導航:首頁 > 地理科目 > 河南的地理位置用英語怎麼說


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㈠ 河南用英文怎麼說

Henan 或Henan Province
Henan在英語中是一個單詞,所以不能寫成HeNan 或He Nan,不少英語愛好者有這樣的疑問,類似的例了有Zhengzhou而不是ZhengZhou或Zheng Zhou.

㈡ 中國有哪些省份用英語描述一下各地的位置。




甘肅省:Gansu is situated on the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in the northwest of china.(甘肅位於中國西北的黃河中上游。)

黑龍江省:Heilongjiang province is located in the northernmost part of northeast China.(黑龍江省位於中國東北地區的最北部。)

吉林省:Jilin province is located in the middle of northeast China, connected with liaoning, Inner Mongolia and heilongjiang, and bordered by Russia and Korea.(吉林省位於中國東北地區中部,與遼寧、內蒙古、黑龍江相連,並與俄羅斯、朝鮮接壤,地處東北亞地理中心位置。)

遼寧省:Liaoning province, located in northeast China, is bounded by latitude 38°43' to 43°26' and longitude 118°53' to 125°46'.(遼寧省位於中國東北,遼寧界於北緯38°43'至43°26',東經118°53'至125°46'之間。)

河北省:Hebei province is located in north China, bounded between 36°05 '-42°40' n latitude and 113°27 '-119°50' e longitude, encircling the capital city Beijing, and bordering tianjin and bohai sea in the east.(河北省位於中國華北地區,界於北緯36°05′-42°40′,東經113°27′-119°50′之間,環抱首都北京,東與天津毗連並緊傍渤海。)

陝西省:Shanxi province is located in the hinterland of China, in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, bordering shanxi and henan in the east, and ningxia and gansu in the west.(陝西省位於中國內陸腹地,黃河中游,東鄰山西、河南,西連寧夏、甘肅。)

山西省:Shanxi Province is located in north China, bounded between 34°34 '-40°44' n latitude and 110°14 '-114°33' e longitude.(山西省位於中國華北,山西界於北緯34°34′-40°44′,東經110°14′-114°33′之間。)

河南省:Henan province is located in central China, bounded by 31°23'-36°22' n latitude and 110°21'-116°39' e longitude.(河南省位於中國中部,河南界於北緯31°23'-36°22',東經110°21'-116°39'之間。)

江蘇省:Jiangsu province is located in the east coast of mainland China, lying between latitude 30°45'-35°20' and longitude 116°18'-121°57'.(江蘇省位於中國大陸東部沿海,江蘇界於北緯30°45'-35°20',東經116°18'-121°57'之間。)

安徽省:Anhui province is located in east China, bounded by 114°54 '-119°37' east longitude and 29°41 '-34°38' north latitude.(安徽省位於中國華東,安徽界於東經114°54′-119°37′,北緯29°41′-34°38′之間。)

四川省:Sichuan province is located in the interior of southwest China, between latitude 26°03 '-34°19' and longitude 97°21 '-108°12'.(四川省位於中國西南地區內陸,界於北緯26°03′-34°19′,東經97°21′-108°12′之間。)

湖北省:Hubei province is located in central China, bordering anhui in the east and chongqing in the west.(湖北省位於中國中部地區,東鄰安徽,西連重慶。)

浙江省:Zhejiang province lies in the southeast coast of China, bounded by 118°01'-123°10' east longitude and 27°02'-31°11' north latitude.(浙江省位於中國東南沿海,浙江界於東經118°01'-123°10',北緯27°02'-31°11'之間。)

福建省:Fujian province is located in the southeast coast of China, bordering zhejiang province in the northeast and jiangxi province in the northwest.(福建省位於中國東南沿海,東北與浙江省毗鄰,西北與江西省接界。)




geographical position

geographical position

㈣ 英語作文proud of henan 河南的地理位置,歷史 人口,名勝,30年來的巨變等



河南省地勢西高東低、北坦南凹,北、西、南三面有太行山、伏牛山、桐柏山、大別山四大山脈環繞,間有陷落盆地, 中部和東部為遼闊的黃淮海沖積大平原。山區丘嶺面積佔44.3%,平原面積佔55.7%。境內有黃河、淮河、衛河、漢水四大水系,其中淮河流域面積佔53%。

河南省屬北亞熱帶與暖溫帶過渡區氣候,具有四季分明、雨熱同期、復雜多樣的特點。南部屬北亞熱帶,全省年平均氣溫為攝氏13至15 度,年平均降水量1120-570毫米。全年無霜期308-275天。

㈤ 河南在中國的哪個方向。用英語回

Henan is in the middle of China.

㈥ 介紹河南的英語作文


Henan Province is a province of the great motherland, located in the central plain of the motherland, is one of the main birthplaces of Chinese civilization.


Henan Province was called Yuzhou in ancient times, also known as "Zhongzhou" and "Zhongyuan".


Henan Province is a major hub connecting the East, West, North and South Railway Transportation of the motherland.


It is rich in wheat and is a famous "big granary" in China.


Yin Ruins, located on the shore of Huan River in Anyang, Henan Province, is the earliest ancient capital site in China.


Outstanding figures and contemporary heroes in the history of Henan Province add luster to his hometown.


Henan, I am proud of you! I'm proud of you!


㈦ 河南地處中原,有黃河長江,是華夏民族的發源地用英語怎麼說啊

Henan is located in the central plains,the Yellow River the Yangtze river,is the birthplace of Chinese nation

㈧ 河南省用英文如何寫

准確寫法是:Henan Province,注意大小寫。



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