导航:首页 > 地理科目 > 更好地理解父母用英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-08-29 20:12:49

Ⅰ 可以让我们更好地理解父母的英语

this can help us to understand our parents better.

Ⅱ 你应该要去理解父母英文

You need to understand your parents.

You need to understand your parents.

Ⅲ “我很理解爸爸妈妈”用英语怎翻译

I understand my parents very well...

Ⅳ 理解尊重父母,与他们好好相处的英文

How we can build up a harmonious family
Between parents and children to get along and understand each other respect,growth in the family children will optimistic upward,living in peace family parents will be healthy and happy,parents should give children make good example,fully understand trust children,and children communication,our children should also and parents get along,understand transposition thinking,respect understand parents,let family harmony!

Ⅳ 用英语怎么说学习一项生活技能不仅能够让我们更理解我们的父母,而且还培养了我们的独立性

Learning a living skill not only make us to understand our parents better, but also fosters.our independence.


not only ... but also 不仅...而且



Ⅵ 多理解父母英语

understand more about parents

Ⅶ 我们应该和父母经常沟通,使我们更亲近.我们应该学会理解父母,去爱他们.(英语翻译)

" We should often communicate with our parents, which can make us even closer; we should learn to understand them and to love them."


Ⅷ 英语翻译:直到我长大了,我才能真正的理解父母亲.

Not until i grow up.i couldn't understand my parents.

Ⅸ 经常与父母谈心这样才能更好地相互理解用英文怎么说

Often talk with their parents so that they can better understand each other

Ⅹ “你应该理解父母,他们那样做是为了保护你,不想让你陷入麻烦”用英语怎么说

You are sopposed to understand your parents,they did that for protecting you,instead of getting you into trouble.希望能帮到你 ~



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