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❶ 英語歷史故事作文100詞左右

Handan is a medium-sized city located in the southern part of Hebei Province .It lies at the east foot of Taihang Mountains (太行山), and borders the North China Plain (華北平原) in the east. it is in the communication center of Hebei, Henan , Shanxi and Shandong provinces. Handan has a history of more than 2,500 years, and is considered one of China's historical and cultural cities』. It was the capital of the Zhao Kingdom (趙國) in the Warring States Period (戰國時期). It is also a commercial centre ring the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties (西漢和東漢).There are many renowned historical figures such as the First Emperor of China, Qinshihuang (秦始皇), Emperor Wuling (武靈王) of the Zhao Kingdom, Lian Po (廉頗) and (藺相如), etc
As a notional historical and cultural city, Handan is the hometown of idiom and allusions, There ore over 500 Chinese idioms and allusions derived from Handan including the following typical ones: Riding and shooting in Hu's garbs, carrying rod to ask for punishment(負荊請罪). imitating another without success and losing what used to be own ability(邯鄲學步). As we all know beautiful girls always come from Handan. Xishi, do you know? Yeah, she is the best beautiful girls in ancient china. Her beauty is said to be so extreme, that while leaning over a balcony to look at the fish in the pond. The fish would be so dazzled that they forgot to swim and graally sunk away from the surface. Birds would forget to fly and fall down from the sky, The moon would fade, and flowers would close their petals in shame in comparison to her. (Thus the idiom 沉魚落雁,閉月羞花, which is used to compliment somebody,s beauty). Nowadays, Handan has a very good reputation, It is called an "Excellent Tourism City (優秀旅遊城市)", "National Garden City (國家園林城市)", "National Double-supported Model City (全國雙擁模範城市)", "the Hometown of Idiom and Allusions (成語典故之都)", "the City of Prose (散文之城)" and 「the Cradle of Tai Chi (太極之鄉)". Handan is also approved by the State Council (國務院) with local legislative power. Welcome to Handan and enjoy its beautiful landscape and culture.

idiom and allusions
Riding and shooting in Hu's garbs --(胡服騎射)
Returning the jade intact to the state of Zhao --(完璧歸趙)
The story "The General and the Premier Make Up --- (將相和)".
The carriage return alley Carrying rod to ask for punishment --(負荊請罪)
Imitating another without success and losing what used to be one's own ability --(邯鄲學步) Volunteering one』s service (毛遂自薦);
Relieving the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers (圍魏救趙); No one picks up and pockets anything lost on the road (路不拾遺);
Embracing a woman on his breast, one has no indecent feeling (坐懷不亂); Worth a couple of towns together (價值連城);
When the snipe and the clam grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit (鷸蚌相爭, 漁翁得利);
Burning one's own way to retreat and being determined to fight to the end (破釜沉舟);
The proverbial Lord Ye who claimed to be fond of dragons was in fact mortally afraid of them ( 葉公好龍).

❷ 關於歷史發生的著名事的英語作文100詞

Ban Chao sword pen
Ban Chao was a lofty ambition, do not care about the little things. But at home, filial piety is diligent,
Live always worked hard, not to work for. He be skilled in debate, rough browse many history books. In 62 years (Yong Ping five), Ban Gu was called brother do school book lang.,

班超和母親也隨同班罟到了洛陽。因為家庭貧窮,班超常為官府抄書掙錢來養家。他長期抄寫,勞苦不堪,有一次,他停下的手中的活兒,扔了筆感嘆道:「大丈夫如果沒有更好的志向謀略,也應像昭帝時期的傅介子、武帝時期的張騫那樣,在異地他鄉立下大功,以得到封侯,怎麼能長期地在筆、硯之間忙忙碌碌呢?」旁邊的人都嘲笑他,班超說: 「小子怎麼能了解壯士的志向呢!」
Ban Chao and Kwu class mother with him to Luoyang. Because of family poverty, class for government money to support the family abnormal transcription. He has long copied, pain unbearable, once, he stopped his work, threw the pen sighs: "husband, if there is no better strategy should also be like ambition, Zhao di Fu Jiezi in the period of Emperor Wudi period, such as Zhang Qian, made a great merit in a foreign country, in order to get the monkey, how can long bustling about in pen, between the classmate?" Next to the people laughed at him, Ban Chao said: "he did understand heroes ambition!"

Sun Quan Yu Meng study
At first, Sun Quan to Lu Meng said: "you now occupies an important position, can not learn!" Meng in the army there as an excuse to refuse. Sun Quan said: "I don't want you to study the classical become a doctor? As long as you read widely, see the former things, say many things, where better than me? I often read books, I feel a great harvest." LV Meng began to study. To Lu Su Xun Yang Meng after, with a discussion of the military, very surprised to say: "you are the talent strategy, is no longer the Wu amon!" Lv Meng said: "reading people leave three days, it should be re don't stand out. Eldest brother why so late to change my opinion! " He then meet Lu Meng's mother, for a friend farewell with you.

❸ 寫一篇關於介紹中國的英語作文(從歷史悠久、名勝古跡方面來寫)



China, based on Chinese civilization and Chinese culture, is one of the countries with the longest history in the world. The Chinese people of all ethnic groups have jointly created a splendid culture and a glorious revolutionary tradition.


China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world. Around 5800 years ago, there were signs of the origin of civilization in the Yellow River, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Xiliao River; Around 5300 years ago, all parts of China entered the stage of civilization. After many times of ethnic blending and dynasty changes, the unified situation of a multi-ethnic country was formed.

中國是世界四大文明古國之一。距今5800年前後,黃河、長江中下游以及西遼河等區域出現了文明起源跡象;距今5300年前後,中華大地各地區陸續進入了文明階段。 後歷經多次民族交融和朝代更迭,直至形成多民族國家的大一統局面。

Chinese culture has a long history, broad and profound, gorgeous and colorful. It is the cultural suzerain of the East Asian cultural circle and occupies an important position in the world cultural system. Due to the differences in geographical location and natural conditions, the humanities and economy also have their own characteristics.


Traditional cultural and artistic forms include poetry, opera, calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, etc., while Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival are important traditional festivals in China.


❹ 求一篇「中國歷史」的英語作文,大約60字。 感謝!!!


China,one of the four oldest civilizations in the world,has a written history of 4,000 years and boasts rich cultural relics and historical sites It is the inventor of compass,paper-making,gunpowder and printing The Great.

Wall,Grand Canal and Karez irrigation system are three great ancient engineering projects built 2,000 years ago Now they are the symbols of the rich culture of the Chinese nation China has gone over a long history of primitive.

society,slavery society,feudal society and semi-feudal semi-colonial societyand the present socialist societyCondensed China is an introction to Chinese history.




❺ 關於中國歷史故事的英語作文

Retreating about Thirty Miles as Condition For Peace

During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.), Duke Xian of the State of Jin Killed the crown prince Sheng because he had heard slanders about Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chong Er, Shen Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chonh Er, Shen Sheng's brother. Hearing the news, Chong Er escaped from the state of Jin, remaining a fugitive for more than ten years.

After innumerable hardships, Chong Er arrived at the State of Chu at last. King Cheng of the State of Chu treated him with high respect as he would have treated the ruler of a state, believing that he would have a vright fuure.

One day, King Cheng of the State of Chu gave a banquet in honoudr of Chong Er. Suddenly, amid the harmonious atmosphere of drinking and talking, King Cheng of the State of Chu asked Chong Er. "How will you repay me when you return to the State of Jin and become its ruler one day?" After thinking for a moment, Chong Er said, "You have plenty of beauties and attendants as well as jewelry and silk cloth, and the state of Chu abounds in rare brides and animals. What treasure can the State of Jin boast having to present to your majesty?" King Cheng of the State of Chu said, "You are too modest. Nevertheless, you still have to show your gratitude to me in one way or another, I presume?" Smiling, Chong Er answered, "If I should be fortunate enouge to return to the State of Jin and become its ruler, the State of Jin would be friendly to the State of Chu. If, one day, there should be a war between the two states, I would definitely order my troops to retreat three SHE (one SHE is equivalent to thirty LI. The LI is a Chinese unit of length equivalent to 1/2 kilometre. And, therefore, three SHE is about thirty miles.) as a condition for peace. If, under that condition, you were still not reconciled, I would have to fight with you."

Four years later, as might be expected, Chong Er returned to the State of Jin and became its ruler. He was none other than Duke Wen of the State of Jin famous in ancient Chinese history. Ruled by him, the State of Jin became increasingly powerful.

In the year 533 B.C., the Chu troops and the Jin troops confronted each other in a battle. Faithful to his promise, Duke Wen of the State of Jin ordered his troops to retreat about thirty miles. After retreating, the Jin troops were stationed at Chengpu. Seeing that the Jin troops were retreating, the Chu troops thought that the enemy troops were afraid, and began chasing them. Taking advantage of the Chu troops' arrogance and their talking the Jin troops lightly, the Jin troops concentrated their forces and inflicted a crushing defeat on the Chu troops, thus winning the victory of the battle of Chengpu.

This set phrase, "retreating about thirty miles as a condition for peace," is derived from the Chapter "The Twenty-second Year of Duke Xi" in ZuoZhuan, the famous commentary by Zuo Qiuming on The spring and Autumn Annals. The idea of this set phrase is to give way to somebody in order to avoid a conflict.

❻ 關於歷史事件的簡單的英語作文

Retreating about Thirty Miles as Condition For Peace
During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.), Duke Xian of the State of Jin Killed the crown prince Sheng because he had heard slanders about Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chong Er, Shen Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chonh Er, Shen Sheng's brother. Hearing the news, Chong Er escaped from the state of Jin, remaining a fugitive for more than ten years.
After innumerable hardships, Chong Er arrived at the State of Chu at last. King Cheng of the State of Chu treated him with high respect as he would have treated the ruler of a state, believing that he would have a vright fuure.
One day, King Cheng of the State of Chu gave a banquet in honoudr of Chong Er. Suddenly, amid the harmonious atmosphere of drinking and talking, King Cheng of the State of Chu asked Chong Er. "How will you repay me when you return to the State of Jin and become its ruler one day?" After thinking for a moment, Chong Er said, "You have plenty of beauties and attendants as well as jewelry and silk cloth, and the state of Chu abounds in rare brides and animals. What treasure can the State of Jin boast having to present to your majesty?" King Cheng of the State of Chu said, "You are too modest. Nevertheless, you still have to show your gratitude to me in one way or another, I presume?" Smiling, Chong Er answered, "If I should be fortunate enouge to return to the State of Jin and become its ruler, the State of Jin would be friendly to the State of Chu. If, one day, there should be a war between the two states, I would definitely order my troops to retreat three SHE (one SHE is equivalent to thirty LI. The LI is a Chinese unit of length equivalent to 1/2 kilometre. And, therefore, three SHE is about thirty miles.) as a condition for peace. If, under that condition, you were still not reconciled, I would have to fight with you."

❼ 用英語寫一個中國歷史上的故事。


Wince: the spring and autumn period, jin strife and offer the son of jin ChongEr male fled to chu. ChuCheng king shelter and feasted him, as he promised JinChu war jin will wince (a shekel for three miles). Later in ChongEr QinMu male under the help of the ruling. Return to jin Jin support 475-221 B.C. and chu conflict, the two armies in the city which meet, ChongEr wince, to lure him deep and win.

❽ 誰知道關於歷史的英語小故事,要短一點的!


China is a great country with a very early civilization and a long and rich history. The compass, gunpowder, the art of paper-making and block printing invented by the ancient Chinese have contributed immensely to the progress of mankind.


The Great Wall, Grand Canal, Museum of Chin Sh Huang's Buried Sculpture Legion and other projects built by the Chinese people are regarded as engineering feats in the world.









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