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geographical position

geographical position

❷ 貴州地理位置及環境特徵(英語表達)

Guizhou Province is in the southwest part of the People's Republice of China.The origin of the Zhujiang River is in the Mut Wumeng.There're millions of mountains and people there arekind of poor but honest and hard-working. Guizhou Province is hot and rains a lot in the summur.But it is not cold and dry in the winter.

❸ 請問這個地址 用英語怎麼翻譯 貴州省貴陽市雲岩區貴州大學科技學院南亞路67號 跪求高手解答

Institute of Science and Technology of Guizhou University , No. 67 Nanya Road, Yunyan District , Guiyang City , Guizhou Province, P.R.China


❹ 貴州的地形地貌用英語表達加翻譯

Guizhou mountain landscape belongs to the southwestern China plateau, high in territory west and low in the east, the central north, east, south, at an average altitude of 1100 meters. Guizhou plateau mountain, known as "eight mountain land a monohydrate" said.
The provincial landscape can be summarized into: plateaus, mountains, hills and basins, four fundamental types with 92.5% of the area of mountains and hills. Many within the territory of mountains, mountain ranges, and the mountains are high deep valley. Have dalou mountains in the north and from west to the oblique penetration north, northeast sichuan pass loushanguan 1444 meters high; South-central southeast stand, main leigong mountain is 2178 meters high; Northeast border with wuling mountain by hunan winding in guizhou, main fanjing mountains, 2572 meters high; West tower WuMengShan, belong to the mountains of hezhang county bead city township of Chinese chives ping elevation 2900.6 meters, is expensive

❺ 誰能用英語介紹下貴州,包括location 特產,景點 歷史等等

Guizhou Province, referred to as "Qian" and "expensive" is a beautiful mountains and rivers, climate, resource rich nation a large number of inland mountainous province.
Its name comes from the mountain with your name.
Tang Guizhou Road; Song is Interpreting Road; yuan is Huguang province; next home Guizhou toast,
Is named for the start of Guizhou, Guizhou, administrative commissioner's office after the home; clear change in Guizhou Province, the provincial name has not changed. 貴州省簡稱「黔」和「貴」,是一個山川秀麗、氣候宜人、資源富集、民族眾多的內陸山區省。
是為貴州得名的開始,後置貴州布政使司;清改貴州省,省名至今未變。Guizhou is located in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, between east longitude 103 ° 36 '~ 109 ° 35', latitude 24 ° 37 '~ 29 ° 13' between the east by Hunan, Guangxi, south, west adjoin Yunnan, north Sichuan and Chongqing, something about 595 km north-south distance of about 509 km. The province's total land area of 176,167 square kilometers, accounting for 1.8% of the total area.
Guizhou Plateau in western China landforms are mountains, in the terrain from west to east, from the central north, east, south and tilted on three sides, with an average altitude of 1100 meters. Mostly mountainous Guizhou Plateau, known as "Eight mountains of water a sub-field" theory. The province's landscape can be broadly divided into: Plateau mountains, hills and basins are three basic types, of which 92.5% of the area is mountains and hills. Mountains in large, heavy mountain ranges overlapping peaks, rolling horizon, a high mountain a deep valley. Big Lou northern mountains, from west to northeast slope consistent throughout the north, Sichuan-Guizhou strategic pass Loushanguan 1444 meters high; south-central Miaoling span, 2178 meters high mountain peak leigong; northeastern border with Wuling Mountain by the winds into the Hunan Guizhou, the main peak Fanjingshan 2572 meters high; the western high-rise wumeng shan, belong to this mountain village Hezhang County Pearl City, 2900.6 meters above sea level chives ping, the highest point in Guizhou. The Qiandongnan of Liping County Tsubosato River outlet at a provincial boundary, elevation of 147.8 meters, the lowest point for the territory. Guizhou karst landforms are very typical. Karst (exposed) area of 109,084 square kilometers, accounting for 61.9% of the province's total land area, the distribution of karst in a wide range of morphological types is complete, the geographical distribution of clearly constitutes a special kind of karst ecosystem. 貴州地處雲貴高原,介於東經103°36′~109°35′、北緯24°37′~29°13′之間,東靠湖南,南鄰廣西,西毗雲南,北連四川和重慶,東西長約595千米,南北相距約509千米。全省土地總面積176167平方千米,佔全國總面積的1.8%。
貴州地貌屬於中國西部高原山地,境內地勢西高東低,自中部向北、東、南三面傾斜,平均海拔在1100米左右。貴州高原山地居多,素有「八山一水一分田」之說。全省地貌可概括分為:高原山地、丘陵和盆地三種基本類型,其中92.5%的面積為山地和丘陵。境內山脈眾多,重巒疊峰,綿延縱橫,山高谷深。北部有大婁山,自西向東北斜貫北境,川黔要隘婁山關高 1444米;中南部苗嶺橫亘,主峰雷公山高2178米;東北境有武陵山,由湘蜿蜒入黔,主峰梵凈山高2572米;西部高聳烏蒙山,屬此山脈的赫章縣珠市鄉韭菜坪海拔2900.6米,為貴州境 內最高點。而黔東南州的黎平縣地坪鄉水口河出省界處,海拔為147.8米,為境內最低點。貴州岩溶地貌發育非常典型。喀斯特(出露)面積109084平方千米,佔全省國土總面積的61.9 %,境內岩溶分布范圍廣泛,形態類型齊全,地域分布明顯,構成一種特殊的岩溶生態系統 。Guizhou's climate is warm and humid, subtropical humid monsoon climate. Temperature changes little, cool and pleasant weather. In particular, be liable to a unique climate. In 2002, the provincial capital Guiyang city, the average annual temperature is 14.8 ℃, compared with last year increased 0.3 ℃. From the provincial perspective, usually the coldest month (January) average temperature over the 3 ℃ ~ 6 ℃, higher than in other parts of the same latitude; the hottest month (July) mean temperature is generally 22 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, the typical summer cool area. Precipitation are more significant ring the rainy season, cloudy much less sunshine. In 2002, nine states in the host city of cities, precipitation is at most Xingyi City, 1,480 millimeters; at least the Bijie City of 687.9 millimeters. Affected by the monsoon rainfall are more concentrated in the summer. Generally cloudy days throughout the territory of more than 150 days, annual relative humidity above 70%. Affected by the impacts of atmospheric circulation and topography, climate in Guizhou was diversity, "mountain the season, ten-mile different days." In addition, climate instability, more types of severe weather, drought, autumn, Ling cold, the frequency of large hail, etc., to cause serious harm to agricultural proction. 貴州的氣候溫暖濕潤,屬亞熱帶濕潤季風氣候。氣溫變化小,冬暖夏涼,氣候宜人。特別是氣候獨特的可處。2002 年,省會貴陽市年平均氣溫為14.8℃,比上年提高0.3℃。從全省看,通常最冷月(1月)平均 氣溫多在3℃~6℃,比同緯度其他地區高;最熱月(7月)平均氣溫一般是22℃~25℃,為典型夏涼地區。降水較多,雨季明顯,陰天多,日照少。2002年,9個市州地所在城市中,降水量最多是興義市,為1480毫米;最少的是畢節市,為687.9毫米。受季風影響降水多集中於夏季。境內各地陰天日數一般超過150天,常年相對濕度在70%以上。受大氣環流及地形等影響,貴州氣候呈多樣性,「一山分四季,十里不同天」。另外,氣候不穩定,災害性天氣種類較多,乾旱、秋風、凌凍、冰雹等頻度大,對農業生產危害嚴重。Guizhou soil a total area of 159.1 thousand square kilometers, accounting for 90.4% of the province's land area, the soil is a zone of red soil in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest - yellow soil zone. Large areas of central and eastern part of the moist evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by yellow; southwest of partial dry evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by red soil; the north-west of North Asia hot ingredients with evergreen broad-leaved forest , mostly yellow brown. In addition, there are constrained by the parent rock of the limestone soil and purple soil, and thick bone soil, paddy soil, brown soil, tidal soil, peat soil, swamp soil, coal soil, rocky soil, mountain meadow soil, red clay, the new plot soil and other soil types. For agricultural proction, the amount of soil resources in Guizhou is obviously insufficient, can be used for agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry of the soil accounts for only 83.7% of the total area of the province. 貴州土壤面積共159100平方千米,佔全省土地面積的90.4%,土壤的地帶性屬中亞熱帶常綠闊葉林紅壤—黃壤地帶。中部及東部廣大地區為濕潤性常綠闊葉林帶,以黃壤為主;西南部為偏乾性常綠闊葉林帶,以紅壤為主;西北部為具北亞熱成分的常綠闊葉林帶,多為黃棕壤 。此外,還有受母岩制約的石灰土和紫色土、粗骨土、水稻土、棕壤、潮土、泥炭土、沼澤土、石炭土、石質土、山地草甸土、紅粘土、新積土等土類。對於農業生產而言,貴州土壤 資源數量明顯不足,可用於農、林、牧業的土壤僅佔全省總面積的83.7%。Guizhou, rich vegetation, with significant sub-tropical nature of the composition of a wide range of flora complex composition. The province of vascular plants (excluding bryophytes) a total of 269 subjects, 1655 genera and 6255 kinds (varieties). Flora of tropical and sub-tropical nature of the distinct advantage of geographical elements, such as the pan-tropical distribution of tropical Asia, the Old World tropical distribution of geographical elements account for a large proportion of the temperate nature of the geographical components also exist to varying degrees. In addition, there are more elements unique to China. Due to special geographical location, Guizhou and diverse vegetation types, both types of Chinese subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest vegetation zone, another of the ravine near the tropical nature of the monsoon forest, mountain rain season; both cold-temperate subalpine coniferous forest , another warm coniferous forest of the same place; both a large area of secondary decious broad-leaved forest, there are very limited distribution of valuable decious forest. The spatial distribution of vegetation has shown a clear transition, so that the geographical distribution of various vegetation types overlap each other, intricate, complicated by a variety of vegetation types and diverse portfolio.
貴州植被豐厚,具有明顯的亞熱帶性質,組成種類繁多,區系成分復雜。全省維管束植物( 不含苔蘚植物)共有269科、1655屬、6255種(變種)。植物區系以熱帶及亞熱帶性質的地理成分佔明顯優勢,如泛熱帶分布、熱帶亞洲分布、舊世界熱帶分布等地理成分佔較大比重,溫帶性質的地理成分也不同程度存在。此外,還有較多的中國特有成分。由於特殊的地理位置,貴州植被類型多樣,既有中國亞熱帶型的地帶性植被常綠闊葉林,又有近熱帶性質的溝谷季雨林、山地季雨林;既有寒溫性亞高山針葉林,又有暖性同地針葉林;既有大面積次生的 落葉闊葉林,又有分布極為局限的珍貴落葉林。植被在空間分布上又表現出明顯的過渡性,從而使各種植被類型在地理分布上相互重疊、錯綜,各種植被類型組合變得復雜多樣。Guizhou Province in the Yangtze and Pearl rivers, the upper reaches of the two major river systems cross zone, there are 69 county shelter to protect the Yangtze River area, the Yangtze River, Pearl River upper reaches of the region's major ecological barrier. Soon the terrain from the province's river systems in western, central north, east, south and three sides diversion. Miaoling is the Yangtze River and Pearl River 2 River watershed is north of the Yangtze River drainage area of 115,747 square kilometers, accounting for 65.7% of the province's land area, the main rivers are the Wujiang River, Red River, water Jiang, Hongzhou River, Wuyang He , Jinjiang, Songtao River, songkan River, Kraal River, Yokoe and so on. Miaoling south of the Pearl River is a watershed area of 60420 square kilometers, accounting for 34.3% of the province's land area, the main rivers Nanpanjiang, North Pan River, Red River, are Liujiang, seizing and River. 貴州河流處在長江和珠江兩大水繫上游交錯地帶,有69個縣屬長江防護林保護區范圍,是長江、珠江上游地區的重要生態屏障。全省水系順地勢由西部、中部向北、東、南三面分流。 苗嶺是長江和珠江兩流域的分水嶺,以北屬長江流域,流域面積115747平方千米,佔全省國土面積的65.7%,主要河流有烏江、赤水河、清水江、洪州河、舞陽河、錦江、松桃河、松坎河、牛欄江、橫江等。苗嶺以南屬珠江流域,流域面 積60420平方千米 ,佔全省國土面積的34.3%,主要河流有南盤江、北盤江、紅水河、都柳江、打狗河等。
As a specific geographic location and complex topography, so that Guizhou complex and diverse climatic and ecological conditions, three-dimensional characteristics of agriculture obvious regional agricultural proction, regional strong, suitable for concting the comprehensive development of agriculture as a whole, suitable for the development of specialized Agriculture. 由於特定的地理位置和復雜的地形地貌,使貴州的氣候和生態條件復雜多樣,立體農業特徵明顯,農業生產的地域性、區域性較強,適宜於進行農業的整體綜合開發,適宜於發展特色農業。

❻ 以關於貴州為主題介紹它的地理位置 歷史 文化 天氣寫一篇英語作文加翻譯

Spring, my hometown, green grass and flowers are in bloom. Out of the tree branches, birds singing in the merry. Looking around is the continuous mountains, mountains and rolling hillsides in the spring, as if a domesticated hen the carpet, until the sky. Graceful flowers blossoming in a dotted mountains, attract colorful butterflies; in the depths of the mountain is the terraced rows of shapes, by definition, is the same as the stairs rice; a winding path to article rice into the ever-changing shape, some like crescent

❼ 貴州英語怎麼寫


❽ 貴州的英語單詞怎麼寫


❾ 地理位置的英語怎麼寫

geological location



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