測試實驗 Experiment on Engineering Testing
工程測試信息 Information of Engineering Testing
工程動力學 Engineering Dynamics
工程概論 Introction to Engineering
工程概預算 Project Budget
工程經濟學 Engineering Economics
工程靜力學 Engineering Statics
工程力學 Engineering Mechanics
工程熱力學 Engineering Thermodynamics
工程項目評估 Engineering Project Evaluation
工程優化方法 Engineering Optimizational Method
工程運動學 Engineering Kinematics
工程造價管理 Engineering Cost Management
工程制圖 Graphing of Engineering
工業分析 Instrial Analysis
工業鍋爐 Instrial Boiler
工業會計學 Instrial Accounting
工業機器人 Instrial Robot
工業技術基礎 Basic Instrial Technology
工業建築設計原理 Principles of Instrial Building Design
工業經濟理論 Instrial Economic Theory
工業經濟學 Instrial Economics
工業企業財務管理 Instrial Enterprise Financial Management
工業企業財務會計 Accounting in Instrial Enterprises
工業企業管理 Instrial Enterprise Management
工業企業經營管理 Instrial Enterprise Adminstrative Management
工業社會學 Instrial Sociology
工業心理學 Instrial Psychology
工業窯爐 Instrial Stoves
工藝過程自動化 Technics Process Automation
公差 Common Difference
公差技術測量 Technical Measurement with Common Difference
公會計與財務分析 Accountancy &Financial Analysis
會計與設備分析 Accountancy &Equipment Analysis
會計原理及外貿會計 Principles of Accountancy &Foreign Trade Accountancy

㈡ enantiomerically pure 什麼意思英文解釋是什麼


㈢ 求達人幫忙光學方面的專業英語翻譯

The critical aspect in the lens design phase(鏡片的設計階段) is the local control of the geometric curvature(幾何曲率), as both the tolerance(公差) on the optical parameters(光學參數) and the relevant curvature(曲率) path, e to functional and technological requirements, are imposed.

因為光學功能上及技術上的必要性, 鏡片的設計關鍵是其幾何曲面度的局部控制; 對其光學參數與適當曲面紋路的誤差均須嚴格加以注意執行.

㈣ 化工專業課的課程用英語怎麼說

無機化學Inorganic Chemistry
有機化學Organic Chemistry
物理化學Physical Chemistry
化工原理Principles of Chemical Engineering
分析化學Analytical Chemistry
有機分析Organic Analysis
工業分析Instry Analysis
電化學分析Electrochemical analysis
光化學分析Photochemical analysis

㈤ 求達人幫忙光學方面的專業英語翻譯(生詞已註明)

Namba et al.說明了除光學玻璃外的通過打磨的表面紋理是由工具的晶粒大小及每轉走刀量決定的。最後一個參數在硬性加工中巨大,在脆性加工過程中微小。Zhong和Venkatesh已經對晶粒尺寸的作用做了進一步的研究。另外,他們後來分析了切削深度的基本效應,Bifano et al已對這個基本效應加以觀察和模擬。

㈥ 高分求光學專業英語翻譯

As a very important phenomenon in optics,diffraction is widely used in modern technology and economic life. Based on the characteristics of Fraunhofer diffraction, the light intensity distribution formulas of Fraunhofer diffraction for both rectangular and circular apertures are obtained. Simulation results of diffractive light intensity distributions and corresponding patterns for both rectangular and circular apertures are presented by the software of Matlab. The influences of several key parameters, such as the size of the aperture, the wavelength and the focal length are discussed for special. In addition, GUI software is also obtained based on Matlab, which ensures us to get diffraction results for different apertures quickly. Besides, the simulation results are quite in accordance with the experiment results. Conclusion is that a convenient method, which is a good attempt to combine experimental process with software simulation and can greatly rece the cost and improve the efficiency is obtained.

㈦ 急求一些關於光學專用名詞的英文翻譯~

Beam quality
Laser field
Optical System
Beam transmission transform
Gaussian beam parameters of the Characteristic
Laser spot radius
Divergence angle
Energy distribution parameters

㈧ 專業英語翻譯 光學




希望能幫到忙! :) 歡迎追問哦!

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碳氫化合物不完全燃燒化石燃料在汽車和爐;蒸發的工業溶劑和漏油;煙草煙霧;森林火災;植物衰變(約85 %的排放量)
( SO2和SO3的)燃燒硫含煤和石油在家裡,產業,及發電廠;冶煉硫含礦; vocanic爆發
化合物的開采;工業生產過程; coalburning ;汽車尾氣


二氧化硫( SO 2 )化學工業;煉油





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