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发布时间:2022-05-19 13:47:35

❶ beat意思


!英 [bi:t] 美 [bit]

vi. (心脏等)跳动;搜索;(风、雨等)吹打;(鼓)咚咚地响

vt.& vi. 接连地击打

vt. 打败;敲打;控制;避免

n. 节拍;(鼓的)一击;管区

adj. [美国口语]大吃一惊的;[常作 B-]“反传统一代”成员的;摇滚音乐的;[口语](体力或情绪上)疲劳不堪的

拍子; 拍; 打; 敲打

  1. VERB 动词打;猛击 If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard. 【语法信息】:V n

【语法信息】:V n to nMy wife tried to stop them and they beat her... 我妻子想阻止他们,他们就打了她。

They were beaten to death with baseball bats. 他们被人用棒球棒打死了。

2. VERB 动词(通常指多次或连续地)撞击,猛撞,拍打 To beat on, at, or against something means to hit it hard, usually several times or continuously for a period of time.

【语法信息】:V against n

【语法信息】:V at n

【语法信息】:V on n

【语法信息】:Also V n

【搭配模式】:usu the N of nThere was dead silence but for a fly beating against the glass... 当时一片寂静,只听见一只苍蝇不停地撞击着玻璃。

Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow... 尼娜好不容易挣脱出来,拿起枕头用力扑打火焰。

The rain was beating on the windowpanes. 雨点拍打着窗玻璃。

Beat is also a noun.

...the rhythmic beat of the surf. 海浪有节奏的拍打


...the silence broken only by the beating of the rain. 一片寂静,只听见雨声

3. VERB 动词(心脏、脉搏等)跳动 When your heart or pulse beats, it continually makes regular rhythmic movements.

【语法信息】:VI felt my heart beating faster. 我感觉我的心越跳越快。

Beat is also a noun.

He could hear the beat of his heart... 他能听见自己的心跳声。

Most people's pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute. 大多数人的脉率都在每分钟70次以上。


I could hear the beating of my heart. 我能听见自己的心跳。

4. V-ERG 及物/不及物动词敲,打,击(鼓等);(鼓等)敲响 If you beat a drum or similar instrument, you hit it in order to make a sound. You can also say that a drum beats .

【语法信息】:V n

【语法信息】:VWhen you beat the drum, you feel good. 敲鼓的时候感觉很好。

...drums beating and pipes playing. 敲鼓和吹风笛

Beat is also a noun.

...the rhythmical beat of the drum. 有节奏的鼓点

5. N-COUNT 可数名词(音乐的)节奏 The beat of a piece of music is the main rhythm that it has.

【搭配模式】:usu sing...the thumping beat of rock music. 摇滚乐强烈的节奏

...the dance beats of the last two decades. 过去20年的舞曲节奏

6. N-COUNT 可数名词See also: upbeat; downbeat; (音乐的)拍子,节拍 In music, a beat is a unit of measurement. The number of beats in a bar of a piece of music is indicated by two numbers at the beginning of the piece.

【搭配模式】:usu plIt's got four beats to a bar. 一个小节有4拍。

7. VERB 动词搅拌;搅打 If you beat eggs, cream, or butter, you mix them thoroughly using a fork or beater.

【语法信息】:V nBeat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken. 把鸡蛋和白糖混在一起搅打至开始变稠。

8. V-ERG 及物/不及物动词拍打,拍动(翅膀);(翅膀)拍动 When a bird or insect beats its wings or when its wings beat, its wings move up and down.

【语法信息】:V n

【语法信息】:VBeating their wings they flew off... 它们拍打着翅膀飞走了。

Its wings beat slowly. 它的翅膀缓慢拍动着。

9. VERB 动词打败;击败;战胜 If you beat someone in a competition or election, you defeat them.

【语法信息】:V n

【语法信息】:V n into nIn yesterday's games, Switzerland beat the United States two-one... 在昨天的比赛中,瑞士以2比1击败美国。

There are men who simply don't like being beaten by a woman... 有些男人就是不想被女人打败。

She was easily beaten into third place. 她轻易落败,跌至第三。

10. VERB 动词打破(纪录等);超过; 突破 If someone beats a record or achievement, they do better than it.

【语法信息】:V nHe was as eager as his Captain to beat the record. 他和队长一样渴望打破这项纪录。

11. VERB 动词战胜(某个组织、问题、疾病等) If you beat something that you are fighting against, for example an organization, a problem, or a disease, you defeat it. 【语法信息】:V nIt became clear that the Union was not going to beat the government... 情况已然明朗,工会无法和政府抗衡。

They recognise that tough action offers the only hope of beating inflation... 他们认识到这一严厉举措是战胜通货膨胀的唯一希望。

Kate Jackson is expecting her first child at 43—two years after beating breast cancer. 凯特·杰克逊在43岁的时候怀上了第一个孩子——那时她战胜乳腺癌已经有两年了。

12. VERB 动词(常指暂时)击退,中断,中止 If an attack or an attempt is beaten off or is beaten back, it is stopped, often temporarily.

【语法信息】:be V-ed adv

【语法信息】:V adv n

【搭配模式】:usu passiveThe rescuers were beaten back by strong winds and currents... 救援人员因风浪太大而被迫中断工作。

South Africa's ruling National Party has beaten off a right-wing challenge. 南非执政的国民党已经击退了右翼分子的一次挑战。

13. VERB 动词好于;优于;胜于 If you say that one thing beats another, you mean that it is better than it.

【语法信息】:V n

【搭配模式】:no cont

【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式Being boss of a software firm beats selling insurance... 当软件公司的老板比卖保险强多了。

Nothing quite beats the luxury of soaking in a long, hot bath at the end of a tiring day... 辛苦一天之后美美地泡个热水澡比什么都强

For an evening stroll the beach at Dieppe is hard to beat. 傍晚散步去迪耶普的海滩简直是不二之选。

14. VERB 动词没有比…更好的;什么也比不上;最好的莫过于 If you say you can't beat a particular thing you mean that it is the best thing of its kind.

【语法信息】:V n

【搭配模式】:no contYou can't beat soap and water for cleansing. 做清洁没有比用肥皂和水更好的了。

15. VERB 动词赶在…前面;抢先 To beat a time limit or an event means to achieve something before that time or event.

【语法信息】:V nThey were trying to beat the midnight deadline... 他们要努力赶在午夜的最后期限之前完成。

Those who shop on Sunday to beat the rush are wasting their time. 那些为了在抢购高峰前下手而在星期天购物的人是在浪费时间。

16. N-COUNT 可数名词(警察的)辖区,巡逻区;(记者的)负责采访的区域 A police officer's or journalist's beat is the area for which he or she is responsible.

The team police get to know the people in their patrol areas better than cops who must cover a larger beat. 小分队的警察比那些负责大片区域的警察更了解自己管片的群众。

17. VERB 动词把…难住;使不明白;使无法解释 You use beat in expressions such as 'It beats me' or 'What beats me is' to indicate that you cannot understand or explain something.

【语法信息】:V n


【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语'What am I doing wrong, anyway?' — 'Beats me, Lewis.'... “不管怎样,我到底做错了什么?”——“这我也不知道,刘易斯。”

How you can be so insensitive absolutely beats me. 我真搞不懂你怎么会这么麻木。

18. PHRASE 短语滚开;走开 If you tell someone to beat it, you are telling them to go away.


【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语Beat it before it's too late. 趁早滚开。

19. CONVENTION 惯用语(表示惊讶或恼怒)竟然有这种事?岂有此理! You can say Can you beat it? or Can you beat that? to show that you are surprised and perhaps annoyed about something.


【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式Can you beat it; there was Graham Greene in Freetown and there was I on the other side of Africa. 真是岂有此理!格雷厄姆·格林在弗里敦,而我却在非洲的另一边。

20. See also: beaten; beaten-up; beating; beat-up;

21. PHRASE 短语比…抢先行动;赶在…前面(做某事) If you intend to do something but someone beats you to it, they do it before you do.

【搭配模式】:V inflectsDon't be too long about it or you'll find someone has beaten you to it. 别拖得太久,不然就会有人捷足先登了。

22. PHRASE 短语打不过,就入伙 If you can't beat them, join them means that, if someone is too strong for you to defeat, it is better to be on the same side as them.

【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式23. PHRASE 短语停顿;犹豫 If you say or do something without missing a beat, you continue to speak or do it, even though people might have expected you to hesitate or stop.

'Are you jealous?' — 'Only when I'm not in control,' he says, not missing a beat. “你眼红吗?”——“除非我把持不住自己,”他毫不犹豫地说道。

24. PHRASE 短语错失机会 If you say that someone never misses a beat, you mean that they always know what is going on and how they can take advantage of it.

Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast's spectacular models since her marriage. 丝凯作为黄金海岸大红大紫的模特儿,自结婚以后从来就没有错失过任何机会。

25. PHRASE 短语(警察)值勤,当班,巡逻 A police officer on the beat is on ty, walking around the area for which he or she is responsible.

【搭配模式】:usu n PHRThe officer on the beat picks up information; hears cries for help; makes people feel safe. 值勤警员注意观察情况,对救援呼叫及时反应,确保让百姓有一种安全感。

26. PHRASE 短语打拍子 If you beat time to a piece of music, you move your hand or foot up and down in time with the music. A conctor beats time to show the choir or orchestra how fast they should sing or play the music.

【搭配模式】:V inflectsHe beats time with hands and feet. 他手脚并用地打着拍子。

beat, strike, hit, thrash, whip


beat: 普通用词,含义广泛,指连续打击。游戏、竞赛或战争中作打败解。

strike: 普通用词,多指急速或突然一次猛击。

hit: 普通用词,常与strike换用,侧重有目标的猛击,强调用力击中。

thrash: 侧重指用棍子或鞭子等痛打。

whip: 多指用鞭子抽打。

conquer, overcome, overthrow, defeat, beat, sube


conquer: 侧重战胜和控制。书面用词。

overcome: 多指战胜或克服非物质的东西,如困难和不良习惯等。语气较弱也可指在斗争或竞争中战胜或压倒对方。

overthrow: 指彻底击败对手,使其丧失力量和地位。

defeat: 普通用词,多指在战争、比赛、竞选或辩论中战胜对手,侧重胜利的暂时性。

beat: 口笔语均可用,可与defeat换用。

sube: 正式用词,与conquer同义,但强调失败后的臣服状态;也可用作借喻,表克制、压抑感情、欲望等

1. He beat me at chess. 他下棋赢了我。

2. a beat-up old truck 破旧的老卡车

3. You look dead beat. 你好像累得够戗。

4. a funky disco beat 适宜跳舞的迪斯科强节奏

5. The sun beat down on his bald pate. 灼热的阳光直射到他那光光的秃顶上。

6. music with a fast, rhythmic beat 节奏快的音乐

7. Most British visitors beat a well-worn path to the same tourist areas of the US. 大多数英国游客总沿着一条老路线参观相同的美国旅游景点。

8. The thugs beat him senseless with a baseball bat. 暴徒用棒球棒把他打得失去了知觉。

9. The African sun beat relentlessly down on his aching head. 非洲的太阳无情地照射在他那发痛的头上。

10. The cruel master beat his slaves mercilessly with a whip. 残暴的奴隶主用鞭子狠心地抽打奴隶。

11. Imagine my amazement when a 70-year-old man beat me at tennis. 在网球赛中,我竟被一位70高龄的老人击败,请想象一下我当时的惊愕状态。

12. After a fierce struggle, he got a beat on his opponent. 经过殊死的较量,他占了对手的上风。

13. Don't beat around the bush, come straight to the point! 别拐弯抹角,直截了当地说吧!

14. Beat up the eggs before you add the flour. 把鸡蛋搅匀后再加面粉。

15. Beat the mixture well , until it is light and creamy. 充分搅拌混合物,直到它松软得像奶油一样。

16. The dancers gyrated to the beat of the music. 跳舞者随着音乐的节拍旋转。

17. I beat him to the draw and shot him in the leg. 我先开枪,击中了他的腿部。

18. Let's beat our brains out to find a solution. 让我们动动脑找出解决的办法。

19. The boy beat out a tune on a tin can. 那男孩在易拉罐上敲出一首曲子。

20. The sun beat down mercilessly on the dry earth. 阳光无情地照射在干旱的大地上。

❷ beat是什么意思




vi. (心脏等)跳动;搜索;(风、雨等)吹打;(鼓)咚咚地响。

vt.& vi 接连地击打。

vt. 打败;敲打;控制;避免。

n. 节拍;(鼓的)一击;管区。

adj. [美国口语]大吃一惊的;[常作 B-]“反传统一代”成员的;摇滚音乐的;[口语](体力或情绪上)疲劳不堪的。

[例句]My wife tried to stop them and theybeather




1、beat的用法1: beat用作动词的基本意思是打”,指连续的击打,其目的一般是加害或惩罚他人击打动作则迅速而有序,-般不指明使用的器具。引申可表示娱乐场合或比赛中“打 败”“战胜”“胜过” ;还可表示“难倒”,"无法解答”。

2、beat的用法2: beat还可指心脏等有节律的舒张与收缩、跳动或使某物不停地上下动、拍动。

3、beat的用法3: beat作 “击打”解时主语般为人,宾语可为人,也可为物作“拍打”解 pn第人的中信时,主语多为风、雨、海浪等名词“拍打在..(地方)” 则用at, on, against等引起的介词短语。

4、beat的用法4: beat可用作不及物动词也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语可用于被动结构。

5、beat的用法5: beat可接以名词、形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语意思。

6、beat的用法6: beat的过去分词可以是beat或beaten,但beat现在一般只用于形容词或非正式英语中,意思是“很疲乏”或指五六十年代的“奇装异服的",其他场合一律用beaten。

7、beat的用法7: beat用作名词的基本意思是“敲打" ,也可指“敲打声”即有节奏地连续击打、敲打或指敲打时发出的声音,,还可作“拍子”解,指音乐节奏的拍子。引申可表示“常去之地”指过去访问过或游览过的地方。

8、beat的用法8: beat还可指“跳动"“悸动”即心脏、脉搏等的一次跳动。

9、beat的用法9: beat作“拍子”解时,一般用于单数形式,其前须加定冠词the。


❸ beat是啥意思


v. 打;打败;跳动;敲打;战胜

n. 拍子;敲打;心跳声

adj. 精疲力尽的

音标:英 [biːt] 美 [biːt]


1、beat a carpet 拍打地毯

2、beat a drought 战胜旱灾

3、beat a drum 击鼓

4、beat a table 捶桌子


1、My pulse beats normally.


2、His heart was still beating.


3、These eggs beat well.


4、He was beating a drum.







❹ 嘻哈音乐中beat指的是什么


❺ beat做动词时的意思是什么


vt.& vi.接连地击打



1、He beat me at chess.他下棋赢了我。

2、Their recent wins have proved they're still the ones to beat.他们最近的胜利已证明,他们仍然是最难打败的队。

3、The government's main aim is to beat inflation.政府的主要目标是抑制通货膨胀。

4、What beats me is how it was done so quickly.使我困惑不解的是,这事怎么这么快就完成了。

5、She was beating st out of the carpet .她正在拍掉地毯上的灰尘。



1、beat about the bush拐弯抹角地讲话;绕圈子

Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want.别绕来绕去了,告诉我你想要什么吧。

beat sb at their own game赢某人的看家本领;打败某人的强项

2、beat your brains out绞尽脑汁;反复推敲

3、beat your breast捶胸顿足(尤指对自己的作为刻意表示悲伤或愧疚)

4、beat the clock提前完成任务(或跑到终点等)

5、beat it通常用于命令,滚开;立即走开

6、beat a path to sb's door使门庭若市;蜂拥而至;使成注意焦点

❻ 音乐beat什么意思

拍 (Beat)。








❼ rap中beat是什么意思



Drop the beat:在嘻哈说唱中,一般是和DJ说“Drop the beat”,字面意思是“放下唱片上的指针,节拍开始”,表示说让DJ可以开始播放和制造音乐等。


Drop that smile causethe beat begins.展开微笑,让前进的节拍鼓动吧。




2、Hook:一般多指鱼钩的意思,但在说唱术语里它意思是“a pleasing and easily remembered refrain in a pop song”,就是一首歌里的副歌部分;在今年新说唱中明星制作人邓紫棋,对自己喜欢的rapper就是要帮他们唱hook;


4、MC的原意:MicrophoneController,也就是“控制麦克风”的人,指的是歌曲中的主要说唱歌手(即rapper)。许多说唱歌手都会给自己的艺名前面加个“MC”。如MC HotDog,MC Jin等等;



❽ Beat什么意思














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