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发布时间:2022-08-06 13:26:58

1. 生物系研究生面试都会问些什么问题(微生物


What’s the koch’s postulate?
Would you please describe the roles of microorganisms in nitrogen and sulfur cycle? Would you please describe the roles of microorganisms in the environmental protection? How many methods are used to bio treat waste water?
How could E.coli degrade glucose completely into CO2 and H2O?
Explain how the Gram stain works to distinguish between the Gram-positive and Gram-negative cell wall?
Give the reason that chemoautotrophic bacteria grow very slowly?
What are the characteristic features of bacterial respiration compared with that of eukaryotes? How to use bacterial growth curve to instruct your researchers or instry fermentation? Describe the main steps of gene engineering?
What’s the difference of fermentation and respiration?
How many groups of microorganisms are classified according to growth temperature/ How do you think about the diversities of microorganism metabolism? How many methods are there to measure the microorganism growth?
Gram-negative bacteria are generally more resistant to disinfectants and antiseptics than Gram-positive bacteria. Why?
How many types of horizontal gene transfer are there in bacteria? Give the examples of application of DNA recombination in agriculture. What’s the southern blot? What’s the northern blot? What’s the western blot? What’s the shuttle vector?
Why are endospores highly resistant to heat?
What are the advantages of bioremediation compared with the chemical and physical remediation of polluted soil?
How many groups are microorganisms classified according to their carbon and energy source? How do you think about diversities of microorganisms? Describe the roles of microorganisms in agriculture.
Describe the process of compost pile and roles microorganisms take. How to detect the bacteria inoculated into soil?

2. 黑生物面试都问什么


3. 大学生物尖子班面试会问什么


4. 中大生物学复试面试会问哪些问题


5. 我是生物制药专业的专科生,学校即将会有一场招聘会,请问一般面试会问些什么专业问题啊有经验的进!

面试时一般问你英语能力,实验能力(做过DNA扩增 ,蛋白质纯化,western bolt,ELISA, 细胞培养或者动物药理实验没有?) 其他的就是些无关紧要的家里情况啊 兴趣爱好什么的

6. 面试的时候考官一般会问什么问题(我学的是生物技术),你是怎么回答的




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