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1. 求經濟類英文文章(帶中文翻譯)

FOR much of the past year the fast-growing economies of the emerging world watched the Western financial hurricane from afar. Their own banks held few of the mortgage-based assets that undid the rich world』s financial firms. Commodity exporters were thriving, thanks to high prices for raw materials. China』s economic juggernaut powered on. And, from Budapest to Brasília, an abundance of credit fuelled domestic demand. Even as talk mounted of the rich world suffering its worst financial collapse since the Depression, emerging economies seemed a long way from the centre of the storm.
No longer. As foreign capital has fled and confidence evaporated, the emerging world』s stockmarkets have plunged (in some cases losing half their value) and currencies tumbled. The seizure in the credit market caused havoc, as foreign banks abruptly stopped lending and stepped back from even the most basic banking services, including trade credits.
Like their rich-world counterparts, governments are battling to limit the damage (see article). That is easiest for those with large foreign-exchange reserves. Russia is spending $220 billion to shore up its financial services instry. South Korea has guaranteed $100 billion of its banks』 debt. Less well-endowed countries are asking for help. Hungary has secured a EURO5 billion ($6.6 billion) lifeline from the European Central Bank and is negotiating a loan from the IMF, as is Ukraine. Close to a dozen countries are talking to the fund about financial help.
Those with long-standing problems are being driven to desperate measures. Argentina is nationalising its private pension funds, seemingly to stave off default (see article). But even stalwarts are looking weaker. Figures released this week showed that China』s growth slowed to 9% in the year to the third quarter-still a rapid pace but a lot slower than the double-digit rates of recent years.
Blowing cold on credit
The various emerging economies are in different states of readiness, but the cumulative impact of all this will be enormous. Most obviously, how these countries fare will determine whether the world economy faces a mild recession or something nastier. Emerging economies accounted for around three-quarters of global growth over the past 18 months. But their economic fate will also have political consequences.
In many places-eastern Europe is one example (see article)-financial turmoil is hitting weak governments. But even strong regimes could suffer. Some experts think that China needs growth of 7% a year to contain social unrest. More generally, the coming strife will shape the debate about the integration of the world economy. Unlike many previous emerging-market crises, today』s mess spread from the rich world, largely thanks to increasingly integrated capital markets. If emerging economies collapse-either into a currency crisis or a sharp recession-there will be yet more questioning of the wisdom of globalised finance.
Fortunately, the picture is not universally dire. All emerging economies will slow. Some will surely face deep recessions. But many are facing the present danger in stronger shape than ever before, armed with large reserves, flexible currencies and strong budgets. Good policy-both at home and in the rich world-can yet avoid a catastrophe.
One reason for hope is that the direct economic fallout from the rich world』s disaster is manageable. Falling demand in America and Europe hurts exports, particularly in Asia and Mexico. Commodity prices have fallen: oil is down nearly 60% from its peak and many crops and metals have done worse. That has a mixed effect. Although it hurts commodity-exporters from Russia to South America, it helps commodity importers in Asia and reces inflation fears everywhere. Countries like Venezuela that have been run badly are vulnerable (see article), but given the scale of the past boom, the commodity bust so far seems unlikely to cause widespread crises.
The more dangerous shock is financial. Wealth is being squeezed as asset prices decline. China』s house prices, for instance, have started falling (see article). This will dampen domestic confidence, even though consumers are much less indebted than they are in the rich world. Elsewhere, the sudden dearth of foreign-bank lending and the flight of hedge funds and other investors from bond markets has slammed the brakes on credit growth. And just as booming credit once underpinned strong domestic spending, so tighter credit will mean slower growth.
Again, the impact will differ by country. Thanks to huge current-account surpluses in China and the oil-exporters in the Gulf, emerging economies as a group still send capital to the rich world. But over 80 have deficits of more than 5% of GDP. Most of these are poor countries that live off foreign aid; but some larger ones rely on private capital. For the likes of Turkey and South Africa a sudden slowing in foreign financing would force a dramatic adjustment. A particular worry is eastern Europe, where many countries have double-digit deficits. In addition, even some countries with surpluses, such as Russia, have banks that have grown accustomed to easy foreign lending because of the integration of global finance. The rich world』s bank l-outs may limit the squeeze, but the flow of capital to the emerging world will slow. The Institute of International Finance, a bankers』 group, expects a 30% decline in net flows of private capital from last year.
需要再次重申的是,沖擊的表現會因國家的不同而有所區別。多虧中國和海灣產油國經常項目下的巨額順差,新型經濟整體還不斷的向發達國家輸送資本。但是80 多個國家的財政赤字已經超過GDP的5%,其中的多數是那些依靠國外救助過活得貧困國家;不過也有一些依靠私人資本的大國。對於類似土耳其和南非的國家來說,突然減緩的境外融資迫使其進行大幅調整。東歐的情況特別令人擔憂,那裡的不少國家赤字水平已經達到了兩位數。另外,象俄羅斯這樣處於順差的國家,其銀行也逐漸適應了可以輕易從外國取得的貸款,原因自然是全球金融一體化。發達國家的救助計劃也許可以限制財富被擠壓的水平,但資本流向新興世界的速度無疑會減慢。國際金融研協會預測私人資本的凈流量比去年回減少30%。
A wing and a prayer
This credit crunch will be grim, but most emerging markets can avoid catastrophe. The biggest ones are in relatively good shape. The more vulnerable ones can (and should) be helped.
Among the giants, China is in a league of its own, with a $2 trillion arsenal of reserves, a current-account surplus, little connection to foreign banks and a budget surplus that offers lots of room to boost spending. Since the country』s leaders have made clear that they will do whatever it takes to cushion growth, China』s economy is likely to slow-perhaps to 8%-but not collapse. Although that is not enough to save the world economy, such growth in China would put a floor under commodity prices and help other countries in the emerging world.
The other large economies will be harder hit, but should be able to weather the storm. India has a big budget deficit and many Brazilian firms have a large foreign-currency exposure. But Brazil』s economy is diversified and both countries have plenty of reserves to smooth the shift to slower growth. With $550 billion of reserves, Russia ought to be able to stop a run on the rouble. In the short-term at least, the most vulnerable countries are all smaller ones.
There will be pain as tighter credit forces adjustments. But sensible, speedy international assistance would make a big difference. Several emerging countries have asked America』s Federal Reserve for liquidity support; some hope that China will l them out. A better route is surely the IMF, which has huge expertise and some $250 billion to lend. Sadly, borrowing from the fund carries a stigma. That needs to change. The IMF should develop quicker, more flexible financial instruments and minimise the conditions it attaches to loans. Over the past month deft policymaking saw off calamity in the rich world. Now it is time for something similar in the emerging world.

2. 哪裡有比較好的經濟類英語論文下載啊!!!!!


3. 求以下幾篇經濟類英文文章


文題: Continuity properties of a von Neumann Morgenstern utility

雜志全名(或縮寫):Journal of Economic Theory

年份,卷(期): 起止頁碼: 1972年第四期45-57頁


文題: Unbounded expected utility and continuity

雜志全名(或縮寫):Mathematical Social Sciences

年份,卷(期): 起止頁碼:1985年第八期201-216頁


4. 幫我找下最近有關經濟的英文文章(國外經濟雜志,,網站)


5. 請問哪裡有經濟類中英文互譯的文章呀


6. 求幾篇經濟類英語的文章,不需要很長


From my point of view, generally speaking, china would forced to face many challenges in 2009 e to the undertaking recession issues, but in the global economic world, it would still be expected to act as one of the first countries to get recovered from the recession.

There are five major issues regards to Chinese economic condition in 2009. First, China will be challenged by the influence from international economic crisis. Secondly, e to the combination impact from the home and abroad, the macroeconomic regulation in China would become more complicated; in another word, it may result in a repeating domestic inflation and deflation. Thirdly, the above situations might have side-effects on Chinese stock market and real estate market; further, the small and medium companies might face serious liquidation issues. In Addition, there is a great possibility of a dramatic decline on the employment rate. Last but not least, it would become tremendous difficulty for government to maintain a balanced financial status and also inject further confidence into Chinese economic.

To sum up, from the above analysis, it is clear that the economic situation in China for 2009 is not in positive. However, with more focus on Chinese domestic market and increasing living allowances of our lower-income groups, it is possible to achieve a stabilized economic and social position even in such a serious condition.

As we noted previously, the inflation rate (fj) represents an average rate applicable to a specific segment j of the economy. For example, if we are estimating the future cost of a piece of machinery, we should use the inflation rate appropriate the different costs and revenues in our analysis. The following example introces the complexity of multiple inflation rates.

We will rework example 9.1 using different annual changes (differential escalation rates) in the prices of cash flow components. Suppose that we expect the general rate of inflation (f(-)) to average 6% ring the next 5 years. We also expect that the salvage value of the equipment will increase 3% per year, that wages (labor) and overhead will increase 5% per year, and that the cost of material will increase 4% per year. We expect sales revenue to climb at the general inflation rate. Table 10.2 shows the relevant calculations using the income statement format. For simplicity, all cash flows and inflation effects are assumed to occur at year』s end. Determine the net present worth of this investment, using the adjusted-discount method.


7. 求:有關經濟類的英語單詞和英語文章

一, 與市場,運營情況有關的形容詞小結
形容市場活躍, 繁榮
1 dynamic 有活力的,有生機的
2 prosperous 繁榮的
3 brisk 興隆的
4 volatile 不穩定的, 活躍浮動的
5 bleak 慘淡凄涼的
6 declining 下滑的,衰退的
7 slump 委靡的
8 sluggish 不景氣,蕭條的
9 stagnant 停滯不前的, 蕭條的
二, 關於是「商品」的小結
10 merchandise 商品(集合名詞)(單數)
11 goods 貨物(復)
12 commodity 商品, 期貨futures
13 proct 產品
14 proce 農產品
15 freight 運輸的貨物 ; 運費
16 cargo (船,飛機) 裝載的貨物
三, 和會議,集會有關的詞小結
17 convoke 召集
18 rally 集合
19 gathering 聚會
20 function 集會,儀式event, happening
Our sports day is the most important function of the year.
21 adjourn 延會,休會
22 confer 商談
四, 常見犯罪小結
23 mug 搶劫,(從背後襲擊)
24 steal 偷
25 loot 搶奪
26 pickpocket 扒手
27 burglary 夜盜
28 smuggle 走私
五, 常見支付方式小結
29 by cash 現金
30 by check 支票
31 by credit card 信用卡
32 by money order 匯票
33 by installment 分期伏款
34 by mail 郵寄
六, 關於性格的描述小節
35 outgoing 外向活潑
36 sociable 善於交際
37 adaptable 適應性強
38 ambitious 有野心
39 hard-working 工作努力
40 energetic 有活力
41 enterprising 富於進取,有創業精神
42 honest 誠實
43 reserved 保守,穩重
44 responsible 負責
45 optimistic 樂觀
46 independent 獨立
七, 名詞
1 inflation 通貨膨脹
2 deflation 通貨緊縮
3 feasibility 可行性
4 overhaul 徹底檢查
5 custom 海關
6 bruise 擦傷
7 indices 是index的復數 注意讀音是 / / (聽力)
8 commotion 暴動,騷亂
9 interest rate 利率
10 disposition (1)性情氣質 (2) 處理
11 carat, karat 克拉
12 hallmark 品質證明, 純正之證明
13 asylum 收容所, 養老院
14 orphanage 孤兒院
15 morale 士氣,人心
16 pennant 錦旗
17 vicinity 附近, 短語是 in the ~ of
18 interrogation 詢問,審訊 短語是 put sb under ~
19 intersection 交點
20 intermission 休息時間
21 physician 內科醫生
22 surgeon 外科醫生, 軍醫,船醫
23 breadwinner 養家糊口的人
24 recipe 食譜,方法
25 tender 招標,a public ~, ask for tender
26 syllabus 課程綱要
27 Spaniard 西班牙人
28 dispassion 冷靜客觀
29 levity 輕率
30 expulsion 開除,除籍
31 defamation 誹謗
32 payroll 薪水冊,工資表
33 contraction 收縮
34 renewal 更新
35 dection 扣除(額)
36 escalator 電動扶梯
37 elevator 電梯,升降梯(美)
38 lift 電梯(英)
39 emblem 象徵標志 同logo symbol
40 dereliction 玩忽職守 ~ of ty
41 milk shake 奶昔
42 endorsement 背書保證,找明星代言
43 approbation 批准許可
44 probation 試用 trial
45 deference 順從尊重
46 minor infraction 輕微違法major violation 重大
47 vacate 疏散 evacuation
48 anarchy 無政府
49 collusion 共謀,勾結
50 downturn 下滑take a sudden downturn
51 spa 溫泉
52 freelance writer 自由撰稿人
53 articles 用品,商品
54 management 資方 union 工會
55 turnover 運轉,周轉
56 turnout (集會)出席者a large turnout
57 annuity 養老金 pension
58 extension 分機
59 innovation 革新翻新, renovation裝修
60 dosage 劑量
61 rash 疹子
62 clientele 顧客,老主顧
63 leave 請假 He is often absent without leave
64 partition 隔間,區分
65 junk 垃圾 punk 朋克
66 menopause 更年期
67 razor 剃刀
68 crop strains 作物品種
69 headphone 耳機earphone
70 automated teller machine 自動提款機ATM
71 civilians 聽力中注意與surveillance區分
72 subsidiary 子公司
73 strip mining 露天采礦
74 national (某國的)國民
we employ various nationals at our local companies.
75 mortgage 抵押
76 compartment 隔間
Ask the flight attendant if we can put our things in that compartment
77 helping (食物的)一分I had a second helping
78 subcontractor 轉包商
79 speculation 投機 ~ in real estate
80 avocation 副業
81 kickback 回扣
82 spectator 觀眾 audience 聽眾
83 stroller (1)四輪嬰兒車 (2)漫步者
84 seniority 年長,資深 ~ has priority
85 toner 調色劑
86 luncheon 正式午餐,下午餐會
87 fa�0�4ade 建築物正面(法)
88 decoy 欺騙,引誘 envoy 使者,代表
alloy 合金 convoy 護送陪伴
89 interface 交互界面 (desktop 桌面)
desktop video conference 桌面視頻會議
90 boutiques 小店精品店 banquet宴會 bouquet 花束
91 casino 俱樂部,游樂場
92 complex 整套設施 (an office complex) Oedipus complex
93 commencement ceremony授學位典禮
inception開始 inction 入伍
94 modem 數據機
95 fraud 詐騙
96 magnate 工業巨頭
97 gourmet 美食家
98 ordinance 法令
99 cursor 游標
100 liaison 交流合作
101 portfolio 公文包,文件夾
102 corrosives 易腐蝕品
103 corporation 企業, (聽力中注意和cooperation區分)
104 minute 會議錄
105 recreation 娛樂,休閑 =relaxation
八, 動詞
1 strand 使擱淺,陷入困境
2 relate 敘述
3 facilitate 使便利
4 excel 優出勝出 ~ in 名詞 excellence
5 exceed 超過
6 remit 匯款,寬恕
7 highlight 強調
8 inoculate 接種
9 vaccinate 接種疫苗
10 remedy 補救
11 undermine 詆毀
12 reverse 顛倒 ~ the verdict 判決
13 slam 使勁關 ~ nk
14 equip 配備
15 capsize 傾覆(船)
16 simmer 燉,煨
17 retrench 減少,節約
18 discredit 使失去權威性,破壞名譽的
19 curb 阻止,控制 ~ the use of marijuana
20 process 加工
21intercept 中途攔截
22 segregate 隔離,分開分離
23 quarantine 隔離檢疫
24 seclude 隔絕,隱退,隱秘
25 appeal 呼籲,懇求,上訴
26 lift 解除,提起精神
27 rescind 廢止,取消
28 audit 查帳
29 condemn 非難,判罪
30 condone 寬恕,容忍
31 deviate 偏離,跑題 ~ from
32 disabuse 解惑,矯正
33 disavow 否認
34 transfuse 輸血
35 mingle 交往,混合
36 forfeit 沒收 confiscate
37 staple 用訂書器釘 ADJ 主要的重要的
38 deregulate 解除對---的管制
39 block 阻擋N 樓
40 launch 推出新產品,實施 (an investigation into the scandal)
41 house V. 為---提供住房
42 expel 開除,驅除
43 reimburse 報銷,伏款 = refund
44 observe 遵守 ~ the smoking rule
45 syndicate (在報刊,雜志聯盟)多家報刊上同時發表
46 commute 通勤
47 rotate 旋轉,循環
48 implement 實行
49 liquidate 清算,清償債務
50 accrue 增長,自然增殖
九, 形容詞
1 fragile 易碎的
2 latter 後者
3 latest 最新的
4 later 過一會,過後
5 eligible 合格的 illegible 難懂的
6 edible 可食用的 audible 可聽到的
7 plicate 副本的,復制的
8 potamic 河川的
9 faulty 有錯誤的 ~ transformer 變壓器
10 supersonic 超音速的
11 foremost 首要的
12 affluent 富足的
13 explicit 明晰的
14 implicit 暗含的
15 hustle-bustle 熙來攘往
16 obese 肥胖的
17 manifold 各樣的,多種
18 imprudent 輕率的
19 effete 疲憊枯竭
20 ebullient 沸騰的,熱情洋溢的
21 enervated 無力的衰弱的
22 spacious 寬敞的
23 selective 精挑細選的
24 precocious 早熟的,過早的
25 remiss 疏忽的
26 facile 容易的,流暢的
27 intangible 無形的
28 illicit 不合法的 = illegal
29 diagonal 對角線的
30 methodically 有條不紊的
31definitive 限定的,決定的
32 plausible 似合理的
33 propitious 吉祥的,有利的
34 auspicious 吉祥的
35 intelligible 可識別的
36 inflammable 易燃的
37 nonflammable 不易燃的
38 quality 質量好的 ~~ proct/items/materials
39 state-of-the-art 最新水平
40 illegitimate 不合法的,私生的
41 tailored 定製的 ~ devise programs to our needs 42 custom-made = tailor-made 特製的
43mandatory 強制性的
44 provisional—temporary 暫時的,臨時的
45luxurious 奢侈的
46 bear market
47 bull market
」牛市」,也稱多頭市場,指市場行情普遍看漲,延續時間較長的大升。48 clean 的其他說法: 衛生的hygienic(名詞hygiene)干凈的 sanitary
49 tricky 棘手的,復雜的(工作)
50 languishing 衰弱下去的
十 片語
1 a handful of people 少數的人
2 adjacent to 與---臨近
3 put on airs 擺架子
4 discharge from hospital 出院
5 halt buses and subway all day 使公車地鐵一天停止
6 graphic design 平面設計
7 3D design 三維設計
8 medical insurance coverage 保險項目,范圍
9 default rate 拖欠債務率
10 full professor 正教授
11 potent antibiotics 強效抗生素
12 make a rule of doing something 形成---習慣
13 chanber of commerce 商會
14 leteter of credit (L/C) 信用證(支付方式的一種)
15 stock dividend 股息
16 devaluation of the currency 貨幣貶值
17 sprain one』s ankle 扭傷腳踝
18 holistic medicine 整體醫學
19insurance premium 保險費用
20 his Hair receding from his fore head 從前額掉頭發
21 express train 快車 limited train 特快車
22 probation/trial period 試用期
23 take a hard line with 強權策略
24 tread mission 貿易代表團
25 long term objective 長期目標
26 the audit department 審紀部
27 International Herald Tribune 國際先驅論壇
28 top 復印原件
29 take steps to do 著手落實
Many countries have taken steps to improve airport security。
30 pertaining to 適合,合宜,關於
31 a panorama of 齊全,品種繁多
32 24 hours a day = 7 days a week 24小時營業,無休息
33 dog days 三伏
34 column writer 欄目作者
35 staff appraisal 員工評估
36 at one』s fingertips 在手頭,目前
37 lodge and accommodation 膳宿
38 fringe benefit 福利,補貼
39 go into liquidation 倒閉
40 lag behind 落後
41 phase something out 逐步廢止
42 write—offs 破舊的無從修理
43 abide strictly by 嚴格恪守
44 clearance sale 清倉大處理
45 have/take title to 有---特權
46 staff attendant 員工出勤情況
47 down payment 定金,分期付款的首次款
48 know-how 專項技能,竅門
49 cross-reference 互相參照
50 labor-intensive instry 勞動密集型行業 一篇中國09年經濟展望的論文:Chinese economic outlook for 2009
From my point of view, generally speaking, china would forced to face many challenges in 2009 e to the undertaking recession issues, but in the global economic world, it would still be expected to act as one of the first countries to get recovered from the recession.
There are five major issues regards to Chinese economic condition in 2009. First, China will be challenged by the influence from international economic crisis. Secondly, e to the combination impact from the home and abroad, the macroeconomic regulation in China would become more complicated; in another word, it may result in a repeating domestic inflation and deflation. Thirdly, the above situations might have side-effects on Chinese stock market and real estate market; further, the small and medium companies might face serious liquidation issues. In Addition, there is a great possibility of a dramatic decline on the employment rate. Last but not least, it would become tremendous difficulty for government to maintain a balanced financial status and also inject further confidence into Chinese economic.
To sum up, from the above analysis, it is clear that the economic situation in China for 2009 is not in positive. However, with more focus on Chinese domestic market and increasing living allowances of our lower-income groups, it is possible to achieve a stabilized economic and social position even in such a serious condition.

8. 金融類英語文章

Finance and Economics; 財經;
Canada's housing market; 加拿大的住宅市場;
Time for a bigger needle; 該出手時就出手;
The latest attempt to prick a bubble;戳破泡沫的最新舉措;
Canada's reputation for financial regulation is starry. Its banksgot through the crisis unscathed. According to Moody's, a ratings agency, Royal Bank of Canadasits alongside HSBC and JPMorgan Chase in the top tier of global banks. And Canadianpolicymakers are old hands at pulling 「macroprudential」 levers of the sort now in vogue amongrich-world central banks.
But questions still nag. Some say that Canada's banks are flattered by a huge indemnity offeredby Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp (CMHC), a public institution that insures mortgages witha loan-to-value ratio of more than 80%. CHMC's book grew to 567 billion Canadian Dollar(557 billion Dollar) in 2011, up from 345 billion Canadian Dollar four years earlier. And Canada'shousing market looks very frothy on some measures: The Economist's analysis of price-to-rentratios suggests that Canadian properties were about 75% above their long-run 「fair value」 in thefirst quarter of 2012 (see chart). Although less than 0.5% of CHMC's mortgages are in arrears, such exuberance is a worry. The central bank recently labelled housing as 「the most importantdomestic risk to financial stability in Canada」.
但是,仍有問題纏身。部分人士認為,加拿大的銀行被加拿大抵押和住房公司(CMHC)提供的巨額補償金美化了,CMHC是一家為貸款估值比率超過80%的抵押貸款提供保險的公共機構。在2011年,CHMC的抵押貸款額從四年前的3450億增長到了5670億加元(合5570億美元)。並且,從一些指標來看,加拿大的房地產充斥著泡沫:《經濟學人》以房價租金比所做的分析顯示,在2012年第一季度,加拿大的物業價格高出它們的長期公允價值75%。縱然僅有低於0.5%的CHMC抵押貸款存在拖欠的情況,但這樣的繁榮仍讓人憂慮。最近,央行也冠以樓市 「危及加拿大金融穩定性的最大國內隱患」。
Repeated efforts by policymakers to take the heat out of housing have not had a noticeableeffect. So on June 21st Jim Flaherty, the finance minister, had another go, his fourth in fouryears. Some of the new measures were cosmetic. Buyers of homes worth more than 1m Dollarhave been able to get mortgage-default insurance from CMHC with a downpayment of only 5%. In practice, it is hard to find buyers in this bracket who do not have lots of equity in their homes. But after July 9th mortgages for homes of this value will not be eligible for CMHC coverage.
Other measures have more teeth. The maximum amortisation period for a mortgage will now be25 years, down from 30. That should hurt demand: last year about 40% of new mortgages werefor terms longer than that. Refinancing a home will be allowed only up to 80% of its value, downfrom 85%. Homebuyers will have to demonstrate their housing costs are no more than 39% oftheir gross household income. On top of Mr Flaherty's measures, the Office of theSuperintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada's banking regulator, slapped a loan-to-value limitof 65% on borrowing against home equity.
Craig Alexander, the chief economist for TD Financial Group, estimates all this will be theequivalent of about a 1% rise in mortgage rates for most homebuyers. He believes that willproce a slow unwinding of the housing market. If he is right, and Mr Flaherty's variousinterventions avoid the collateral damage that would be caused by an actual interest-rate rise, Canada's admirers will have another thing to swoon over.

9. 經濟類英語論文


10. 經濟類英語文章

建議你去滬江論壇上看看,或者就是《The Economist》



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