⑴ 细菌用英语怎么说
fungus; 真菌,真菌类植物,复数fungi
⑵ 微生物检测 英文概述
Microbial Detection
In terms of dairy procts, We should pay attention to whether the normal color, texture is uniformly fine, whether the pure taste, as well as how to milk flavor. Targeted to observe whether or not to understand, such as whey separation of yogurt, milk powder caking whether, cheese section, such as the availability of water and moldy spot, circumstances, for the senses to identify significance. At the same time, should take note of impurities, precipitation, smell, etc., if necessary, which could be brewing after dairy sensory identification. In order to make a comprehensive evaluation.
⑶ “细菌”英文翻译
读法:英 [dʒɜːm] 美 [dʒɝm]
1、n. [植] 胚芽,萌芽;细菌
2、vi. 萌芽
germ layer胚层
Cereal germ胚芽
Germ plasm种质
1、Olive oil, wheat germ oil, and rice bran oil also naturally contain squalene, albeit in smaller amounts.
2、When it was opened in 2007, I found evidence of high-level decisions about the secret Soviet germ-warfare program, which violated the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
读法:英 [siːd] 美 [sid]
1、n. 种子;根据;精液;萌芽;子孙;原由
2、vt. 播种;结实;成熟;去…籽
3、vi. 播种;(植物)结实
4、n. (Seed)人名;(英)锡德
1、seed money种子基金
2、Blue Seed碧奇魂
3、seed dispersal种子传播
4、Cassia Seed决明子
⑷ 微生物用英文怎么说
⑸ 请高手帮我翻译一下生物方面的英文.(有关微生物的)
前言:根黑腐病是草莓的一种复杂疾病,它能降低草莓的活力和产量(Wing 等, 1994)。丝核属(Rhizoctonia)和 腐霉属(Pythium),等几种病原菌就是其病源。它可通过带病植物材料传染移植苗床和大田生产系统(Abad 等 2002; Martin, 2000)。此外,疫霉菌属(Phytophthora spp)也能导致草莓发生冠腐病、根腐病,甚至植株死亡。前期草莓试验中,我们利用常规方法从定植前后的受害根组织分离出了几种病原菌。其中最常见的有:恶疫霉(Phytophthora cactorum), 拉曼被孢霉(Pythium irregulare), 丝核菌(Rhizoctonia fragariae),及镰刀霉(Fusariumspp.)(Ferguson 等. 2003)。定植前从裸根和匍匐茎茎尖分离病菌能反映其受土壤传播性病原菌侵害的实际情况。目前,无病植株(disease-free)已由NC(北卡罗来纳州)认证项目投入使用,它能减少叶片和果实疾病的发生,但对复杂的根腐病的效果却十分有限。当前,几乎全靠使用化学药剂防治草莓根腐病,特别是利用甲基溴(Methyl Bromide)进行熏蒸。在东南部几个州进行的实验表明, 同甲基溴熏蒸相比,如不采取土壤熏蒸可导致减产高达25%(Ferguson等, 2001, 2002)。我们在开发取代甲基溴(MB)的化学药剂或复合药剂方面获得了重大进展(Ferguson 等, 2003;Fernandez 等,2000;Louws等, 2000)。尽管如此,采用替代性熏蒸剂仍不能使“莓农”免遭移植苗受感染的严重威胁。因此,有必要利用生物防治技术以减少草莓生长季节发生根腐病的风险。本研究的目的就是开发并实施一种强调利用生物学途径的有害生物综合治理方案(IPM)来防治草莓根腐病。众所周知,木霉菌(Trichoderma sp.)对土壤传播性病原菌有显着的生物防治作用。(本在研究中), 我们对两种木霉生物防治菌株在抑制根腐病、促进植株生长以及提高草莓产量方面的效果进行了评价。
Black root rot is a complex disease of strawberry that can rece plant vigor and proctivity (Wing et al, 1994).
根黑腐病是草莓的一种复杂疾病,它能降低草莓的活力和产量(Wing 等, 1994)。
Several pathogens, including Rhizoctonia and Pythium, are causal agents of this disease and may be introced into transplant and field proction systems on infested plant material (Abad et al. 2002; Martin, 2000)
丝核属(Rhizoctonia)和 腐霉属(Pythium),等几种病原菌就是其病源。它可通过带病植物材料传染移植苗床和大田生产系统(Abad 等 2002; Martin, 2000)。
In addition, Phytophthora spp. cause crown rot, root rot, and plant death.
此外,疫霉菌属(Phytophthora spp)也能导致草莓发生冠腐病、根腐病,甚至植株死亡。
In previous strawberry trials, we have routinely isolated several pathogens from root lesions both prior to planting and after field setting. Among the most frequently isolated pathogens were: Phytophthora cactorum, Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia fragariae, and Fusarium spp.(Ferguson 等, 2003).
前期草莓试验中,我们利用常规方法从定植前后的受害根组织分离出了几种病原菌。其中最常见的有:恶疫霉(Phytophthora cactorum), 拉曼被孢霉(Pythium irregulare), 丝核菌(Rhizoctonia fragariae),及镰刀霉(Fusariumspp.)(Ferguson 等. 2003)。
Pre-plant isolations from both bare-root plants and plugs proced from runner tips showed substantial levels of colonization with damaging soilborne pathogens.
Although the use of “disease-free" plants, now made available by the NC certification program, should rece foliar and fruit diseases, the impact of this program on the root rot complex will be minimal.
Currently, management of strawberry root rots relies nearly exclusively on chemicals, particularly fumigation with methyl bromide.
当前,几乎全靠使用化学药剂防治草莓根腐病,特别是利用甲基溴(Methyl Bromide)进行熏蒸。
In trials concted in the Southeastern states, up to 25% yield losses can occur if soil fumigation is not used compared to methyl bromide fumigation (Ferguson et al. 2001, 2002).
在东南部几个州进行的实验表明, 同甲基溴熏蒸相比,如不采取土壤熏蒸可导致减产高达25%(Ferguson等, 2001, 2002)。
Although we have made substantial progress in developing chemical and compost-based alternatives to MB (Ferguson et al. 2003; Fernandez et al 2000; Louws et al. 2000),infested transplants still present a serious risk to growers even if an alternative fumigant is adopted.
我们在开发取代甲基溴(MB)的化学药剂或复合药剂方面获得了重大进展(Ferguson 等, 2003;Fernandez 等,2000;Louws等,2000)。尽管如此,采用替代性熏蒸剂仍不能使“莓农”免遭移植苗受感染的严重威胁。
Management practices that favor biocontrol activity and rece the risk of root rot development ring the growing season are needed.
The goal of this component of our research program is to develop and implement an IPM system for managing strawberry root rots with emphasis on biological approaches.
Trichoderma species are well known for their biocontrol activity against soil borne pathogens.
众所周知,木霉菌(Trichoderma sp.)对土壤传播性病原菌有显着的生物防治作用。
We have evaluated the effectiveness of two Trichoderma biocontrol strains in suppressing root rot and promoting plant growth and proctivity on strawberry
在本研究中), 我们对两种木霉生物防治菌株在抑制根腐病、促进植株生长以及提高草莓产量方面的效果进行了评价
⑹ 英文翻译高手请进(关于微生物、医疗营养健康等)
单核增生李斯特氏菌:Listeria monocyto-genes
畜产品animal proct
番茄红素 Lycopene
1、summarization of the research progress of Listeria monocyto-genes rapid-detection technology
2、summarization of the research progress in using biotechnology in the treatment of diabetes
3、summarization of the research progress of food safety issues about animal proct
4、discussions about importance and trends of nutrition and health through children's nutrition survey analysis results(这句翻的挺累的)
5、content measurement and analysis of lgG
6、summarization of instrumental analysis methods of lycopene
⑺ 微生物学英文简称m.o.i对应的中文
m.o.i 是英文 microbiology 的缩写,对应中文就是你说的微生物学。
⑻ 请各位帮忙翻译一句微生物专业英语
1.Pathology A small disk-shaped formation or growth; a patch.
【病理学】 色斑:一块小型的圆盘形组成物或肿瘤;色斑
2.A deposit of fatty material on the inner lining of an arterial wall, characteristic of atherosclerosis.
3.A scaly patch formed on the skin by psoriasis.
4.A film of mucus and bacteria on a tooth surface.
5.A clear, often round patch of lysed cells in an otherwise opaque layer of a bacteria or cell culture.
⑼ 帮忙翻译点关于微生物的英语文章。(重谢!!)
1 病毒很简单 一个细胞的实体是由一个或更多个 DNA或RNA组成的 并且包裹在蛋白质中(除此之外 有时 是包裹在像糖类脂类这样的物质中) 它们只能在活细胞中繁殖 并且寄生于细胞内 2 细菌有时通过注射于活着的寄主体或是有着病毒体配置品的细胞培养物中来培养。净化主要依靠他们相对于其它细胞成分的大体积 他们的高蛋白含量 和 强稳定性。 病毒的浓度可能由病毒体数量 和 可传染的单元的数量决定。3. 所有的病毒都有由包裹在蛋白质壳中的核酸组成的核壳体, 使得它们在结构上有二十面 螺旋且复杂。 这些蛋白质壳是由病原体(原体通过共价键自己组合)组成的。核壳体外包裹着一层膜 4.病毒染色体组的种类数量比真核生物原核生物的种类数量大得多 它们可以是单股的或者是双股的DNA或RNA。 核酸可以是线性的 封闭的圆 或者两者都有点。5.病毒是通过它自身核酸的性质 衣壳的对称性 有无薄膜 他们的寄主 被动物或植物病毒导致的疾病 或其它特性分类的。
靠 累死爹了。。。。