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发布时间:2022-06-01 20:44:47

1. room是什么意思

room 名词 n.

There isn't enough room for all the furniture.
The table takes up a lot of room.
There is still room for improvement.

不及物动词 vi.

He is rooming with us.

2. room是什么意思

最基本的就是 “房间”的意思。
在实用美式英语中如果 room 前面加上一些字,意思就稍微更清楚些。

Living room 客厅
Dining room 饭厅
bedroom 卧室
bathroom 卫生间
guest room 客房
meeting room 会议厅

3. ROOm是什么意思

room / ru?m, rum; rum, r?m/ n
(a) [C] part of a building enclosed by walls or partitions, and with a floor and ceiling 房间; 室: a large airy room on the first floor 二楼的宽敞通风的房间 * He's in the next room. 他在隔壁房间.

(b) rooms [pl] set of these for living in, usu rented; lodgings 一套房间(通常指租的); 寓所: He's staying in rooms in West Kensington. 他住在肯辛顿西区的寓所里.

习惯用法如下:1.[U] ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (to do sth) space that is or could be occupied, or is enough for a purpose (可)占用的空间或地方: Is there enough room for me in the car? 汽车里还有我坐的地方吗? * This table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方了. * Can you make room on that shelf for more books? 你能在那个架子上腾出些地方再放些书吗? * There's no room to work here. 这里没有可工作的空间. * standing room only, ie no room to sit down, eg in a bus, theatre, etc 仅有站位(无坐位, 如在公共汽车、 戏院等内). =>Usage at space 用法见space.
2.[U] ~ (for sth) opportunity; scope 机会; 范围: There's (plenty of) room for improvement in your work, ie It is not as good as it could be. 你的工作还有(许多)改进的余地. * There's no room for doubt,ie It is quite certain. 没有怀疑的余地.

4. rOOm 是什么意思啊!

room 英[ru:m] 美[rum, rʊm]
n. 房间; 空间; 余地; 房间里所有的人;
vt. 租房,合住; 为…提供住处; 投宿,住宿; 留…住宿;
[例句]A minute later he excused himself and left the room
[其他] 第三人称单数:rooms 复数:rooms 现在分词:rooming 过去式:roomed过去分词:roomed

5. “ROOM”什么意思

room / ru:m, rUm; rum, rJm/ n

1 (a) [C] part of a building enclosed by walls or partitions, and with a floor and ceiling 房间; 室: a large airy room on the first floor 二楼的宽敞通风的房间 * He's in the next room. 他在隔壁房间. (b) rooms [pl] set of these for living in, usu rented; lodgings 一套房间(通常指租的); 寓所: He's staying in rooms in West Kensington. 他住在肯辛顿西区的寓所里.

2 [U] ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (to do sth) space that is or could be occupied, or is enough for a purpose (可)占用的空间或地方: Is there enough room for me in the car? 汽车里还有我坐的地方吗? * This table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方了. * Can you make room on that shelf for more books? 你能在那个架子上腾出些地方再放些书吗? * There's no room to work here. 这里没有可工作的空间. * standing room only, ie no room to sit down, eg in a bus, theatre, etc 仅有站位(无坐位, 如在公共汽车、 戏院等内). =>Usage at space 用法见space.

3 [U] ~ (for sth) opportunity; scope 机会; 范围: There's (plenty of) room for improvement in your work, ie It is not as good as it could be. 你的工作还有(许多)改进的余地. * There's no room for doubt,ie It is quite certain. 没有怀疑的余地.

4 (idm 习语) cramped for room/space => cramp2. leave the room => leave1. no room to swing a `cat (infml saying 口, 谚) not enough space to live, work, etc in 没有生活、 工作等的足够空间: There's no room/There isn't (enough) room to swing a cat in here. 这里地方过于狭窄.


v [Ipr] (US) occupy a room or rooms in sb else's house; lodge 2(2) (在别人家中)占一间或一套房间; 租住; 寄宿: He's rooming with my friend Alan. 他住在我的朋友艾伦家里.

n (US) person who rooms; lodger (在别人家中住的)房客; 寄宿者.

/ -fUl; -9fJl/ n amount or number a room will hold 一室所能容纳的数量: a whole roomful of antiques 满室的古董.

adj (-ier, -iest) (approv 褒) having plenty of space to contain things or people 宽敞的: a surprisingly roomy car 极其宽敞的汽车.

n [U].

n (US) building where furnished rooms can be rented 连家具出租的公寓.

n person living in the same room or set of rooms as another, eg in a college or lodgings 同住一室的人(如学校或寄宿舍中的).

room service
(those who provide) service of food, etc to a guest in his hotel room (旅馆的)送食物到客房的服务(人员): Call room service and ask for some coffee. 叫客房服务员送些咖啡来.

6. room是什么意思中文翻译


7. room是什么意思


英 [ru:m] 美 [rum, rʊm]
n.房间; 空间; 余地; 房间里所有的人
vt.租房,合住; 为…提供住处; 投宿,住宿; 留…住宿

复数: rooms 过去式: roomed 过去分词: roomed 现在分词: rooming 第三人称单数: rooms
派生词:roomed roomful


1. The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness.

2. The room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information.

3. I took the phone, and she went discreetly into the living room.

4. There was not much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe.

5. Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares.

8. room是什么意思




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