Ⅰ 家長對三年級英語卷子的評語

Ⅱ 小學三年級,小孩英語考了40多分,讓家長寫評語,

Ⅲ 英語評語怎麼寫

You are an honest and hardworking girl. You leave me a very deep impression. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.
You are an excellent boy. I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.
You are a handsome boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you a glorious future. You are an earnest girl and tiful on your job. Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching. I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting. Wish you a splendid future.
You are an active and passionate girl. I appreciate your participance in class activities. Wish you a happy life.
You are a very careful girl. Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order. I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome.
Ⅳ 用英文寫作文評語
1. 英語作文教師的評語
In my school, our head teacher will give his remakes for every student on a note book after final exam. And then I have to bring it to my parents. Our head teacher will put our scores of mid-term exam and final exam on it. And then he will write some remarks on us performance in the school and the thing he thinks highly of and the thing I need to correct. In order to have a good winter holiday, I have to make my parents happy. So I always try my best to earn a good evaluation from my head teacher. In front of him, I am always a good boy. So, I always have a nice remark。
2. 談如何寫好英語作文評語
然而,在當前的英語教學實踐中,存在這樣一種現狀:教師重視英語寫作訓練,但卻忽視對學生作文的反饋,未能正確認識自己在學生作文批改中所扮演的角色。翻開學生的作業本,看到的多是簡單的對、錯符號或分數或等級,幾乎沒有評語,至多是千篇一律的纖信Good / Not bad / All right / Ok或Perfect。
一、評語中的語法修改不僅要讓學生知其然,更要知其所以毀握輪然。 中學生在學習英語的過程中,最大的難題就是動詞及其用法。
此意思時,學生在作文中寫成「I almost fet.」。其實,此例句獨立表意,不受上下文的限制。
在評語中,教師應引導學生進行這樣的邏輯思維:The action "fet" just now happened, so we should use the Past Tense。Its use is something like the verbs--know / think / recognize…. Do you still remember the sentence--- 「Sorry, I didn't recognize you." 學生寫記敘文時常混用時態。
如,When my cousin was a child, he likes sports and reading. He played volleyball, basketball and so on. He is reading many books about scientists such as Einstein, Madam Curie, Edision etc. And he wants to be a scientist after he graates the university. 這段文字雖時態混亂,但內容不錯,簡單地否定或肯定都是不對的,輕則使學生茫然失措,重則挫傷他們的學習興趣和積極性,比較好的方法是先表揚做得對的地方後糾正錯誤的地方。我們可以批上:How lovely your cousin is. So are you. In your position, you meant well, but try to make the tense correct. If you take your story as a past event, use the Past Tense all the way; if you make your story seem to take place now, use the Present Tense. You cant't use tenses at randam! 又如我們教師在批改上面的例文時,如果僅僅在 graate後添上 from,其結果是接受能力稍差的學生會不知道它為什麼這樣算正確。
但我們教師若再畫龍點睛地在旁邊批上: 「graate」是不及物動詞,其後與from搭配才能接賓語。Remember! 這樣,學生就會一目瞭然。
二、評語要從語篇層次上指導學生如何謀篇布局。 在作文批改中,只是訂正學生所犯的語法錯誤是不夠的。
例如,在筆者所任教的高三畢業生的習作中有這樣的一個句子:「Teachers' Day is ing. I'm going to see my middle-school English teacher next week. 從句子平面看,既無語法錯誤,亦無書寫錯誤。但從深層上分析,不難看出句子受到嚴重的母語干擾,且選詞不當,造成意義模糊,影響了交流的有效性。
批改時,筆者不僅在 English teacher 下劃一條橫線以示錯誤,並在此句旁邊寫道: Enjoy yourself with your teacher on the ing Teachers' Day. But I wonder who you are going to visit next week, a teacher from England or a teacher who teaches you English. 後來該學生修改後交上來:「I'm going to visit my teacher who taught me English in the middle school. 又如在學生寫作中發現一個精彩的句子,我們教師應及時給予表揚,可批上:oh, what a nice sentence! / It's very clever of you to end(begin) your work with this beautiful sentence. …… 三、作文評語要以情導知,注意師生間的情感溝通。 前蘇聯著名教育家霍姆林斯基認為:「情感如同肥沃的土壤,知識的種子就播種在這片土壤上。」
教學過程一旦觸及學生的情感和意志領域,觸及學生的精神需要,這種教學就能發揮高度有效的作用。 長期以來,有的學校一味地抓應試教育,以分數論英雄。
只要這些希望是真誠的、適時的和有內容的,學生就會從中理解老師對他們的信任、關心和愛心,從而轉化為學習的動力。 學期伊始,給差生的評語中要批評但更要多幾分鼓勵。
例如: John, don't you think you were a little lazy in the last term? Now, a new term begins and I hope you can work harder just from th。
3. 對英語評價英語作文80詞帶翻譯」
2010 will be end ,and 2011will be e .In the new year ,we must be have much wishes ,because new year means that things end and another things start.So we need to make a new year"s resolution in order to the second year will be better.I want to share my new year"s resolution with you. Firstly,i decide to try my best to learn english .because my english so poor that it affects my other subject.I willface many differences ,such as broadening my vocabulary, training my listening ,improving my write and so on. I must work hard because i don"t want to behind the times. Secondly ,i will give up watching football games because every time it takes me o hours ,which makes me not finish my homework .As a student ,study is our ty ,so i wii focused more on study and less on playing . In order to my future ,i will work hard! 2010年將結束,2011即將到了。
為了我的將來,我會努力的! 請採納!(中英兼有)。
4. 高一英語作文評語
總體上來看,文章寫的是有一定水平的,不過作為一篇好的作文評價,我覺得有一點你要注意,那就是文章一定不要消極,例如:I hate, I hate a thing,which is called lifetime,is a short life.這一句你要表達的心情我能夠理解,畢竟生命是寶貴的,它很短暫,能不能發揮它的價值,就看你是怎樣看待它的,我個人認為諸如If I could live in the world for ever……,If I could live in the world for ever……這些句子應該在作文中(尤其是大型考試的作文)盡量不要出現,文章應盡量表現出積極的,向上的生活態度和價值觀,另外文中:北戴河 這個詞一定要用 Beidaihe,不要用中文,其他的注意語法和單詞拼寫就可以了,it was very bright WITH the black cloud.大寫部分個人認為改為IN 或 ON比較合適。
5. 英語文章評價張韶含
我最喜愛的歌手(My Favourite Singer)
She is such an ideal singer,who is famous for"Happy Winter","I'm same with you"and so on!
She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has indiviality like a boy. On the stage, she sings and dances so well. She is so happy and she makes us excited… Can you guess who she is? Yes, she is Li Yuchun, the winner of "Super Girl 2005."
She is a student of Sichuan Music College in Grade 3. She is enty-one this year. She is 1.74 metres tall. Now she is very popular in China and even in the world. I know she worked hard in the past, and has succeeded today. I'll learn from her and try my best to achieve my dream.
I like her because she is so cool and lovely. I love her because she makes me feel happy. I enjoy her because she is independent and she has the indiviality of herself.
Li Yuchun, I'll cheer for you forever!
6. 【高中英語教師及高手進,求英語作文點評
從這兩篇作文來看,你的詞彙量及句法的運用是不錯的.先說第一篇,提示的信息都已經包括在內了,但是我覺得句子用得有點生硬.給出的信息只是起到提示的作用,不一定要逐字逐句的翻譯.比如文中提到「學生的反應:喜歡該課外活動,能放鬆心情、校園生活更豐富充實」,而且你是以第一人稱寫的,所以你就是以該校學生的身份在寫.The responses of the students indicate that they like these after-class activities for the reason that they can not only relax and refresh their minds but also make their school life more wonderful.就可以改成we enjoy these after-class activities because they can not only relax and refresh our minds but also make our school life more wonderful.就行了啊,注意文章的人稱要保持一致. Physical exercise
eadingsingingmusical instrument playing and English games are included.這句話也可以改改,就直接用there are physical exercise.就可以了,簡單,明了.另外,注意句子與句子直接的連接,可以適當運用一些關聯詞.第二篇文章寫得不錯,文章結構、層次都很好,有一小點錯誤,instead of後要加V-ing。
7. 【英語作文評價conceptofHappiness》最好提出有哪些錯誤的地方
我根據你寫的意思改寫了一下,你可以對照看看,我認為這樣的表達會更貼切.what does happiness mean?i think it is east to answer this question,because happiness all lies in the daily life and somethings you do everyday.people always pursue happiness by doing things they lilke,for example,they work hard to earn more money,to get prerogative,or just by simply having their favorite food.however,i think happiness is more than all of these things.for example,friendship and knowledge can also bring us happiness.to be more specific,in my opinion,study hard and acquire more knowledge is one of the major way to persue happiness.because we can not only feel happy when learning new things,we can also get to know how to creat happiness in the process of learning.what's more,sharing things with people around you or helping others are also important ways to feel happy.because when you do so,you can turn one person's happy into o,or even more.in a word,we can get more positive energy and feel more happy by learning more,sharing more,and helping others more.。
8. 【英語作文
in my opinion,it is better for us to be taught in both English and Chinese.It's easy to get across.Because not every class have too many top-students,the way is good for all classes.Every coin have o sides.The way makes the atmosphere bad.And it's not good for us to promote listening and speaking skills.Finally we may too depend on Chinese and ignore the importence of English.IN my view.I think teachers should increase useing English in class when students' English ing better and better.。
Ⅳ 怎麼寫英文評語
Well done!做得好/Neat and tidy!乾的漂亮
That's OK! 很好掘棚。
What a good job you have done! 做得很棒。
Now you can do better than before. 你還能做得更好。
Your handwriting is excellent! 書寫很漂亮。
Keep it up. 繼續加油。
Your English will become better if you work harder. 加油,努力之後還能更好。
Although you have not been successful,you have done better than ever.Success belongs to the diligent learners.I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English.
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。
Failure is the only highroad to success.失敗是成功之母。

1、針對特點, 實事求是;
2、鼓勵為主, 不忘建議;
3、發揮個性, 引發興趣;
4、用對代詞, 拉近距離。