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发布时间:2022-02-14 02:47:27

⑴ 实验室的英文怎么写


⑵ 翻译为英文:进入我们学校首先看到的是第一座教学楼。这座教学楼里有化学实验室,生物实验室和物理实验

Enters our school first to see is the first classroom building. This teaching building has the chemical laboratory, biology laboratory and the Physics Laboratory

⑶ "化学专业实验室"、“化学基础实验室”、“化学综合实验室”英语怎么翻译

化学基础实验室 Basic Chemistry Laboratory
化学综合实验室Comprehensive Chemical Laboratory

⑷ “精英化学实验室”的英文是什么英文简写是什么

Chemical elites laboratory


laboratory of Chemical elites



⑸ 求助以下实验室的英文名称

动物实验室:Animal Laboratory 更衣间:The locker room 检疫隔离室:Quarantine room
缓冲间:The buffer room 饲养间:The feeding rooms 微生物实验室:Microbiology Laboratory
一更:A more 二更:Two more 缓冲间:The buffer room 无菌检查实验室:The sterility test laboratory 微生物限度检查实验室:Microbial limit test laboratory 阳性菌实验室 :The positive bacteria in laboratory 培养间:Culture room 洁具间:Sanitary ware room 洁净物品存放间 :Clean goods storage room

⑹ 实验室的英文单词是什么

experiment lab

⑺ 化学实验室 怎么用英语说

chemistry lab
physics lab
biology lab

⑻ 有谁知道一些化学实验室里工具的英语翻译

试管 test tube 试管架 test tube holder漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗
separatory funnel烧瓶 flask 锥形瓶 conical flask烧杯 beaker 不锈钢杯 stainless-steel beaker天平 balance/scale 分析天平 analytical balance酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯 blast alcohol burner塞子
stopper量筒 graated flask/measuring cylinder洗瓶 plastic wash bottle滴定管 burette玻璃活塞
stopcock搅拌装置 stirring device 冷凝器 condenser 试剂瓶 reagent bottles 蒸发皿 evaporating dish
台秤 platform balance 游码 crossbeams and sliding weights
容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask移液管 (one-mark) pipette刻度移液管 graated pipettes洗耳球 rubber suction bulb玻棒 glass rod蒸馏烧瓶 distilling flask碘量瓶 iodine flask
坩埚 crucible表面皿 watch glass称量瓶weighing bottle
研磨钵 mortar研磨棒 pestle玛瑙研钵agate mortar瓷器 porcelain 白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper滴瓶 dropping bottle小滴管 dropper 蒸馏装置distilling apparatus蒸发器 evaporator 升降台lab jack铁架台iron support
万能夹extension clamp蝴蝶夹double-buret clamp 双顶丝clamp regular holder 止水夹flatjaw pinchcock
圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring移液管架pipet rack试管架tube rack 沸石boiling stone 橡胶管rubber tubing
药匙lab spoon镊子forceps坩埚钳crucible tong剪刀scissor
打孔器stopper borer石棉网asbestos-free wire gauze电炉丝wire coil for heater脱脂棉absorbent cottonph
ph试纸 universal ph indicator paper滤纸 filter paper称量纸weighing paper擦镜纸wiper for lens

require.async(['wkcommon:widget/ui/lib/sio/sio.js'], function(sio) { var url = 'https://cpro.static.com/cpro/ui/c.js'; sio.callByBrowser( url, function () { BAIDU_CLB_fillSlotAsync('u2845605','cpro_u2845605'); } ); });

秒表stopwatch量杯glass graates with scale
白滴定管(酸) flint glass burette with glass stopcock棕色滴定管(酸) brown glass burette with glass stopcock白滴定管(碱) flint glass burette for alkali棕色滴定管(碱) brown glass burette for alkali 比重瓶specific gravity bottle
水银温度计mercury-filled thermometerph计ph meter 折光仪refractometer 真空泵vacuum pump 冷、热浴bath 离心机centrifuge
磁力搅拌器magnetic stirrer电动搅拌器power basic stirrer 烘箱oven闪点仪flash point tester 马弗炉furnace电炉 heater 微波炉电热套heating mantle
更多内容 可以在网络文库里找。

⑼ 化学实验室的英语

Chemical Lab

Chemical laboratory



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