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❶ 上海作為中國第一大城市是怎樣見證中國歷史演變的痕跡的


❷ 上海發展的主要原因是什麼



❸ 請分析近代的上海迅速發展一躍成為中國最繁華城市的深層原因



所以, 深層原因就是大量的外部投資。




❹ 誰能介紹一下上海歷史的變遷

史前文明[Editor] prehistoric civilization.
上海最早只有西部一帶是陸地,但是這並不妨礙先民們的到來。Shanghai is the first to the western land area, but this will not hinder the arrival of the settlers. 根據現有的考古成果,上海最早的文明是馬家浜文化(距今6000年)。According to the existing archaeological achievements, won the race in Shanghai is the earliest civilized culture (since 6000). 接著是嵩澤文化(據今5500年),2004年春季的青浦嵩澤文化墓葬考古發掘中[1],發現了上海最早的人類遺骸。Followed Songze Culture (According to this 5500), Spring 2004 archaeological excavation of the tombs were Qingpu Songze Culture [1]. The earliest human remains found in Shanghai. 然後是良渚文化(距今4200年),它的晚期已經相當發達,以玉器最為著名。Then Liangzhu Culture (since 4200), which has a well-developed advanced to the most famous jade. 馬家浜-嵩澤-良諸文化,有著傳承的關系。Ma won-song Ze-liang various cultures have inheritance relations. 良諸文化已經到了原始社會的晚期。- All culture has advanced to a primitive society. 良渚文化衰亡得很快,衰落原因假說目前主要有:一、洪水說;二、發展受阻或遭受入侵說。Liangzhu culture decline rapidly, the reasons for the decline of the main hypotheses : 1 Flood said. Second, the delay or that the invasion.

最後是馬橋文化(距今3200年)。Finally, Ma culture (since 3200). 這種文化的出土文物較良諸文化相比,數量和質量都下降了,而且文化風格上更加受到閩江流域考古文化以和山東岳石文化(東夷)的影響。This culture of various cultural relics than good compared to a decline in both quantity and quality. Minjiang River valley culture and style have become more archaeological cultures and Shandong Yueshi Culture (Dongyi) impact.

值得注意的是,1999年,專家在松江的考古中發現了廣富林文化,據近期研究[2]這是一個來自中原的人群,大約在距今4000年前到達了太湖流域,並在隨後的幾百年內漸漸融入當地而消失。It is worth noting that in 1999, the experts found in a wide Address Songjiang archaeological culture, according to a recent study [2] This is from China's population, since about 4000 before arriving in the Taihu Lake Basin, and local integration in the next several years and graally disappear.

相關年代參考:夏(距今約4100年-3700年);商:(距今約3700年-3150年);西周:(距今約3150年-2850年)Reference : age-related summer (or about 4100 -3700); Business : (or about 3700 -3150); : Western Zhou Dynasty (3150 -2850, or about)

[編輯]東周至唐[Editor broke his arrest]
上海春秋屬吳,越滅吳,轉屬越。Shanghai Chunqiu is Miss Vietnam Miewu, transfer to Vietnam. 戰國,楚滅越,又入楚。Warring States, more about defense and into the clear. 楚國時,上海在內的江南一帶又成為了戰國四公子之一的春申君黃歇的封地,據說上海的另稱「申城」,就是源自春申君的「申」字。Chu, the Shanghai Jiangnan area has become one of the Warring States in the fourth son of the manor Chunshenjun Huang Michigan. Another reportedly said Shanghai "Shanghai" is derived from Chunshenjun "bid."

秦在今天的上海西南地區置海鹽縣。Qin Haiyan home in the southwestern region of Shanghai.

[編輯]宋元[Editor] Song and Yuan Dynasties

[編輯]明[Editor] tomorrow
主條目:上海歷史 (明朝)Main entries : Shanghai history (Ming)

[編輯]清朝初期[Editor] early Qing Dynasty
主條目:上海歷史 (清朝初期)Main entries : Shanghai history (the early Qing Dynasty)

[編輯]晚清時期Late Qing [editor]

[編輯]鴉片戰爭[Editor] Opium War
1842年8月29日,中英《南京條約》在南京簽訂,規定除原有的廣州口岸外,新開辟上海、寧波、福州、廈門四處為對外通商口岸(簡稱「五口通商」),供英國僑民前去居住、經商。August 29, 1842, the Sino-British "Nanjing Treaty," signed in Nanjing, Guangzhou, in addition to the original port, the newly opened Shanghai, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen everywhere external port ( "Five 1842-1858") paying for British nationals living and doing business.

[編輯]開埠初期(1853年以前)[Editor] early days (before 1853)
主條目:上海歷史 (晚清時期)Main entries : Shanghai history (the late Qing Dynasty)
上海開埠:1843年11月17日,首任英國駐滬領事巴富爾抵達上海到任,標志上海正式開埠。Shanghai city : November 17, 1843, the first British consul in Shanghai, arrived in Shanghai Baffour arrival Shanghai city official signs. 當年從廣東來了最早的一批英國洋行:怡和洋行、寶順洋行、和記洋行等,他們發現上海是五口中最靠近絲綢和茶葉產地的一個港口,看好它的發展前景。Guangdong to their first year of British firms : Jardine Matheson group of close-knit family firms, and firms in mind. They discovered that Shanghai is five silk and tea closest to the mouth of the port of origin, it is optimistic about the development prospects. 劃給他們經商居住的地段是縣城以北黃浦江西岸,從洋涇浜(延安東路)向北到李家莊(北京東路)的一片荒灘——外灘,不久,沿著江邊供纖夫拉纖的泥濘的道路旁,建成了最初的一批洋行建築,一般為2層外廊式建築。The lots, zoned for their business or residence Huangpu River north of the West Bank town. From Pidgin (Huangpu) north of Lijiazhuang (Beijing East Road), a piece of wasteland -- the Bund and soon. MFA MFA Gohitafla the mud along the riverbanks for the road, and built the first batch of construction firms, the general architecture for the two floors Gallery. 李家莊以北到蘇州河的地塊上則建起了英國領事館。Lijiazhuang north of the Suzhou Creek were built on land at the British Consulate. 1843年,也有倫敦會的英國傳教士進入上海。1843, London's British missionaries in Shanghai.
英租界:中國方面希望根據以往的慣例,實行華洋隔離居住的政策,於是在1845年11月29日,由上海道台和英國駐滬領事共同商定了第一次土地章程(也稱「地皮章程」)。Britain : China hopes that the concession in accordance with previous practice, implementing the policy expatriates living in isolation, so in 1845 November 29, Road from Shanghai to Taiwan and the United Kingdom agreed in Shanghai consular the first charter land (also known as "land charter"). 這份土地章程被視為上海租界存在和運作的依據法理。This land Constitution as a legal basis for the existence and functioning of the Shanghai concession. 次年,在上海的英國僑民成立了自治機構——道路碼頭委員會,並修築界路(河南中路)以明確租界的西部界限。The following year, the British expatriates in Shanghai set up a self-governing institutions -- Pier Road, Road and the construction sector (Henan midway), a clear concession to the western limit. 上海開埠初期,英租界內嚴格實行華洋分居,界內只有少數世居此地的中國農民,英美等外國僑民約300人。Shanghai early days, the British concession strictly along with her profession whose family has lived here only a few Chinese farmers About 300 British and other foreign nationals. 界內修築成方格形的道路網。The construction sector into a box-shaped road network.
青浦教案與英租界的第一次擴展:1848年,倫敦會的英國傳教士前往青浦縣傳教,引起糾紛。Qingpu templates with the first expansion of the British concession in 1848 : London, the British missionaries to preach in Qingpu County, disputes. 作為補償,11月27日,英租界第一次擴充,西界從界路(河南中路)擴充至周涇浜(今西藏路),面積也相應擴展到2800多畝。As compensation, November 27, the first British concession expansion instry sector from the West Road (Henan midway) expansion heaven Analyzing Pidgin (the Tibet road), there has been a corresponding expansion of the area of 2,800 mu.
美國人進入上海:1844年,中美《望廈條約》簽訂,內容參照了中英《南京條約》。Americans in Shanghai : 1844, the United States signed the "Wangxia Treaty", a reference to the contents of the Sino-British "Nanjing Treaty." 此後,美國的傳教士和商人也開始前來上海。Subsequently, the United States began the missionaries and businessmen have come to Shanghai. 19世紀美國在上海最著名的商業機構是旗昌洋行。19th century American flag in Shanghai is the most famous commercial Edward Keller. 由於傳教士的目的是向中國居民傳教,所以他們並不聚居在租界,而是分散居住在縣城的各個角落。Since the purpose of missionaries to preach to the Chinese people, they do not live in the concession. Instead, scattered in every corner of town. 1848年,上海地方官府同意美國聖公會主教文惠廉的請求,允許美國僑民在虹口開辟租界,但並未正式劃定界限。1848, a local government, the United States agreed to the request of the Anglican Bishop William, Hongkou nationals in the United States be allowed to open up concessions, but not formally demarcated. 上海開埠初期,虹口美國租界由於有蘇州河的阻隔,甚為荒涼,只在江邊建成少數的船塢、碼頭,和為水手們服務的娛樂場所。Shanghai early days, Hongkou concession because the United States cut off the Suzhou River, very bleak, only a handful of shipyards built in the riverside. Terminal services and entertainment for our sailors.
開辟法租界:1844年10月,中法《黃埔條約》簽訂。: French concession opened in October 1844, France signed the "Treaty of Whampoa". 1848年,法國領事開始駐紮上海。1848, the French Consulate General in Shanghai began stationed. 1849年4月6日,上海道台宣布將緊鄰縣城北門外,北到洋涇浜的986畝土地辟為法租界。April 6, 1849, Shanghai, Taiwan announced that it will close County Road North outside, Pidgin north to the 986 acres of land into the French concession. 不過,法國來華經商的商人始終寥寥可數。However, the French businessmen doing business in China has very few. 因此,開埠初期的法租界雖然擁有良好的區位條件,卻幾乎沒有什麼開發。Therefore, although the French concession of the early days to have a good geographic conditions, but almost no development. 只在江邊有一兩個法國的洋行,法國領事館寄居在天主教會的一處中國式平房內(四川南路),縣城北門外的小街上(河南南路)有兩排中國人的房屋。In France, the bank has only 12 firms. French Consulate housed in a Chinese-style cottage in the Catholic Church (Sichuan South). North streets outside the small town (Henan South) two rows of Chinese housing. 其他地方則仍然保持著鄉村本色。Elsewhere, still maintains a rural character.
開辟徐家匯教會區:與之相比,來自法國的天主教傳教機構則顯得相當龐大。Open Xujiahui Church : compared with the French Catholic missionary organization is substantial. 耶穌會早在上海開埠之前的1842年,就已經秘密潛入上海附近的鄉村。Before long history of the Jesuits in 1842 in Shanghai, Shanghai had secretly infiltrated into the nearby villages. 1847年,他們選中上海郊外的村莊徐家匯建立江南傳教區的總部,此後在附近地段陸續建成包括大、小男修道院,2所女修道院(拯亡會和聖衣會),藏書樓,氣象台,土山灣印書館,男子中學,女子中學,育嬰堂等數十個教會機構,形成一大片教會區。In 1847, they selected villages in the suburbs of Shanghai Jiangnan establishment of the Missionaries of Xujiahui District Headquarters After coming on in the vicinity, including large lots, small abbot, 2 Convent (Democratic People's death and Sheng Yi). Library, weather, soil Gulf Yinshuguan men School, School, who bestowed dozens of churches and other institutions. the formation of a large metropolitan area. 以此為基地,將教務開展到江蘇、安徽2省。As a base to carry out academic Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces. 1851年建立了一座公用的中型教堂聖依納爵座堂,外形屬於希臘風格,可能是中國第一所西式教堂。1851 establishing a common medium according to the church of St. Ignatius Cathedral, shape belonging to the Greek style, China may be the first Western churches. 教堂以耶穌會的創始人依納爵命名。Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ according to Ignatius named. [1][1]

[編輯]上海租界形成國中之國[Editor] Shanghai Concessions formed a country within a country
小刀會起義:1853年9月7日,活躍於廣東和福建籍水手中間的秘密會社小刀會發動起義,佔領上海縣城,燒毀了上海縣衙和海關等處,殺了上海知縣,囚禁了上海道台。Dagger Society Uprising : September 7, 1853, which is active in Guangdong and Fujian sailors will be among the secret clubs knife staged an uprising Shanghai occupied town, and discusses the burning of the Shanghai Customs and other places, killing a county magistrate in Shanghai, the Shanghai Road imprisoned Taiwan. 1855年2月17日,小刀會退出上海縣城。February 17, 1855, will withdraw from the Shanghai Dagger county.
泥城之戰:1853年3月,太平天國佔領南京。Nicheng war : in March 1853, Taiping occupation of Nanjing. 4月12日,上海租界內的外國人迅速做出反應。April 12, the Shanghai Concessions and the foreigners to make a quick response. 在英、法、美三國領事的倡導下,召開上海租地西人大會,通過由僑民組織義勇隊(上海商團)的決議,實行武裝中立,以維護租界的安全。In Britain, France and the United States Consul's proposal, the General Assembly held in Shanghai rent to the West. Australia, through the Righteous Force (Shanghai commercial) resolutions, armed neutrality, in order to protect the safety of concessions. 1854年4月4日,清軍企圖通過租界進攻佔領縣城的小刀會起義軍,義勇隊在英、美海軍的協助下以武力強行阻止清軍過界,史稱泥城之戰。April 4, 1854, the Qing militaries through concession will rebel army knife attack in the occupied town, Militia in England, with the assistance of the United States Navy to forcibly prevent cross-boundary enormous arms, which have been called Nicheng war.
工部局成立:1854年7月11日,上海外國租地人舉行大會,通過第二次土地章程,成立獨立的市政機構——工部局,建立警察武裝。Instry Bureau : July 11, 1854, the Shanghai Foreign rent to the General Assembly held by the second land charter -- Instry Services Bureau to set up an independent body to establish armed police.
太平天國東進對上海的影響:1860年8月17日,太平天國軍隊首次攻打上海。Taiping eastern Shanghai : August 17, 1860, the first attack on the Taiping army in Shanghai. 1862年1月11日,太平天國軍隊第二次攻打上海。January 11, 1862, the second attack on the Taiping army in Shanghai. 1862年8月 太平天國起義軍第三次攻打上海。August 1862 attack on the Third Army Taiping Rebellion Shanghai.
法租界自設公董局:1862年5月1日 上海法租界公董局成立 為了保全上海法租界的獨立性,法國駐滬領事愛棠宣布法租界退出工部局,代之以上海法租界公董局。Since the French concession corporation board : May 1, 1862 km board the French concession of Shanghai, the French concession of Shanghai, established to preserve the independence, France announced in the French concession of Shanghai consular love-from the Instry Council and replace it with the French concession of Shanghai, the public board.
英美租界合並:1862年11月,在滬外國商人提出將上海開辟為自由市的計劃,不受制於任何國家。Concession merger in November 1862 : Britain and the United States, foreign businessmen in Shanghai will be opened for free city of Shanghai, not subject to any other country. 此項計劃由各國領事報呈各國駐中國的公使,最後被各國公使以不得干涉中國內政為由駁回。This was reported by the consulates of the countries in the Chinese saying goes, the last countries not to interfere in China's internal affairs minister rejected on the grounds. 1863年9月21日,美租界與英租界正式宣布合並。September 21, 1863, the United States formally announced a joint concession with the British Concession.
1864年5月1日 《上海會審公廨》成立。May 1, 1864 "Shanghai official site examination" set up. 1869年,洋涇浜設官會審章程公布。1869, Pidgin official examination set by statute.

[編輯]租界的初步繁榮[Editor] concession of prosperity
從1860年以後,上海開始進入初步繁榮的時期。From 1860, Shanghai has begun to enter the initial period of prosperity. 隨著長江和北方沿海口岸向外商的開放,上海地處長江口、居中國南北海岸線中點的區位優勢日益明顯,更多的外商——以英國商人為主,其次是美國商人,後來又加上歐洲大陸普魯士、丹麥、荷蘭、瑞典、比利時等國的商人,以及1871年以後的日本商人,都紛紛選擇上海作為他們在中國的貿易基地,並設立了領事館。With the Yangtze River and the northern coast ports open to foreign companies, Shanghai is located in Jiangkou. Habitat midpoint of the coastline north and south China's increasingly obvious geographical advantages, and more foreign businessmen -- Britain, Second, American businessman, then add the European continent Prussia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and other countries, businessmen, Japanese businessman in 1871 and beyond, they have chosen Shanghai as the base for trade with China. and the establishment of a consulate. 在這一時期來滬最著名的外商機構,如英資太古洋行。In this period, Shanghai's most famous foreign bodies, such as the British-owned Swire.

[編輯]19世紀末20世紀初的重要轉折[Editor] an important turning point in the late 19th century and early 20th century
甲午戰爭:1894年,中日甲午戰爭爆發,上海形勢也趨於緊張,礙於各國在上海的勢力,日本暫對外宣布上海為中立區域,並許諾不將戰火蔓延到上海。Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 : in 1894, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, the situation has become more tense in Shanghai, e to the forces of countries in Shanghai. Japan announced temporary Shanghai as a neutral region, and promised not to spread the flames of war to Shanghai. 根據戰後的馬關條約,外國人可以在中國開辦工廠。According to the 1995 war, foreigners setting up factories in China. 此後,上海迅速發展成中國最大的工業中心。Since then, rapid growth as Shanghai, China's largest instrial center.
1899年公共租界大擴展:1893年 上海美租界正式劃定1899 : the rapid expansion of the concession area in Shanghai in 1893 designated the U.S. Concessions
1900年法租界擴展:1900 : French concession extension
義和團運動期間:1900年8月17日 上海進入警備 年初爆發了義和團運動,影響不斷擴大,在上海的外國勢力開始組織自己的防禦力量。During the Boxer Rebellion : August 17, 1900 the Boxer Rebellion broke out early into the Guard, continuously expanded, In Shanghai's foreign forces to organize their own defense force.

[編輯]中外沖突事件[Editor foreign conflicts]
四明公所事件:十九世紀七十年代後,上海法租界的發展日趨加快,對土地的需求劇增,四明公所位於法租界的邊緣地段,是旅滬寧波人的同鄉會兼公墳。Four events : the 19th century Ming Hall 1970s, accelerated development in the French concession of Shanghai, the surge in demand for land. four lots that hall at the edge of the French concession, the club is in Shanghai and Ningbo Public Cemetery. 1874年 ,法租界認為有礙衛生,計劃將其遷出租界,原址開辟道路,於是強行收繳四明公所的地產,發生暴動,死傷數人,此後築路一事逐擱置。In 1874, that the French concession of health hazards plans to vacate Learning to open the road

❺ 我想了解上海的歷史變遷

史前文明[Editor] prehistoric civilization.
上海最早只有西部一帶是陸地,但是這並不妨礙先民們的到來。Shanghai is the first to the western land area, but this will not hinder the arrival of the settlers. 根據現有的考古成果,上海最早的文明是馬家浜文化(距今6000年)。According to the existing archaeological achievements, won the race in Shanghai is the earliest civilized culture (since 6000). 接著是嵩澤文化(據今5500年),2004年春季的青浦嵩澤文化墓葬考古發掘中[1],發現了上海最早的人類遺骸。Followed Songze Culture (According to this 5500), Spring 2004 archaeological excavation of the tombs were Qingpu Songze Culture [1]. The earliest human remains found in Shanghai. 然後是良渚文化(距今4200年),它的晚期已經相當發達,以玉器最為著名。Then Liangzhu Culture (since 4200), which has a well-developed advanced to the most famous jade. 馬家浜-嵩澤-良諸文化,有著傳承的關系。Ma won-song Ze-liang various cultures have inheritance relations. 良諸文化已經到了原始社會的晚期。- All culture has advanced to a primitive society. 良渚文化衰亡得很快,衰落原因假說目前主要有:一、洪水說;二、發展受阻或遭受入侵說。Liangzhu culture decline rapidly, the reasons for the decline of the main hypotheses : 1 Flood said. Second, the delay or that the invasion.

最後是馬橋文化(距今3200年)。Finally, Ma culture (since 3200). 這種文化的出土文物較良諸文化相比,數量和質量都下降了,而且文化風格上更加受到閩江流域考古文化以和山東岳石文化(東夷)的影響。This culture of various cultural relics than good compared to a decline in both quantity and quality. Minjiang River valley culture and style have become more archaeological cultures and Shandong Yueshi Culture (Dongyi) impact.

值得注意的是,1999年,專家在松江的考古中發現了廣富林文化,據近期研究[2]這是一個來自中原的人群,大約在距今4000年前到達了太湖流域,並在隨後的幾百年內漸漸融入當地而消失。It is worth noting that in 1999, the experts found in a wide Address Songjiang archaeological culture, according to a recent study [2] This is from China's population, since about 4000 before arriving in the Taihu Lake Basin, and local integration in the next several years and graally disappear.

相關年代參考:夏(距今約4100年-3700年);商:(距今約3700年-3150年);西周:(距今約3150年-2850年)Reference : age-related summer (or about 4100 -3700); Business : (or about 3700 -3150); : Western Zhou Dynasty (3150 -2850, or about)

[編輯]東周至唐[Editor broke his arrest]
上海春秋屬吳,越滅吳,轉屬越。Shanghai Chunqiu is Miss Vietnam Miewu, transfer to Vietnam. 戰國,楚滅越,又入楚。Warring States, more about defense and into the clear. 楚國時,上海在內的江南一帶又成為了戰國四公子之一的春申君黃歇的封地,據說上海的另稱「申城」,就是源自春申君的「申」字。Chu, the Shanghai Jiangnan area has become one of the Warring States in the fourth son of the manor Chunshenjun Huang Michigan. Another reportedly said Shanghai "Shanghai" is derived from Chunshenjun "bid."

秦在今天的上海西南地區置海鹽縣。Qin Haiyan home in the southwestern region of Shanghai.

[編輯]宋元[Editor] Song and Yuan Dynasties

[編輯]明[Editor] tomorrow
主條目:上海歷史 (明朝)Main entries : Shanghai history (Ming)

[編輯]清朝初期[Editor] early Qing Dynasty
主條目:上海歷史 (清朝初期)Main entries : Shanghai history (the early Qing Dynasty)

[編輯]晚清時期Late Qing [editor]

[編輯]鴉片戰爭[Editor] Opium War
1842年8月29日,中英《南京條約》在南京簽訂,規定除原有的廣州口岸外,新開辟上海、寧波、福州、廈門四處為對外通商口岸(簡稱「五口通商」),供英國僑民前去居住、經商。August 29, 1842, the Sino-British "Nanjing Treaty," signed in Nanjing, Guangzhou, in addition to the original port, the newly opened Shanghai, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen everywhere external port ( "Five 1842-1858") paying for British nationals living and doing business.

[編輯]開埠初期(1853年以前)[Editor] early days (before 1853)
主條目:上海歷史 (晚清時期)Main entries : Shanghai history (the late Qing Dynasty)
上海開埠:1843年11月17日,首任英國駐滬領事巴富爾抵達上海到任,標志上海正式開埠。Shanghai city : November 17, 1843, the first British consul in Shanghai, arrived in Shanghai Baffour arrival Shanghai city official signs. 當年從廣東來了最早的一批英國洋行:怡和洋行、寶順洋行、和記洋行等,他們發現上海是五口中最靠近絲綢和茶葉產地的一個港口,看好它的發展前景。Guangdong to their first year of British firms : Jardine Matheson group of close-knit family firms, and firms in mind. They discovered that Shanghai is five silk and tea closest to the mouth of the port of origin, it is optimistic about the development prospects. 劃給他們經商居住的地段是縣城以北黃浦江西岸,從洋涇浜(延安東路)向北到李家莊(北京東路)的一片荒灘——外灘,不久,沿著江邊供纖夫拉纖的泥濘的道路旁,建成了最初的一批洋行建築,一般為2層外廊式建築。The lots, zoned for their business or residence Huangpu River north of the West Bank town. From Pidgin (Huangpu) north of Lijiazhuang (Beijing East Road), a piece of wasteland -- the Bund and soon. MFA MFA Gohitafla the mud along the riverbanks for the road, and built the first batch of construction firms, the general architecture for the two floors Gallery. 李家莊以北到蘇州河的地塊上則建起了英國領事館。Lijiazhuang north of the Suzhou Creek were built on land at the British Consulate. 1843年,也有倫敦會的英國傳教士進入上海。1843, London's British missionaries in Shanghai.
英租界:中國方面希望根據以往的慣例,實行華洋隔離居住的政策,於是在1845年11月29日,由上海道台和英國駐滬領事共同商定了第一次土地章程(也稱「地皮章程」)。Britain : China hopes that the concession in accordance with previous practice, implementing the policy expatriates living in isolation, so in 1845 November 29, Road from Shanghai to Taiwan and the United Kingdom agreed in Shanghai consular the first charter land (also known as "land charter"). 這份土地章程被視為上海租界存在和運作的依據法理。This land Constitution as a legal basis for the existence and functioning of the Shanghai concession. 次年,在上海的英國僑民成立了自治機構——道路碼頭委員會,並修築界路(河南中路)以明確租界的西部界限。The following year, the British expatriates in Shanghai set up a self-governing institutions -- Pier Road, Road and the construction sector (Henan midway), a clear concession to the western limit. 上海開埠初期,英租界內嚴格實行華洋分居,界內只有少數世居此地的中國農民,英美等外國僑民約300人。Shanghai early days, the British concession strictly along with her profession whose family has lived here only a few Chinese farmers About 300 British and other foreign nationals. 界內修築成方格形的道路網。The construction sector into a box-shaped road network.
青浦教案與英租界的第一次擴展:1848年,倫敦會的英國傳教士前往青浦縣傳教,引起糾紛。Qingpu templates with the first expansion of the British concession in 1848 : London, the British missionaries to preach in Qingpu County, disputes. 作為補償,11月27日,英租界第一次擴充,西界從界路(河南中路)擴充至周涇浜(今西藏路),面積也相應擴展到2800多畝。As compensation, November 27, the first British concession expansion instry sector from the West Road (Henan midway) expansion heaven Analyzing Pidgin (the Tibet road), there has been a corresponding expansion of the area of 2,800 mu.
美國人進入上海:1844年,中美《望廈條約》簽訂,內容參照了中英《南京條約》。Americans in Shanghai : 1844, the United States signed the "Wangxia Treaty", a reference to the contents of the Sino-British "Nanjing Treaty." 此後,美國的傳教士和商人也開始前來上海。Subsequently, the United States began the missionaries and businessmen have come to Shanghai. 19世紀美國在上海最著名的商業機構是旗昌洋行。19th century American flag in Shanghai is the most famous commercial Edward Keller. 由於傳教士的目的是向中國居民傳教,所以他們並不聚居在租界,而是分散居住在縣城的各個角落。Since the purpose of missionaries to preach to the Chinese people, they do not live in the concession. Instead, scattered in every corner of town. 1848年,上海地方官府同意美國聖公會主教文惠廉的請求,允許美國僑民在虹口開辟租界,但並未正式劃定界限。1848, a local government, the United States agreed to the request of the Anglican Bishop William, Hongkou nationals in the United States be allowed to open up concessions, but not formally demarcated. 上海開埠初期,虹口美國租界由於有蘇州河的阻隔,甚為荒涼,只在江邊建成少數的船塢、碼頭,和為水手們服務的娛樂場所。Shanghai early days, Hongkou concession because the United States cut off the Suzhou River, very bleak, only a handful of shipyards built in the riverside. Terminal services and entertainment for our sailors.
開辟法租界:1844年10月,中法《黃埔條約》簽訂。: French concession opened in October 1844, France signed the "Treaty of Whampoa". 1848年,法國領事開始駐紮上海。1848, the French Consulate General in Shanghai began stationed. 1849年4月6日,上海道台宣布將緊鄰縣城北門外,北到洋涇浜的986畝土地辟為法租界。April 6, 1849, Shanghai, Taiwan announced that it will close County Road North outside, Pidgin north to the 986 acres of land into the French concession. 不過,法國來華經商的商人始終寥寥可數。However, the French businessmen doing business in China has very few. 因此,開埠初期的法租界雖然擁有良好的區位條件,卻幾乎沒有什麼開發。Therefore, although the French concession of the early days to have a good geographic conditions, but almost no development. 只在江邊有一兩個法國的洋行,法國領事館寄居在天主教會的一處中國式平房內(四川南路),縣城北門外的小街上(河南南路)有兩排中國人的房屋。In France, the bank has only 12 firms. French Consulate housed in a Chinese-style cottage in the Catholic Church (Sichuan South). North streets outside the small town (Henan South) two rows of Chinese housing. 其他地方則仍然保持著鄉村本色。Elsewhere, still maintains a rural character.
開辟徐家匯教會區:與之相比,來自法國的天主教傳教機構則顯得相當龐大。Open Xujiahui Church : compared with the French Catholic missionary organization is substantial. 耶穌會早在上海開埠之前的1842年,就已經秘密潛入上海附近的鄉村。Before long history of the Jesuits in 1842 in Shanghai, Shanghai had secretly infiltrated into the nearby villages. 1847年,他們選中上海郊外的村莊徐家匯建立江南傳教區的總部,此後在附近地段陸續建成包括大、小男修道院,2所女修道院(拯亡會和聖衣會),藏書樓,氣象台,土山灣印書館,男子中學,女子中學,育嬰堂等數十個教會機構,形成一大片教會區。In 1847, they selected villages in the suburbs of Shanghai Jiangnan establishment of the Missionaries of Xujiahui District Headquarters After coming on in the vicinity, including large lots, small abbot, 2 Convent (Democratic People's death and Sheng Yi). Library, weather, soil Gulf Yinshuguan men School, School, who bestowed dozens of churches and other institutions. the formation of a large metropolitan area. 以此為基地,將教務開展到江蘇、安徽2省。As a base to carry out academic Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces. 1851年建立了一座公用的中型教堂聖依納爵座堂,外形屬於希臘風格,可能是中國第一所西式教堂。1851 establishing a common medium according to the church of St. Ignatius Cathedral, shape belonging to the Greek style, China may be the first Western churches. 教堂以耶穌會的創始人依納爵命名。Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ according to Ignatius named. [1][1]

[編輯]上海租界形成國中之國[Editor] Shanghai Concessions formed a country within a country
小刀會起義:1853年9月7日,活躍於廣東和福建籍水手中間的秘密會社小刀會發動起義,佔領上海縣城,燒毀了上海縣衙和海關等處,殺了上海知縣,囚禁了上海道台。Dagger Society Uprising : September 7, 1853, which is active in Guangdong and Fujian sailors will be among the secret clubs knife staged an uprising Shanghai occupied town, and discusses the burning of the Shanghai Customs and other places, killing a county magistrate in Shanghai, the Shanghai Road imprisoned Taiwan. 1855年2月17日,小刀會退出上海縣城。February 17, 1855, will withdraw from the Shanghai Dagger county.
泥城之戰:1853年3月,太平天國佔領南京。Nicheng war : in March 1853, Taiping occupation of Nanjing. 4月12日,上海租界內的外國人迅速做出反應。April 12, the Shanghai Concessions and the foreigners to make a quick response. 在英、法、美三國領事的倡導下,召開上海租地西人大會,通過由僑民組織義勇隊(上海商團)的決議,實行武裝中立,以維護租界的安全。In Britain, France and the United States Consul's proposal, the General Assembly held in Shanghai rent to the West. Australia, through the Righteous Force (Shanghai commercial) resolutions, armed neutrality, in order to protect the safety of concessions. 1854年4月4日,清軍企圖通過租界進攻佔領縣城的小刀會起義軍,義勇隊在英、美海軍的協助下以武力強行阻止清軍過界,史稱泥城之戰。April 4, 1854, the Qing militaries through concession will rebel army knife attack in the occupied town, Militia in England, with the assistance of the United States Navy to forcibly prevent cross-boundary enormous arms, which have been called Nicheng war.
工部局成立:1854年7月11日,上海外國租地人舉行大會,通過第二次土地章程,成立獨立的市政機構——工部局,建立警察武裝。Instry Bureau : July 11, 1854, the Shanghai Foreign rent to the General Assembly held by the second land charter -- Instry Services Bureau to set up an independent body to establish armed police.
太平天國東進對上海的影響:1860年8月17日,太平天國軍隊首次攻打上海。Taiping eastern Shanghai : August 17, 1860, the first attack on the Taiping army in Shanghai. 1862年1月11日,太平天國軍隊第二次攻打上海。January 11, 1862, the second attack on the Taiping army in Shanghai. 1862年8月 太平天國起義軍第三次攻打上海。August 1862 attack on the Third Army Taiping Rebellion Shanghai.
法租界自設公董局:1862年5月1日 上海法租界公董局成立 為了保全上海法租界的獨立性,法國駐滬領事愛棠宣布法租界退出工部局,代之以上海法租界公董局。Since the French concession corporation board : May 1, 1862 km board the French concession of Shanghai, the French concession of Shanghai, established to preserve the independence, France announced in the French concession of Shanghai consular love-from the Instry Council and replace it with the French concession of Shanghai, the public board.
英美租界合並:1862年11月,在滬外國商人提出將上海開辟為自由市的計劃,不受制於任何國家。Concession merger in November 1862 : Britain and the United States, foreign businessmen in Shanghai will be opened for free city of Shanghai, not subject to any other country. 此項計劃由各國領事報呈各國駐中國的公使,最後被各國公使以不得干涉中國內政為由駁回。This was reported by the consulates of the countries in the Chinese saying goes, the last countries not to interfere in China's internal affairs minister rejected on the grounds. 1863年9月21日,美租界與英租界正式宣布合並。September 21, 1863, the United States formally announced a joint concession with the British Concession.
1864年5月1日 《上海會審公廨》成立。May 1, 1864 "Shanghai official site examination" set up. 1869年,洋涇浜設官會審章程公布。1869, Pidgin official examination set by statute.

[編輯]租界的初步繁榮[Editor] concession of prosperity
從1860年以後,上海開始進入初步繁榮的時期。From 1860, Shanghai has begun to enter the initial period of prosperity. 隨著長江和北方沿海口岸向外商的開放,上海地處長江口、居中國南北海岸線中點的區位優勢日益明顯,更多的外商——以英國商人為主,其次是美國商人,後來又加上歐洲大陸普魯士、丹麥、荷蘭、瑞典、比利時等國的商人,以及1871年以後的日本商人,都紛紛選擇上海作為他們在中國的貿易基地,並設立了領事館。With the Yangtze River and the northern coast ports open to foreign companies, Shanghai is located in Jiangkou. Habitat midpoint of the coastline north and south China's increasingly obvious geographical advantages, and more foreign businessmen -- Britain, Second, American businessman, then add the European continent Prussia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and other countries, businessmen, Japanese businessman in 1871 and beyond, they have chosen Shanghai as the base for trade with China. and the establishment of a consulate. 在這一時期來滬最著名的外商機構,如英資太古洋行。In this period, Shanghai's most famous foreign bodies, such as the British-owned Swire.

[編輯]19世紀末20世紀初的重要轉折[Editor] an important turning point in the late 19th century and early 20th century
甲午戰爭:1894年,中日甲午戰爭爆發,上海形勢也趨於緊張,礙於各國在上海的勢力,日本暫對外宣布上海為中立區域,並許諾不將戰火蔓延到上海。Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 : in 1894, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, the situation has become more tense in Shanghai, e to the forces of countries in Shanghai. Japan announced temporary Shanghai as a neutral region, and promised not to spread the flames of war to Shanghai. 根據戰後的馬關條約,外國人可以在中國開辦工廠。According to the 1995 war, foreigners setting up factories in China. 此後,上海迅速發展成中國最大的工業中心。Since then, rapid growth as Shanghai, China's largest instrial center.
1899年公共租界大擴展:1893年 上海美租界正式劃定1899 : the rapid expansion of the concession area in Shanghai in 1893 designated the U.S. Concessions
1900年法租界擴展:1900 : French concession extension
義和團運動期間:1900年8月17日 上海進入警備 年初爆發了義和團運動,影響不斷擴大,在上海的外國勢力開始組織自己的防禦力量。During the Boxer Rebellion : August 17, 1900 the Boxer Rebellion broke out early into the Guard, continuously expanded, In Shanghai's foreign forces to organize their own defense force.

[編輯]中外沖突事件[Editor foreign conflicts]
四明公所事件:十九世紀七十年代後,上海法租界的發展日趨加快,對土地的需求劇增,四明公所位於法租界的邊緣地段,是旅滬寧波人的同鄉會兼公墳。Four events : the 19th century Ming Hall 1970s, accelerated development in the French concession of Shanghai, the surge in demand for land. four lots that hall at the edge of the French concession, the club is in Shanghai and Ningbo Public Cemetery. 1874年 ,法租界認為有礙衛生,計劃將其遷出租界,原址開辟道路,於是強行收繳四明公所的地產,發生暴動,死傷數人,此後築路一事逐擱置。In 1874, that the French concession of health hazards plans to vacate Learning to open the road

❻ 上海的演變史





上海話,是一種吳語方言,屬於吳語太湖片蘇滬嘉小吳語上海話片。 上海話一般是指上海市區話,也就是現在被廣泛使用和認同的上海主流通用方言。松江本地話是上海話的基礎。



❼ 上海的歷史和演變簡單概括


❽ 上海的發展史













上海,春秋屬吳國 。戰國先後屬越國、楚國,曾是楚春申君黃歇的封邑。





















































❾ 上海的歷史和演變簡單概括













































❿ 1978到2018,上海浦東,發生巨大變化的原因

1978-2018,在「改革開放」的政策推動下上海浦東發生了翻天覆地的變化,其中有本《浦東視野》的畫冊通過「浦東景」「浦東情」「浦東事」等三章,精心挑選了270餘幅照片,記錄和反映浦東的巨變,分享浦東的成就,浦東的快樂,和作者生為浦東人的那份榮耀。沐浴著中國改革開放40年,尤其是浦東開發開放28 年的春風,從中深切地感到,浦東的每一天都是新的。



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