導航:首頁 > 數字科學 > 在數學上有困難用英語怎麼寫


發布時間:2023-01-05 14:24:53

Ⅰ 他在數學學習方面有困難用英語怎麼說

He has difficulty in mathematics learning

Ⅱ 數學太難了用英語怎麼說

Math is too difficult.
漢語譯音:馬斯 一死 吐 地非口特(與正確讀音有點偏差)

Ⅲ 在解答這道數學題上遇到困難用英語怎麼翻譯

I had some trouble on solving this math question.
I felt a little difficult on solving this math question.

Ⅳ 如果你在數學上有任何困難 我都可以幫助你 英語表達

If you have any difficulties in mathematics, I can help you.

Ⅳ 瑪麗在學數學方面上有困難用英語怎麼說

Mary have difficulties in learning mathematics 望採納

Ⅵ 下午他做了數學作業這對於他來說有點困難的英語

It is a little difficult for him to learn English well.Jone goes to see a football match when he fished his homework.People can buy all kinds of clothing in the mall.

Ⅶ 學數學有困難的英文翻譯

have difficulties in learning math.

difficult 是形容詞 不要拿它當賓語比較好……

Ⅷ 這學期我在數學課上很吃力。這句話用英語怎麼說

I have difficulties with my Mathematics this semester.

Ⅸ 英語翻譯:了解到我數學學習上有困難,老師主動提出來幫我

Understand that I have difficulty in learning mathematics, the teacher offered to help me

Ⅹ 他在數學上有些困難 用英語翻譯 第一中學在你的右邊 用英語翻譯 我有5分鍾記住他們 英語翻譯

He is not good at math. or he is difficult to study math.
the No.1 Middle school is on your right .
I have 5 minutes to remember them.



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