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『壹』 中學生如何閱讀英語文章 英文作文

How to Do Reading
In my opinion, when it comes to reading English articles, I think it's necessary to look through all paragraphs, so that we can get the main ideas of the article.
If you don't have enough time to go through it, then just get the main idea of each paragraph. Basically, there would be a hint at the beginning of the article, which will tell us what this article is all about. And in the following paragraphs, the key idea usually exists in the beginning or at the end of the paragraph. Then, run to the conclusion part to get the writer's opinion on this.

『貳』 怎樣上好初中英語閱讀文章

根據現代閱讀教學的理論,每篇需要講授課文的全過程分為三個階段:(1)閱讀前(Pre— readin g ) ,(2)閱讀(W hile -readin g ) ,(3)閱讀後(A fter — readin g ) 。
(1)閱讀前(Pre— re adin g )是閱讀課的第一步驟,也是閱讀的導入階段。
(2)閱讀(W hile — re adin g )
經過閱讀前這一階段的積極思維、猜測、引導,教學步驟很自然地過渡到第二階段,即閱讀(W hile — readin g ) 。在閱讀課文內容時,引導學生運用不同的閱讀技巧進行有效地閱讀。初中一般常用的技巧是「略讀(sk im min g ) 」和「掃讀(scannin g ) 」等。
「 Skim min g 」就是選取課文中的重要部分和重要細節,以求抓住主要意思,對課文內容進行總的理解。這一技巧可幫學生時時把注意力集中在課文的主要意思上,而不是與主題無關緊要的細節和個別單詞上。

以J EFC BOOK III中的「 Standin g Room Only 」為例。這篇文章是關於th e greatest problem of th e World …the growth of th e world 』 spopula tion。作者以standin g room only為題,警告世人注意人口增長問題的嚴重性與解決人口問題的緊迫感,這既是該課文的主題思想,也是作者的交際意圖。因此,在教學中,讓學生應用Skim min g 的技巧去理解與主題相關的信息,預先設置一些問題。讓學生帶著問題去尋找信息並分組自由討論,最後每組總結出一個一致的結論,來理解作者真正意圖。這樣,學生通過對課文字面意思的理解深入到了解整篇課文的含義上,並幫助學生深層次地表述自己的見解。這對培養學生深入性學習外語很重要。

「 Scannin g 」是在學生查找特定信息時,通常無需認真閱讀全文,只需找到信息所在的段落,然後認真閱讀,來了解課文細節。利用這一技巧進行閱讀時,應指導學生尋找課文的有關細節,幫助學生把注意力集中到與主題有關的段落中。

以J EFC BOOK III中 The Great Green Wall為例。這是一篇以橫貫我國北部地區三北防護林為題材的說明文。為幫助學生更好地了解三北防護林的作用和意義,就課文的細節進行提問。根據所提問題的數目,把學生分成相應的組,每組各負責一個問題,學生們分頭准備後以小組為單位進行交流,互教互學,再各自陳述細節的內容,或彼此相互提問。通過這一技巧,使學生能夠掌握如何尋找文章細節的正確閱讀方式,促進學生對整篇課文進行更深入的理解。


(3)閱讀後(A fter — re adin g )

閱讀課的最後階段,即閱讀後(after - readin g )階段,這是檢查學生閱讀效果的一個重要環節。


「What』 swrong with you,Tom?」一課閱讀後,可讓學生分角色演Doctor ,Mum,Tom進行表演,讓他們從中體驗不同人物應該怎樣表達才適合自己的角色,然後就Tom裝病一事讓大家說說自己在某些時候是不是也像Tom,這樣對不對,為什麼等。

「 Standing Room Only」一課,可採取小組互動方式,讓學生暢所欲言,提出控制和解決人口膨脹問題的辦法,並談談自己對我國實行「計劃生育」政策的理解。

「 The Great Green Wall」一課,則讓學生分組根據課文談談綠色長城的重要性和意義,再讓他們談談在植樹節應怎樣認認真真地種好每一棵樹,為改善我們的綠色環境,為造福子孫後代出份微薄之力,教師在這一活動中,應動、靜相結合,做到「眼觀六路、耳聽八方」,隨時獲取反饋信息,來檢驗學生的閱讀效果,並隨時給學生適合的建議,以便學生在加深對課文理解的基礎上,提高他們的實際交際能力。


『叄』 急求一篇以《中學生如何閱讀英語文章》的英語作文(急!急!)

As the saying goes "having read more than ten thousand books, write such as God", learning English is so. English reading is much more, will be able to put their own sense of language training, and consolidate the learned vocabulary and grammatical knowledge in the process of reading. By reading different subject matter widely, also can accept more information, understanding of different countries and regions of the local customs and practices and historical geography, celebrities and other aspects of knowledge, to expand the field of vision, to promote the learning of other subjects are very helpful. Therefore, must take reading as an important step in learning English, not for every reading time and the length, but must persevere to read, so that we can get good effect.

『肆』 中學生如何閱讀英語文章 英文作文


『伍』 如何培養中學生的英語閱讀理解能力

作為一名執教畢業班多年的英語教師,我發現提高學生的英語閱讀理解能力至關重要。一方面,英語閱讀在英語測試中占的分值很高。不管是完型填空、補全短文還是短篇的短文理解,都要求學生有很好的英語閱讀理解能力。閱讀理解能力強與否決定著英語考試的成敗;另一方面,閱讀是在英語學習中要求學生掌握的四種基本技能之一。北京市特級教師王英民說過:「不會閱讀就不會學英語,閱讀是基礎,沒有閱讀,就不會有很好的聽力,沒有閱讀,就更談不上寫作。」英語閱讀能提高讀者的認識能力,從而促進其他三種技能(聽、說和寫)能力的提高。閱讀也能使人增長見識,拓寬視野。但是在教學中發現,許多學生在閱讀方面存在著困難,不知道正確的閱讀方法。本篇文章將從三個方面出發,主要闡述用什麼樣的方法來增長語言知識,養成良好的閱讀習慣,應該注意哪些閱讀技巧,進而提高中學生的英語閱讀能力,提高閱讀效率。 一、盡可能多的記憶英語單詞,增加自己的詞彙量 掌握一定數量的單詞是提高閱讀理解能力的前提。如果有大量的生疏的單詞,英語短文閱讀起來難度很大。所以掌握一定數量的單詞是學生提高英語閱讀能力的前提和保證。在農村中學,由於受到特定環境的制約和影響,學生在記憶單詞方面面臨著很大的困難。尤其現行的牛津英語的教材詞彙量擴大了不少,記憶的難度就更大了。記憶單詞的方法有很多種,在教學中我經常使用的有以下幾種: 1.詞彙表「八到」記憶法 這是中學生使用最多的方法之一,即將生詞表和人的器官相結合:眼裡看到、心裡想到、手裡寫到、嘴裡拿到、耳朵聽到、(結合實物還可以)鼻子嗅到、舌頭嘗到、手指觸到。學生在記憶時不要偷懶,一定要邊記邊比劃,把各個器官充分調動起來。這種方法使學生把目標詞彙與自己的大腦神經聯系,易記憶深刻,印象持久。 2.分類記憶法 即分析單詞的形態,將所要記得單詞根據其義、形、音進行分類。例如,按音標的拼讀規則記憶單詞,按詞性變化記憶單詞,按同音記憶單詞,教師還可教給學生關於英語詞根和詞綴的知識等;通過詞根加前綴或後綴可派生出新的單詞,將兩個或更多的詞放在一起,可合成新的單詞。 3.聯想記憶法 蘇聯著名心理學家巴甫洛夫指出:「記憶要依靠聯想,而聯想則是新舊正式建立聯系的產物。」美國心理學家威廉·詹姆士也說:「記憶的秘訣就是根據我們想記住的各種材料來進行各種各樣的聯想,而這些聯想就成了各種資料的釣鉤,萬一資料沉沒腦海,我們就可以通過聯想這樣的釣鉤將資料鉤出來。」充分運用發散思維展開自己的想像力,使所要記憶的英語單詞,生動、形象和具體化,使生詞與熟詞之間建立一種聯系,從而達到以舊帶新,快速記憶的目的。 除了記憶生詞表內的詞彙外,學生對於課外的詞彙尤其是熱門詞彙、新詞彙要知道意思。在閱讀材料時,常常會出現一些最新詞彙和縮寫等,如果不清楚,很可能影響對全文的理解。 二、 在平時教學中,注重培養學生的英語閱讀興趣 剛開始時,由於受各種原因的影響,學生對英語文章存在著一定的心理負擔和畏難情緒。教師要定期對學生進行一定量的訓練,一日一篇短文,用「蠶食」的方式來逐步訓練學生。在選材時,文章體裁多樣化,涉及面要廣,趣聞性要強。除了課本中的閱讀材料,教師還應該收集一些與學生水平相當、難度不太大、貼近學生生活、讓學生易感興趣的文章作為課外閱讀訓練材料。例如,可以使用一些關於西方國家風土人情、節日禮儀等方面的文章,還可以使用關於外國校園生活、笑話、寓言故事等文章。在學生讀後,要求他們做一定的習題,或寫出內容概要,這樣既可以提高學生英語閱讀理解能力,又可以訓練他們的口語、書寫能力。 在學生的英語閱讀達到一定水平後,教師可結合考試常見的閱讀題型,如說明文、科普文章等,讓其練習。對學生遇到的困難要鼓勵他們認真思考,推敲,要學會結合上下文理解文章的意思。可定期舉辦一些英語閱讀競賽,提供閱讀材料,要求學生在規定的時間內完成閱讀,要充分肯定他們的成績,讓他們感到一定的成功感。 三、 教會學生正確的閱讀方法,明確目的,提高做題正確率 我們閱讀的目的是為了從材料中獲取有用的相關的信息,目的不同,題目要求不同,我們閱讀的方法也不同,主要方法和技巧有以下幾點: 1.如若學生只想知道文章的主旨和中心意思,只需要瀏覽或略讀即可 在閱讀時,重點讀文章的首句(段)和末句(段)。因為文章的中心思想和主要意思或事情的結果大都是在文章的開頭或結尾的。 2.如若學生想對文章的具體細節進行了解,就要進行精讀 逐句逐段進行閱讀,了解事件發生的開始、經過、結果,這對於掌握具體事實的細節有很大的幫助。 3.如果篇幅過大,故事性不強,時間又有限,學生可根據訓練題目來進行有目的的選讀 4.在閱讀過程中,難免會遇到不熟悉或不認識的生詞,影響理解 若是不重要的詞彙,要求他們可以不要理會,若影響文章的理解,學生們可以結合上下文進行推敲、猜測。用這種方法,有時可以幫助文

『陸』 如何有效進行初中英語閱讀教學

朱鳳田 山東菏澤市牡丹區解元集中學 英語閱讀作為語言技能的重要組成部分和語言輸入的主要環節之一,在英語教學中佔有重要地位。培養學生的閱讀能力是主要教學目標之一,而在平時的教學過程中我們發現,閱讀是學生最頭疼的問題。很多學生的閱讀興趣不高,動力不足,方法不當。究其原因,也並非與老師完全無關,部分教師在閱讀教學實踐中更側重於語篇的分析理解、語法知識點的講解,而對於閱讀方法的培養,訓練學生思維能力、理解能力、概括能力與判斷能力沒有引起足夠的重視。學生普遍存在閱讀速度慢、理解能力差的現象。多數學生採用一個單詞對應一個漢意,直接翻譯成漢語的做法。另外,學生的閱讀量少,僅僅局限於課本中安排的篇目以及部分習題中出現的文章,課外讀物涉及的少。因此,如何引導學生科學有效地進行閱讀,激發其興趣是值得我們探討的問題。 一、英語課程標准對初中英語閱讀提出的要求 1. 能根據上下文猜測生詞的意思,能根據構詞法推斷、理解生詞的含義。 2. 能讀懂簡單的故事短文並抓住大意;能從文章中找出有關信息;能根據不同的閱讀目的運用簡單的閱讀策略獲取信息。 3. 能找出文章中的主題,理解故事的情節,預測故事情節的發展和可能的結局;能理解簡易讀物中事件發生的順序和人物行為;能理解段落中各句子之間的邏輯關系。 4. 能讀懂說明文等常見體裁的閱讀材料和簡單的個人信件。 5. 能使用英漢詞典等工具書幫助閱讀理解。 6. 五級目標要求除教材外,課外閱讀量應累計達到15萬詞以上。 可見,在閱讀教學上,除了培養學生的閱讀理解能力之外,還應該增加課外閱讀量。 二、閱讀教學的幾點建議 1. 閱讀材料的選擇,要根據學生的年齡特點、現有水平和接受能力來進行。如初一、初二的閱讀材料,傾向於生活實際功能,如問路、指路、接聽電話、天氣表達、尋物、招領等;而在初三、初四的閱讀材料中,人文情感、社會責任、道德倫理深深隱含在其中。另外,多選擇一些與所學課文訓練要點相契和的文章,以使學生感到學有所用,從而強化課內學習。 2. 做好閱讀前的必要鋪墊和激發興趣工作。 3. 閱讀過程中老師可以提出問題,口頭的或者書面的,讓學生帶著問題去閱讀。此外,老師對閱讀方法的指導也是必不可少的。教會學生粗讀文章,以了解大意,並能夠快速查找某一特定信息;教會學生分段細讀,抓住主要事實、關鍵語言點,明了文章結構,深度理解。 4. 學生平時閱讀英語文章、報刊雜志以及各級各類考題中的閱讀理解部分,務必要做到從整體上理解和把握文章,不要逐詞閱讀。要做到詞不離句,句不離段,段不離篇。學生在做閱讀的時候一開始總是信誓旦旦,下決心要把文章讀懂讀透。但是在這種觀點的指引下,閱讀往往就會走入誤區,因為太過於注重每個單詞、每句話的意思,而忽視了對文章結構的整體理解。我們常遇到這樣的情況:句子都能看懂,但讀完文章印象卻不深。如何學會對文章的整體理解呢?首先,要重視文章的題目和文章的首句。因為文章的題目就是文章的主題,文章的內容就是環繞主題展開。首句很關鍵,因為首句是文章的導入,點明作者寫文章的意圖、背景等。其次,要重視每段的最後一句和整篇文章的最後一句。每段的最後一句常常是該段的結論句,而整篇文章的最後一句就往往是這篇文章的結論或作者寫這篇文章的用意所在。所以我們在閱讀文章時要養成一種習慣:見了文章的題目,要稍微停頓一下,猜一猜,這篇文章大概會寫些什麼,如果讓我來寫,我會怎麼寫。然後你會饒有興趣地讀下去。(當然,在考試中,為了節省時間,猜測這一環節可以省略。)接著再往下閱讀時要特別注意每段的第一句與最後一句,這樣就既把握住了全文的主要內容,整篇文章的框架結構,又節省了閱讀時間,提高了閱讀效率。 5. 在平時教學中我經常會遇到這樣的情況:不少學生不會使用工具書,遇到生詞,先問老師。乍眼一看,閱讀課進行的轟轟烈烈,學生不懂就問,閱讀積極性高漲,殊不知,這樣的閱讀不科學也低效。我們要教會學生使用工具書,提倡學生遇到疑問查找工具書,逐步培養其獨立閱讀的良好習慣。老師注重並教會學生正確使用工具書是指導學生獨立閱讀的保障。另外,在閱讀過程中老師也要指導學生正確處理詞彙障礙,遇到生詞時,如果不影響語義的理解,跳過它,繼續閱讀,這有利於提高閱讀速度,不打斷閱讀思路。有時可以通過上下文,在具體的語境中推測詞彙的意思,不要一遇到生詞就搬詞典。 6. 教師要充分發揮指導作用,教給學生閱讀技巧,培養學生略讀、尋讀、按照意群閱讀的習慣及能力,逐步提高其閱讀質量和速度。在閱讀中要求學生改掉不好的閱讀習慣,如用手或者筆指讀、出聲讀、以單詞注視點閱讀、回視等。課堂是培養學生閱讀能力的主陣地,老師可以教材中的文章為例運用精讀和泛讀相結合的方法來進行閱讀教學。 7. 閱讀結束後,老師可以對重難點進行精講,組織適當的口語和筆頭訓練,引導學生背誦幾個好句子,有能力的同學要求復述文章(選擇有價值的文章復述,否則只是增加學生負擔)。 閱讀能力的培養不是一朝一夕之功,靠的是持之以恆的努力。所以指導學生在課外廣泛閱讀是很必要的,讓學生做好閱讀筆記,寫下有價值的生詞、好句子,或者是自己對文章大意的歸納以及自己的閱讀感受。同時老師要查閱筆記,科學及時地給予評價。為了調動積極性,引導學生更用心地去進行英語閱讀,評價可以只是以認真程度、努力程度來進行,不以好壞而論。

『柒』 誰幫我找10篇適合初中生閱讀的英語文章

A friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office,a street urchin was walking around the shining car.「Is this your car,Paul?」he asked.
Paul answered,「Yes,my brother gave it to me for Christmas.」 The boy was surprised.「You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you nothing?Boy,I wish…」 He hesitated.
Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for.He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly.
「I wish,」 the boy went on,「that I could be a brother like that.」 Paul looked at the boy in surprise, then he said again, 「Would you like to take a ride in my car?」
「Oh yes,I'd love that.」
After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes shining,said,「Paul,would you mind driving in front of my house?」
Paul smiled a little.He thought he knew what the boy wanted.He wanted to show his neighbours that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. 「Will you stop where those two steps are?」 the boy asked.
He ran up to the steps. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the step and pointed to the car.
「There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cent. And some day I'm going to give you one just like it…then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas windows that I've been trying to tell you about.」
Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began an unforgettable holiday ride.
註:urchin 頑童 hesitate 猶豫 neighbour 鄰居 crippled 殘疾 cent 美分
1.The street urchin was very surprised when ________.
A.Paul received an expensive car
B.Paul told him about the car
C.he saw the shining car
D.he was walking around the car
2.From the story we can see the urchin ________.
A.wished to give his brother a car
B.wanted Paul』s brother to give him a car
C.wished he could have a brother like Paul's
D.wished Paul could be a brother like that
3.The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house ________.
A.to show his neighbours the big car
B.to show he had a rich friend
C.to let his brother ride in the car
D.to tell his brother about his wish
4.We can infer(推斷)from the story that ________.
A.Paul couldn't understand the urchin
B.the urchin had a deep love for his brother
C.the urchin wished to have a rich brother
D.the urchin's wish came true in the end
5.The best name of the name story is _________.
A.A Christmas Present
B.A Street Urchin
C.A Brother Like That
D.An Unforgettable Holiday Ride
KEY: 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C

「Cool」is a word with many meanings.Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold.As the world has changed,the word has had many different meaning.
「Cool」can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.
When you see a famous car in the street,maybe you will say,「It's cool.」You may think,「He's so cool,」when you see your favourite footballer.
We all maximize(擴大) the meaning of「cool」.You can use it instead of many words such as 「new」 or 「surprising」.Here's an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used.A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall(瀑布)they had visited.On one student's paper was Just the one sentence,「It's so cool.Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.
But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of words.Without 「cool」,some people have no words to show the same meaning.So it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性).Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word 「cool」? I can.And I think they are also very cool.
1.We know that the word "cool" has had ________.
A.only one meaning B.no meanings
C.many different meanings D.the same meaning
2.In the passage,the word「express」means「________」.
A.see B.show C.know D.feel
3.If you are _______ something,you may say,「It』s cool.」
A.interested in B.angry about
C.afraid of D.unhappy with
4.The writer takes an example to show he is ________ the way the word is used.
A.pleased with B.strange to
C.worried about D.careful with
5.In the passage,the writer suggests(暗示)that the word 「cool」________.
A.can be used instead of many words
B.usually means something interesting
C.can make your life colourful
D.may not be as cool as it seems
KEY: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D

The students were having their chemistry(化學)class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, 「What's water?」No one spoke for a few minutes.Miss Li asked again,「Why don't you answer my question?Didn't I tell you what water is like?」

Just then a boy put up his hand and said,「Miss Li,you told us that water has no colour and no smell.But where to find such kind of water?The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.」Most of the children agreed With him.

「I'm sorry,children.」said the teacher,「Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier.That's a problem.

1.The students were having their _______ class.

A.English B.Chinese C.chemistry D.maths

2.Miss Li was telling the children what ______ was like.

A.water B.air C.earth D.weather

3.A boy said,「The water in the river behind my house is always _______.」

A.white B.black C.clean D.clear

4.Most of the children _______ the boy.

A.agreed with B.wrote to

C.heard from D.sent for

5.The water in the river has colour and smell because it is getting _______.

A.more and more B.less and less

C.cleaner and cleaner D.dirtier and dirtier

KEY: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D

In 1620, about half the USA was covered by forests. Today the forests have almost gone. A lot of good land has gone with them, leaving only sand. China doesn't want to the USA's example. We're planting more and more trees. We've built the " Great Green Wall" of trees across northern part of our country.The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometres long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometres wide. It will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south. More "Great Green Walls" are needed. Trees must be grown all over the world. Great Green Walls will make the world better.


1.In 1620, about ______ the USA was covered by forests.

A.a third B.half C.two thirds D.a fourth

2.A lot of good land has gone with ______.

A.sand B.water C.wind D.forests

3.The Great Green Wall in China is ______ long.

A.7,000 kilometers B.1,700 kilometers

C.7,000 meters D.400 kilometers

4.Trees must be grown in ______.

A.China B.the USA

C.some countries D.every part of the world

5.______ will make the world better.

A.The Great Wall B.Tall buildings

C.Great Green Walls D.Flowers and grass

KEY: 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.C

The English people like take-away food. The most popular food is fish and chips.They usually go to a fish and chip shop.They put the food in paper bags, and take it home, or to their work place. At lunch time, many people eat take-away food in the park. Chinese takeaways are also very popular in England. People in the USA and Australia like Chinese take-away food, too. But the most popular food in the USA is fried chicken.


1.People in England like fish and chips.

2.Fish and chips are the most popular food in China.

3.The English people often go to a fish and chip shop.

4.They put the food in paper bags.

5.They take the food only to their work place.

6.They never eat take-away food in the park.

7.Chinese takeaways are popular in England.

8.People in Australia don't like Chinese take-away food.

9.The most popular food in Australia is fried chicken.

10. Fried chicken is the most popular food in the USA.


11.Fish and chips are

12.The English people go to a fish and chip shop

13.People eat take-away food

14.People take the food home

15.The American people also like

A.in the park at lunch time.

B.Chinese take-away food.

C.the most popular take-away food in England.

D.or to their work place

E.to buy take-away food.


1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.T

11.C 12.E 13.A 14.D 15.B

Once Einstein gave a lecture in many places in America. His driver always listened to him and knew the lecture so well that he was sure be could give it himself. So Einstein agreed that the driver gave the lecture him.

As nobody knew Einstein there, the driver gave the lecture for Einstein that evening. At first he was a bit afraid, but Einstein's smile made him feel better. He gave a good lecture and the people were quite pleased.

Then the driver started to leave and Einstein followed him without a word. When they got to the door, a man asked the driver a difficult question.

The driver said that the question was very easy, and told the man to ask his driver behind to answer it.


Einstein gave the (1) ______ lecture again and again. His driver (2) ______ to his lecture so many times (3) ______ he wanted to give it (4) ______. When Einstein knew it, he let the driver (5) ______ the lecture for him that night. The driver gave a (6) ______ lecture and the great scientist was quite pleased.

When they were (7) ______ the lecture room, a man asked the driver a question. To show (8) ______ easy the question was, the driver asked Einstein who followed him (9) ______ to answer it (10) ______ of him.


1.same 2.listened 3.that 4.himself 5.give

6.good 7.leaving 8.how 9.quietly(behind) 10.instead

Fei Xiang, whose English name is Kris phillips, is a Chinese American. He is nearly two meters tall, with blue eyes, looking like an Asian. Though he was born in Taiwan, he grew up speaking Chinese to his mother and English to his father and students at Stanford University in California. Later he returned from abroad to Taiwan and become a singer.
In 1986, Fei Xiang visited the mainland(中國大陸)and turned into a pop star there. He was well know among the young people and his songs were widely accepted, such as 「Five in the Winter」, 「Clouds of My Homeland」and so on.
He left the mainland for New York four years later. There he worked as a lowly member. He lived a quiet life in New York, for only a few people know his name. Now phillips is panning to end his six—year stay in the USA and return to the mainland and his recording career(生涯). His new project is to introce
(介紹)the mainland to the music of the Broadway stage(白老匯戲劇藝術), including(包括)the song 「Maria」 from 「West Side Story」.
1. Kris phillip』s mother is _________and his father is________.
A. Chinese, American B. Chinese, Chinese C. American, Chinese D. English, American
2 .Mr Kris phillips became famous as big pop star________.
A. in the United Stares B. in the place where he was born C. in the mainland D. at Stanford University
3. What』s the order in which phillips did the following things?
a.made a decision to return to PRC(中國)
b.learned Chinese from his mother and English from his father
c.was widely welcomed by the young people
d.worked as a lowly member
A. b e c d a B. e b d c a C. d e b a c D. c a b e d
4. Fei Xiang is best known China for_______.
A.his plan to interoce the mainland to the music of Broad way stage
B.「West side story」 C. his perfoemace(演出) D. his special nationlity(國籍)
5. Which of the following is true?
A.Fei Xiang』s parents are both teachers. B. Fei Xiang lived in the mainland for four years.
C. Fei Xing is regarded as a big pop star both in America and China.
D. Fei Xiang returned to the mainland in 1896.

A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子) or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really know their business do not follow other people's rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy
to work in that way.

Now the very same thing is true to literature(文學). And the question, "How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is, you are not yet experienced(有經驗的) enough to trust to your own powers. When you become more experienced you will
never ask the question, and I think that you will often begin at the tail --that is to say, you will write the end of the story before you have even thought of the beginning.

1. A friend of the writer's drew the horses ____.

A. very well

B. in the way of western rule

C. in the way of his own rule

D. all of the above

2. The writer was surprised because ____.

A. the artist began to draw at the head of the horse

B. the artist began to draw at the tail of the horse

C. the artist made his own rule

D. the artist did not follow other people's rule
3. You are not yet experienced because ____.

A. you don't know where to begin

B. you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail

C. you always asked question

D. you do not trust to your own powers
4. When you become more experienced you will ____.

A. never ask question

B. often begin at the tail

C. should write the end of the story

D. should think of the beginning

5. The topic of the passage is ______.

A. How to draw a horse

B. How to write a story

C. How to make your own rules

D. Trust to your own powers


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