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⑴ Hell!是什麼意思

Hell做名詞是地獄的意思。用在口語里一般是罵人話。表示「該死」,「 見鬼」。

⑵ hell是什麼意思

hell [hel]
/ hel; hɛl/ n
[sing] (without a or the 不與a或the連用) place believed in some religions to be the home of devils and of wicked people after death 地獄.
[U, C] state or place of great suffering or wickedness; very unpleasant experience 苦痛的境況; 受苦受難的地方; 極不愉快的經歷: suffer hell on earth 受人間地獄之苦 * She made his life (a) hell. 她使他活受罪. * The journey was absolute hell. 一路上吃盡了苦頭.
[U] (infml 口) (used as an exclamation of annoyance or surprise or for emphasis 用作感嘆詞, 表示惱怒或驚訝, 或用以加強語氣): Oh hell, I've broken it! 啊, 真倒霉, 我把它弄壞了! * Bloody hell! 真該死! * Oh go to hell! 見鬼去吧! * Who the hell is he? 他究竟是誰? * What the hell (ie It doesn't matter), I can go tomorrow instead. 沒關系, 我可以改在明天去.
(idm 習語) a/one hell of a... (also ahelluva / ˈheləvə; ˋhɛləvə/) (sl 俚) (a) (used for emphasis用以加強語氣): one hell of a row, ie a dreadful row 大吵大鬧. (b) very 非常: It's a hell of a long way. 路遠極了. * He's a helluva (nice) guy. 他是個呱呱叫的(好)人. all `hell broke/was let loose suddenly there was great noise and confusion 突然之間鬧翻天. beat/knock hell out of sb/sth (infml 口) hit sb/sth very hard 猛擊某人[某物]. a cat in hell's chance => cat1. for the `hell of it (infml 口) just for fun 僅為取樂: steal a car for the hell of it 為了好玩而偷汽車. give sb `hell (infml 口) scold, punish or harass sb 申斥、 懲罰或騷擾某人: The boss really gave me hell today. 老闆今天著實數落了我一通. * This tooth is giving me hell, ie is very painful. 我這顆牙很疼. hell for `leather as quickly as possible 盡快地: drive, ride, run, etc hell for leather 盡快地駕駛、 騎、 跑等. (come) ,hell or high `water no matter what the difficulties 不管有什麽困難. like a bat out of hell => bat1. like `hell (a) (infml 口) (used for emphasis 用以加強語氣): drive like hell, ie very fast 飛快地駕駛. (b) (sl ironic 俚, 反語) (used before a clause 用於從句前) not at all 絕不: `You can pay.' `Like hell I will (ie I certainly will not)!' 『你可以給錢的.』『我才不給呢! not have a hope in hell => hope n. play hell with sth/sb (infml 口) seriously upset sth/sb 給某事物[某人]造成極大麻煩: That curry is playing hell with my insides! 我吃了咖喱食物, 肚子真不舒服! raise Cain/hell/the roof => raise. the road to hell is paved with good intentions => road. see sb (damned) in `hell first(infml 口) (used when emphatically rejecting a suggestion用於斷然拒絕某項提議時): Lend him money? I'll see him in hell first. 把錢借給他? 絕對不行. there will be/was `hell to pay (infml 口) sb will be/was punished severely 某人將受到[受到了]嚴懲: There'll be hell to pay if we're caught. 我們要是被抓住就有罪受了. to hell with sb/sth damn sb/sth 某人[某事物]該死: To hell with the lot of you, I'll do what I please! 你們全都見鬼去吧, 我愛怎麽著就怎麽著!
> hellish adj
1 of or like hell (似)地獄的.
2 (infml 口) extremely unpleasant 極不愉快的: His schooldays were hellish. 他的學生時代苦不堪言. adv (infml 口) extremely 極端地: hellish expensive 貴得要命. hellishly adv 1 very badly 極惡劣地: be hellishly treated 受到極其惡劣的對待. 2 (infml 口) extremely 極端地: a hellishly difficult problem 極其困難的問題.
# ,hell-`bent adj [pred 作表語] ~ on sth recklessly determined to do sth 不顧一切而要做某事: He seems hell-bent on drinking himself to death. 他拚命喝酒, 似乎連命都不要了.
`hell-cat n spiteful or furious woman 惡婦; 潑婦.

⑶ HELL什麼意思

hell [hel]
n. 地獄;究竟(作加強語氣詞);訓斥;黑暗勢力
vi. 過放盪生活;飛馳
int. 該死;見鬼(表示驚奇、煩惱、厭惡、惱怒、失望等)

⑷ hell中文啥意思

英 [hel] 美 [hɛl]

⑸ hell什麼意思

英 [hel] 美 [hɛl]
第三人稱單數: hells 復數: hells 現在分詞: helling 過去式: helled 過去分詞: helled

Bullies can make your life hell.

⑹ hell是什麼意思急需


⑺ Hell!是什麼意思


hell英 [hel] 美 [hɛl]

n.地獄,陰間; 訓斥; 胡鬧,見鬼; 苦境,罪惡之地;

vi.過放盪生活; (車輛) 急馳,飛馳;

int.該死; 見鬼(表示驚奇、煩惱、厭惡、惱怒、失望等)

[例句]School is a living hell for some children.


[其他]第三人稱單數:hells 復數:hells 現在分詞:helling 過去式:helled 過去分詞:helled

⑻ hell的意思是什麼

hell英 [hel] 美 [hɛl] n.地獄,陰間; 訓斥; 胡鬧,見鬼; 苦境,罪惡之地; vi.過放盪生活; (車輛) 急馳,飛馳; int.該死; 見鬼(表示驚奇、煩惱、厭惡、惱怒、失望等);
[例句]Bullies can make your life hell.恃強欺弱者能讓你的日子像活地獄。
[其他]第三人稱單數:hells 復數:hells 現在分詞:helling 過去式:helled 過去分詞:helled

⑼ hell 英文什麼意思

n. 地獄;究竟(作加強語氣詞);訓斥;黑暗勢力
vi. 過放盪生活;飛馳
int. 該死;見鬼(表示驚奇、煩惱、厭惡、惱怒、失望等)



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