導航:首頁 > 數字科學 > 多少節數學課英漢互譯


發布時間:2022-06-06 16:54:36

Ⅰ 求課程英語翻譯

原文 : 時段= 節次= 第一節= 第二節= 第三節= 第四節= 語文課= 數學課= 生物課= 地理課= 英語課= 政治課= 體育課= 歷史課= 電腦課= 音樂課= 美術課= 勵志課=

譯文 : Period =Festival time =Section one =Section two =Section three =Section four =Chinese lesson =Mathematics lesson =Biological lesson =Geographical lesson =English lesson =Political lesson =Physical ecation =Historical lesson =Computer lesson =Music lesson =Fine arts lesson =Encourage the will lesson =

Ⅱ 英語翻譯成中文



Ⅲ 英語翻譯一下這個短文謝謝


Ⅳ 英漢互譯,多少節數學課英文怎麼寫

how many math lessons

Ⅳ 英漢互譯,多少節數學課英文怎麼寫


Ⅵ 英漢互譯

black with white
take ... to...
to discuss/talk about
hold an art festival
a school performance
Do you get along will with your parents?/
Are you well with your parents?

Ⅶ 你一個星期有多少節數學課的英語翻譯

How many Maths lessons do you have a week?

Ⅷ 誰有六年級上冊的英語期末復習資料急急急急

呵呵 希望對你有所幫助 祝樓主進步哈
1在星期一上午 on Monday morning
2 今天下午 this afternoon
3 三節數學課 three Maths lessons
4 新學期 the new term
5 第一節課 the first lesson
6 我希望 I hope
7 10門學科 ten subjects
8 一節有趣的課 an interesting lesson
9 你呢? How about you?/What about you?
10 在一周內 in a week
11 歡迎回來 welcome back
12 我的課程表 my timetable
13 更多的英語課 more English lessons
14 星期天晚上 Sunday evening
15 這個星期 this week
16 上一堂藝術課 have an Art lesson
17 每天 every day
18 告訴她一個竅門 tell her a trick
19 讓我想想 let me see
20 非常 very much
21 重感冒 a bad cold
22呆在家裡 stay at home
23 午飯後 after lunch
24 在學校 at school
25 吃葯 take some medicine
26 一通電話 a telephone call
27 放學了 classes are over / school is over
28下課了 class is over
29 再見 see you soon
30 呆在床上 stay in bed
31 給Mike打電話 call Mike
32 買些水果給她 get some fruit for her
33 很快好起來 get better soon
34 發高燒 get a high fever
35 多休息 have a lot of rest
36 嚴重的咳嗽 a bad cough
37 去看醫生 go to see a doctor
38 和我們通話 speak to us
39 她缺席了。 She is absent.
40張開嘴 open your mouth
41感覺生病了 feel ill
42感覺累 feel tired
43集郵 collect stamps
44 許多漂亮的花 many beautiful flowers
45 這張船郵票 this ship stamp
46 它們在這兒。 Here they are.
47 攝影 take photos
48 種花 grow flowers
49 燒可口的食物 cook nice food
50 做衣服 make clothes
51 為我做一條漂亮的連衣裙
make a pretty dress for me
52 去購物 go shopping
53 收集錢幣 collect coins
54 養金魚 keep goldfish
55 做模型船 make model ships
56 不喜歡 don』t like
57 聽音樂 listen to music
58 在花園里 in the garden
59 澆花木 water the trees and flowers
60 看一看 have a look
61 同樣的愛好 the same hobby
62 照看孩子們 look after the children
63 他的同學 his classmate
64 和他交談 talk to him
65 一些愛好 some hobbies
66 給我看你的圖畫 show me your pictures
67 彈鋼琴 play the piano
68 寫一封電子郵件 write an e-mail
69 學中文 study Chinese
70 我的英國朋友 my English friend
71 大聲地說話 speak loudly
72 去學校 go to school
73 在晚上 in the evening
74 上網沖浪 surf the Internet
75 舞跳得漂亮 dance beautifully
76 游泳游得好 swim well
77 同齡 the same age
78 一個小鎮 a small town
79 在電腦室 in the computer room
80 居住在上海 live in Shanghai
81 給我的父母寫封write a letter to my parents
82 跳得高 jump high
83 跑得快 run fast
84 安靜地坐 sit quietly
85 小心地走 walk carefully
86 做一些鍛煉 do some exercise
87 看雜志 read magazines
88 從星期一到星期五 from Monday to Friday
89 不強壯 not strong
90 在三點 at three
91 在體育活動房 in the sports hall
92 下口令 give the orders
93 站成一行 stand in a line
94 向左向右轉 turn left and right
95 把你的腳並攏 put your feet together
96 仰躺 lie on your back
97 十次 ten times
98 把膝蓋彎曲(屈膝)bend your knees
99 抬起你的右腿 lift up your right leg
100 上下跳 jump up and down
101 仔細聽 listen carefully
102 把它讀五遍 read it five times
103 用手摸你的腳 touch your feet with your hands
104 舉手 lift up your hands
105 起立 stand up
106 坐下 sit down
107 試著跟著口令 try to follow the orders
108 把你的手指放在你的脖子上
put your fingers on your neck
109 坐在女孩肩膀上 sit on the girl』s shoulders
110 忙碌的一天 a busy day
111 沒有時間休息 have no time for rest
112 起床 get up
113 准備吃早飯 ready for breakfast
114 刷牙 brush one』s teeth
115 洗臉 wash one』s face
116 六點五十分 ten to seven
117 十二點四十五 a quarter to one
118 值日 on ty
119 觀看足球比賽 watch a football match
120 看電視 watch TV
121 真的很熱 really hot
122 三點半 half past three
123 十一點一刻 a quarter past eleven
124 開始上課 classes begin
125 洗淋浴 have a shower
126 快點 be quick
127 在晚上發光 glow at night
128 步行 on foot
129 隨身帶些麵包 take some bread with me
130 讓我們快點。 Let』s hurry
131 騎自行車 by bike
132 去睡覺 go to sleep
133 關掉收音機 turn off the radio
134 度過你的周末spend your weekends
135 做家務 do housework
136 談論他們的愛好 talk about their hobbies
137 捉昆蟲 catch insects
138 在周末 at the weekends
139 去游泳 go swimming
140 在家 at home
141 看卡通片 watch cartoons
142 當然 of course
143 從書上學習到很多learn a lot from books
144 去電影院 go to the cinema
145 每個星期六 every Saturday
146 去爬山 go climbing
147 樹上的蜜蜂 the bees in the tree
148 喜歡打架 like to fight
149 盪鞦韆 play on the swings
150 我們的好朋友 our good friends
151 許多人 many people
152 喜歡運動 like sports
153 在大熱天里 on hot days
154 把它們放在瓶子里 put them in the bottle
155 搬運大的東西 carry big things
156 勇敢的蟋蟀 brave crickets
157 漂亮的蝴蝶 beautiful butterflies
158 分小組工作 work in groups
159 觀察螞蟻 watch ants
160 非常有趣 very interesting
161 參觀你們的學校 visit your school
162 英語俱樂部 an English club
163 教語文 teach Chinese
164 她的美國朋友 her American friend
165 來自澳大利亞 be from Australia
166 小學 primary school
167 向他學習法語 learn French from him
168 長城 the Great Wall
169 不同的國家 different countries
170 參觀北京 visit Beijing
171 過來和我們見面 come here and meet us
172 晚飯前 before dinner
173 說日語 speak Japanese
174 游遍中國 go around China
175 寫一些關於他們的故事
write some stories about them
176 一個美國來訪者 an American visitor
177 喜歡旅行 like travelling
178 想要去蘇州園林 want to go to the garden in Suzhou
179 不工作 do not work
180 包攬家務活 do all the cleaning and cooking

在午飯時間 at lunchtime
今天早上this morning
去超市 go to the supermarket
在公共汽車後部at the back of the bus
下車 get off the bus
在他前面in front of him
指著那位婦女 point to the woman
走向司機 walk to the driver
要求他們 ask them
把…帶到… take …to…
警察局 police station
它們就在這兒。Here they are.
為我打開它。 Open it for me.
在聖誕節 at Christmas
在聖誕節那天 on Christmas Day
Mike的家人 Mike』s family
在我祖父母的家裡 in my grandparents』 home
午飯後 after lunch
打開禮物 open the present
在聖誕樹下 under the Christmas tree
祖父給的 from grandpa
喜歡那個顏色like the colour
喝茶 drink tea
一個流行的節日 a popular holiday
在中國 in China
度過時光 spend time
有一個長假 have a long holiday
舉辦聚會 have parties (have a party)
粽子 rice mpling
新年(元旦)New Year』s Day
勞動節 May Day
兒童節 Children』s Day
國慶節 National Day
中秋節 Mid-Autumn Festival
端午節 Dragon Boat Festival
在六月或七月 in June or July
最喜歡的節日 favourite holiday
穿著戲服打扮 dress up in costumes
吃月餅 eat moon cakes
玩燈籠 play with lanterns
賞月 watch the moon
變得激動 get excited
什麼節日 what holiday
到來 come after
在勞動節 on May Day
去年 last year
去年春節 last Spring Festival
拜訪我的親朋好友 visit my relatives and friends
美味的食物 delicious food
當然。Of course.
上個周末 last weekend
上星期 last week
在山間行走 walk in the mountains
在野營地 at the camping site
(at a camp)
去野營 go camping
玩許多游戲 play a lot of games
打掃房子 clean the house
住在一個小鎮 live in a small town
把他的郵票給我們看看 show his stamps to us
(show us his stamps)
其他什麼 something else
擠牛奶 milk cows (milk a cow)
收集雞蛋 collect eggs
果樹 fruit tree
在農場 on the farm
摘蘋果 pick apples
想要would like
去農場 go to the farm
一個精彩的游戲 a wonderful game
拔胡蘿卜 pull up carrots
澆樹 water trees
參觀農場 visit the farm
一部有趣的卡通 a funny cartoon
在周三 on Wednesday
和我的父母 with my parents
看電影 watch a film
上學的第一天 the first day of school
假期後 after the holidays
在學校操場 in the school playground
上課前 before class
九月十日 the tenth of September
在十一月五日 on the fifth of November
兩副眼鏡 two pairs of glasses
一卷膠卷 a roll of film
在地上 on the ground
撿起 pick up
片刻以前 a moment ago
剛才 just now
尋找 look for
幫助他 help him
一場跑步比賽 a running race
所有的學生 all the students
運動節 Sports Day
脫下 take off
吹滅蠟燭 blow out the candles
一盤日本卡通的VCD a VCD of Japanese cartoons
一個生日聚會 a birthday party
在Jim的班裡 in Jim』s class
住在附近 live near

Ⅸ 英語翻譯

In all my subjects, I most like mathematics, I also learned maths, English, I think the best is ll, I also like sports, music, etc. Our every morning, afternoon 4 class is four classes, Chinese, mathematics, English, every day. A: I feel that learning is interesting. I was walking to school. I was walking school day, Every day is 10 sleeping.

Ⅹ 英漢互譯(謝絕使用翻譯軟體)在線等,快點,謝謝

We are having English class.

Are you reading newspaper?

Where do you swim?

4.Lucy and Lily在干什麼?
What are Lucy and Lily doing?

Thank you for dinner.

These are your T-shirts.

Do you want to watch TV ?

The first lesson is Chinese, the second is math, next is English, and the last is fine arts.
We are having English class.

Are you reading newspaper?

Where do you swim?

4.Lucy and Lily在干什麼?
What are Lucy and Lily doing?

Thank you for dinner.

These are your T-shirts.

Do you want to watch TV ?

The first lesson is Chinese, the second is math, next is English, and the last is fine arts.



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