『壹』 《美國國家地理幼兒版》英語怎麼講
"National Geographic Kids"
『貳』 美國國家地理雜志的英文介紹
The National Geographic Magazine, later shortened to National Geographic, is the official journal of the National Geographic Society. It published its first issue in 1888, just nine months after the Society itself was founded. It has become one of the world's best-known magazines and is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow border running around the edge of its cover.
There are 12 monthly issues of National Geographic per year, plus additional map supplements. On rare occasions, special editions are also issued. It contains articles about geography, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography. The current Editor-in-Chief of National Geographic Magazine is the renowned photographer, Chris Johns, who has photographed extensively in Africa. The foreword to Johns' own illustrated book on Africa was written by Nelson Mandela.
Society Executive Vice President John Q. Griffin, and President of the Magazine Group, has overall responsibility for the English language magazines at National Geographic. Terry B. Adamson, Society Executive Vice President who also is the Society's chief legal officer and heads governmental relations, has overall responsibility for the Society's international publications.
With a worldwide circulation in all languages of nearly nine million, more than fifty million people read the magazine every month. In May, 2007, National Geographic magazine won the American Society of Magazine Editors' prestigious General Excellence Award in the over two million circulation category and the best photography award for three issues of the magazine in 2006.
國家地理雜志》(National Geographic Magazine,或簡稱為《國家地理》)是美國國家地理學會的官方雜志,在國家地理學會1888年成立後的9個月開始發行第一期。現在國家地理雜志已經成為世界上最廣為人知的一本雜志,其封面上的亮黃色邊框及月桂紋圖樣已經成為其象徵,同時這些標識也是國家地理雜志的注冊商標。
國家地理雜志每年發行12次(此雜事為月刊),每刊帶有輔助地圖。但偶爾有特版發行則不在此限。雜志的內容包括地理,科普文章,歷史,文化, 實事和照片。
雜志現在的首席主編是著名的攝影記者克里斯•約翰斯(Chris Johns),他曾經拍攝了大量的關於非洲的照片。原南非總統納爾遜•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)曾經為克里斯的書撰寫了前言。約翰•格里芬,美國國家地理學會的行政副總裁和國家地理雜志的主席主要負責本雜志英文版的所有事物。泰瑞•阿達姆森,另一名美國國家地理學會專門負責法律事務和政府公關的行政副總裁主要負責雜志的國際版所有事務。國家地理雜志每個月以各種不同的語言出版9 百萬冊,並擁有超過5百萬的讀者。
『叄』 為什麼國家地理雜志的名稱是National Geographic,而不是National Geography
因為是National Geographic Society辦的。
『肆』 National Geographic音譯
<br>National Geographic《國家地理》
Nāi shēn nōu
Zhēi ō gē ruo fèi k
『伍』 《國家地理》的英文名稱。 National Geographics還是National Geographic
《國家地理》的英文:national geographic
geographic 讀法 英 [dʒɪəˈgræfɪk] 美 [ˌdʒiəˈgræfɪk]
1、geographic information地理信息
2、geographic information system[地]地理信息系統
3、geographic distribution地理分布,地理分配
4、national geographic society(美國)國家地理學會
5、geographic region地理區域
physical 讀法 英 [ˈfɪzɪkl] 美 [ˈfɪzɪkl]
1、physical quality身體素質
2、physical therapyn. 物理治療法
3、physical geography自然地理學
4、physical environment物理環境,實體環境;自然環境
5、physical process物理過程;自理過程
We decided that in the game we would be physical and aggressive.
『陸』 介紹國家地理雜志的英語短文
The National Geographic Magazine,later shortened to National Geographic,is the official journal of the National Geographic Society.It published its first issue in 1888,just nine months after the Society itself was founded.It has become one of the world's best-known magazines and is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow border running around the edge of its cover.國家地理雜志》(National Geographic Magazine,或簡稱為《國家地理》)是美國國家地理學會的官方雜志,在國家地理學會1888年成立後的9個月開始發行第一期.現在國家地理雜志已經成為世界上最廣為人知的一本雜志,其封面上的亮黃色邊框及月桂紋圖樣已經成為其象徵,同時這些標識也是國家地理雜志的注冊商標.
『柒』 《美國國家地理幼兒版》英語怎麼講
National Geographic Kids Readers(或者可以直接簡稱為National Geographic;Readers)圖片來自亞馬遜購買鏈接:https://www.amazon.cn/National-Geographic-Readers-Planets-Carney-Elizabeth/dp/1426310366/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1470568862&sr=8-11&keywords=national+geographicPs.我經常讀國家地理雜志,總是覺得第一文章非常精彩,值得閱讀。後幾篇文章就較為遜色,篇幅也較短,相對不值得閱讀。還有國家地理敘述方式較為人文化。科學一些的話,推薦閱讀科學美國人。
『捌』 《中國國家地理》和美國的 National Geographic 是什麼關系
1.美國國家地理(National Geographic)學會成立於1888年,以「增進並普及地理知識」為宗旨。學會資助了對世界最遠的角落的探索,同時還發行了數百種獲獎的出版物,包括它的旗艦出版物-《國家地理》雜志。美國國家地理學會是世界上最大的非贏利性組織和教育機構之一,它擁有一千萬會員。