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『壹』 求關於教育的英文論文(帶翻譯)

I』m on the top of the world.我是世界之王。

I』m the best! I』m the greatest! I』m invincible.我是最棒的.我是不可征服的。

I』m ready for any challenge.我已經准備好應付任何挑戰。

idiom; comparison; English; Chinese:

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『貳』 關於教育的英語短文

To many people,ecation is a very important problem.It is known that people who want to make difference(有所作為)almost have ecation,which can help one improve oneself.
In China,student can learn lessons in all kinds of schools,such as primary school(小學),high school, univisity and so on.Students can learn various of subject,such as Chinese,English,Maths and so on.
But I think that the Chinese students are quite tired,expeciall the high student.In order to enter the univisity,they have to spend their most time on study in school.They have enough time to have a good rest in everyday life.Do yo think that we should do something useful to change this situation

對很多人來說,教育是一個很重要problem.it是大家都知道的人,要提出差異(有所作為) ,幾乎都受過教育,可以幫助一個提高自身素質。
在中國,學生可以從中吸取教訓,在所有類型的學校,如小學(小學) ,高中, 大學等可以學習不同的學科,如中文,英文,數學等。
但我認為,中國學生是相當疲憊, 尤其是高中生為了進入大學,他們要花費他們大多數時間在研究和學習.他們有了足夠的時間,才能有一個良好的休息,在日常生活中,我們應該做一些有益的事情,要改變這一狀況

『叄』 用英語寫一篇關於教育問題方面的文章

should students be late for class?
Currently,more and more students from university whose often later for class,leave earlyfore class or stay away from home. That is a phenomenon that we often to know.It is important for university ecation to guarantee the students go to class on rules.
I think as a university student how can we do at school's rules.i have someyhing to say.
First of all,laterfor class.Whenthe tescher behining class,and all the students concentratelearning,Suddly everything stop,ecause of you,i think it's very propriety and you must feel embarrass,and also you destory the sttention of all.When all the things reins,it must waste some times.
In mddition,leave early. If you don't like this class.you can do other things. For example,you can read books,specialty or unspecialty.you can have a little reast for next class,and so on. utdont'leave early. If you did that, you weren't only effect the teacher,ut also effect the classmates.You also have have ad impressed by you teacher, and your achievement had effected.
Finally, as a university student ,we must to know what is important for us. We can choice the class which we can stay away from home. Once i heard a sentence that you go to every class equal to every class you asent. I mean if you need cut school.you can choice.
There are not the best and the only three measures we can take.It should be noted that we'd better do anything as rules, you can do something destory, bbut these thing only small. it can e accpted by everyone. As a student, we also are the growed up man. So please do anything after you though, analyse bad and good. You can know what to do.

『肆』 求一篇關於如何獲得良好教育的英語作文


『伍』 關於教育的英語小短文

To many people,ecation is a very important problem.It is known that people who want to make difference(有所作為)almost have ecation,which can help one improve oneself.
In China,student can learn lessons in all kinds of schools,such as primary school(小學),high school, univisity and so on.Students can learn various of subject,such as Chinese,English,Maths and so on.
But I think that the Chinese students are quite tired,expeciall the high student.In order to enter the univisity,they have to spend their most time on study in school.They have enough time to have a good rest in everyday life.Do yo think that we should do something useful to change this situation.

『陸』 跪求英語作文,關於教育,15到20句左右(水平約是初三至高一當中)

1,The problem of spoiling children has been common these days. With the development of economy and technology, the quality of life has become better and better. As a result, children today are experiencing more and more enjoyment. Their parents will give me unlimited allowance to satisfy them so as to encourage their children to study harder. Consequently. children are turning in to "little princesses" and "little princes" in today's society. This is definitely not the outcome we would love to see. Since children are going to be the future of our society, it is important to train them to develop a sense of independence as well as responsiblity rather than laziness. Parents should realize the seriousness of this problem soon and start to take actions to rescue their children. Otherwise, our society will eventually move towards a direction that everyone doesn't want to face。
Throughout the millennia, students of all ages in China have had to enre the miseries of learning by rote. Teachers have stifled creativity in the pursuit of the accumulation of facts, and parents have forced children to spend mind-numbing hours cramming for exams. But for the past year, the government has been experimenting with what could amount to revolutionary changes in China's classrooms. The aim is to make ecation more pleasant, more useful and, above all, to challenge students to think for themselves.
What has prompted the reforms is a belated recognition that China's ecation system is failing to proce enough innovative thinkers. In addition, students are deeply unhappy. A survey concted by the Ecation Ministry five years ago found more than 80% of students disliked school. Dropout rates have been rising in rural areas—partly for economic reasons but also because of the stultifying atmosphere of their classrooms. Exam pressures frequently lead to suicides. According to a survey last year among senior secondary-school students and university freshmen in one area, more than 50% had considered killing themselves.
Several other countries in East Asia, including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, are grappling with similar problems. But the implications of China's reform efforts are particularly profound. China's traditional ecation methods are ideally suited to a political culture that requires citizens to submit blindly to authority. By encouraging students to question their teachers and regard them as equals (even official literature now talks of fostering a 「democratic」 atmosphere in classrooms), China could be ushering in a new kind of relationship between the rulers and the ruled.
The problem is making it work. The government has set ambitious targets with few resources to ensure that the country's more than 10m primary- and secondary-school teachers acquire the skills and determination to change the habits of a lifetime. The reforms started in September 2001 with about 420,000 primary- and junior secondary-school students (out of a national total of more than 215m) taking part in 38 experimental zones around the country. In September this year, participation increased to 9.1m pupils in 572 zones. These figures will double next year. The Ecation Ministry's original idea had been to implement the reforms nationwide by 2010. But according to Liu Jian of the ministry's National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development, employers from a variety of enterprises said they wanted a quicker timetable. So now the target is 2005. In 2004, similar experiments will start in secondary schools.
As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.

3, Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.


4, The drawbacks of testWentered system of ecation has long been noticed. Test oriented teaching fails to foster (培養) creativity or indivial talent. Students cannot enjoy the beauty of leaning, because scoring high in tests is their first concern. The way teachers teach is time-consuming with slow results. Consequently graates can not put knowledge into practice.
To maintain a better position in the approaching information age, we must realize that developing quality-oriented ecation is an urgent task. The new age calls for open-minded, creative and enthusiastic studentsg Their humanity qualities and practical skillB ought to be in parallel with knowledge. Otherwise China will lag behind.
Having identified the urgency, we must find solutions. Schools should change teaching concepts and improve teaching methods. Teaching methods should facilitate (有助於)the development of the interest of students and help them to form the good habit of learning by themselves. After class, students should update their proficiency (精通,熟練)through self teaching and practical use.

『柒』 就如何提高教育質量寫一篇120字左右的英語短文



One of the characteristics of the development of modern society is the rapid replacement of the old and new things, and the emergence of new things. As far as higher ecation is concerned, it also needs to constantly update and add new contents. College teaching content is also closely following the pulse of the times, is a microcosm of the development of modern knowledge, so it has a certain frontier of the times.


Teaching activities should be diversified and scientific research oriented. Teaching activities in Colleges and universities are for students' scientific research and employment preparation. Only by combining teaching with scientific research, changing the single teaching form of colleges and universities, making teaching activities have a certain scientific research nature, can the teaching quality be improved.


The teaching form should be more practical, emphasizing the combination of theory and practice. The teaching process is an open process. It is a process of mutual cooperation between inside and outside class, the unity of cognition and practice, and the mutual promotion of teaching and research. It is also a process of the integration of teaching, research and practice.


The teaching process of colleges and universities should not only impart systematic theoretical knowledge, skills and skills, but also cultivate students' awareness of transforming theoretical knowledge into practical application, carrying out practical activities and engaging in practical activities, so as to realize the socialization of college students.




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