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『壹』 有哪些適合高中生閱讀的英文原著


『貳』 適合高中生閱讀的英文原著


『叄』 適合中學生閱讀的英文雜志和字典



『肆』 有適合高中生閱讀的英語精美的小短文嗎

Hope is good thing, and good things never die. At the same time, good habit is good thing, since good things never die, once formed and maintained, good habit never fades away, it brings in return good body, good spirit and good knowledge.
I am used to reading English for one hour at least every day, reciting the passages and memorizing the words and phrases, I could speak and write in influent English now, and more than a second language, it』s penentrating everywhere in my life, it's life partner;
I am used to doing exercizes, playing basketball, running, fast-walking, playing badminton, tennis and so on, I have a sound body now, seldom grasped by flus or fevers, thanks to this good habit, besides, I have made acquaintaince with some other people who are doing with the same habit, we talk and learn from each other and make our life large and enriched.
I am used to….
I have a lot of habits which could be named as good, and I do love them and could keep on as besides health, they could bring me something else like friends, fortune and happiness. 希望是件美麗的東西,和良好的事情永遠不會消失。與此同時,好習慣是好東西,因為美好的事物永遠不會死,一旦形成和維持,好習慣永遠不會消逝了,他會給你帶來回報好身體,良好的精神和良好的知識。

『伍』 高分!!請推薦適合高中生看的英語文章或書!


『陸』 給我點英語的文章 帶漢譯的 適合高中生閱讀 這些文章可以用作閱讀 或者是完型的題材

Feeling a little blue? Here are ten fast and easy ways to smile.

1. Exercise 運動
When you exercise, your brain releases a chemical called endorphins. This chemical makes you feel happier. That is just another reason why exercise is good for you.

2. Play outside 外出遊玩
Leave your apartment and go outside. Sun and fresh air are good for you.

3. Breathe 呼吸
If you can』t go to the gym, try taking deep breaths. Breathing deeply will relax your muscles and give you energy.

4. Play Pop Music 演奏流行音樂
Westlife, Backstreet Boys, S.H.E…who doesn』t like a little mindless pop? Listening to upbeat, happy music will make you smile. Singing along won』t hurt either.

5. Laughter is the best medicine 開懷大笑是一劑良葯
Laughing is the best way to improve your mood. Children laugh around 400 times a day. Alts only laugh about 20 times a day. What happened? Be a kid for a day: play games, watch funny movies, or read jokes online.

6. Power of Chocolate 巧克力的力量
Chocolate has special natural chemicals that make you happy. Plus, it tastes so good!

7. Draw 畫畫
Be an artist! Draw, paint, or make something. Even if it is not perfect, being creative relieves stress.

8. Get a dog 養一條小狗
Dogs are cute, energetic, and fun. Plus, studies show that people with pets live longer and people with dogs live the longest!

9. Have a Heart-to-Heart 促膝談心
If something is bothering you, it is a good idea to talk about it. Call a friend or relative. A good chat is great way to feel better fast.

10. Think positive 積極樂觀地考慮問題
Close your eyes and think of a beautiful scene or a time when you were happy and feeling good.

如果要轉載英語文章《Ten Ways to Cheer Up 十種為自己鼓勁的方法》,或者英語文章閱讀網上其他原創英語文章:
請註明出處:英語文章閱讀網 www.noforget.com

『柒』 求幾篇結構完整,內容積極的英語說明文文章,適合高中生閱讀。

Part 6 Noise Pollution 噪音污染

Noise is among the most pervasive pollutants today. Noise from road traffic, jet planes, jet skis, garbage trucks, construction equipment, manufacturing processes, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and boom boxes, to name a few, are among the audible litter that are routinely broadcast into the air.

Noise negatively affects human health and well-being. Problems related to noise include hearing loss, stress, high blood pressure, sleep loss, distraction and lost proctivity, and a general rection in the quality of life and opportunities for tranquillity.

We experience noise in a number of ways. On some occasions, we can be both the cause and the victim of noise, such as when we are operating noisy appliances or equipment. There are also instances when we experience noise generated by others just as people experience second-hand smoke. While in both instances, noises are equally damaging, second-hand noise is more troubling because it has negative impacts on us but is put into the environment by others, without our consent.

Noise pollution is not easily defined. Part of the difficulty lies in the fact that in some ways it is different from other forms of pollution. Noise is transient; once the pollution stops, the environment is free of it. This is not the case for chemicals, sewage, and other pollutants introced into the air, soil, or water.

The definition of noise itself is highly subjective. To some people the roar of an engine is satisfying or thrilling; to others it is an annoyance. Loud music may be enjoyable or a torment, depending on the listener and the circumstances. Broadly speaking, any form of unwelcome sound is noise pollution, whether it is the roar of a jet plane overhead or the sound of a barking dog a block away.

The actual loudness of a sound is only one component of the effect it has on human beings. Other factors that have to be considered are the time and place, the ration, the source of the sound, and whether the listener has any control over it. Most people would not be bothered by the sound of a 21-gun salute on a special occasion. On the other hand, the thump-thump of a neighbour's music at 2 a.m., even if barely audible, could be a major source of stress.

The decibel (dB) (分貝) is a measure of sound intensity; that is, the magnitude of the fluctuations in air pressure caused by sound waves. In fact, an increase of just 3 dB means twice as much sound, and an increase of 10 dB means ten times as much sound.

A sound pressure level of 0 dB represents the threshold of hearing in the most sensitive frequency range of a young, healthy ear, while the thresholds of tickling or painful sensations in the ear occur at about 120 to 130 dB. There is fairly consistent evidence that prolonged exposure to noise levels at or above 80 dB can cause deafness. The amount of deafness depends upon the degree of exposure.

Noise can cause annoyance and frustration as a result of interference, interruption and distraction. Exposure to noise is also associated with a range of possible physical effects including: colds, changes in blood pressure, other cardiovascular changes, increased general medical practice attendance, problems with the digestive system and general fatigue.







『捌』 高中英語閱讀 體裁分析


『玖』 有哪些英文文章是適合高中生閱讀的


『拾』 有哪些英文文章是適合高中生閱讀的

English article is suitable for high school students to read



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