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发布时间:2022-06-23 09:02:29

❶ 请你列举一下古今中外的战争 用英文表示

China and Britain Opium War 中英鸦片战争
China and France war 中法战争
resist America aid Korea 抗美援朝
Sino-Japanese War 抗日战争
Normandy campaign 诺曼底战役
First World War 第一次世界大战

Second World War 第二次世界大战
Battle at the Red Wall 赤壁之战
Feishui River 淝水之战
crosses war 官渡之战
Pingxingguan victory 平型关大捷

❷ 法国大革命史,希波战争史,翻译成英语

History of the French Revolution
History of the Hippo War

❸ 英文的美国南北战争史

The American Civil War (1861–1865) was a civil war between the United States of America (the "Union") and the Southern slave states of the newly-formed Confederate States of America under Jefferson Davis. The Union included all of the free states and the five slaveholding border states and was led by Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party. Republicans opposed the expansion of slavery into territories owned by the United States, and their victory in the presidential election of 1860 resulted in seven Southern states declaring their secession from the Union even before Lincoln took office. The Union rejected secession, regarding it as rebellion. And thus war began.

❹ 美国内战的着名战役和大事件有哪些用英语表达,最好能简洁点。

南北战争:Civil War,U.S.

1861年4月~1865年4月,美国南方与北方之间进行的战争。又称美国内战。北方领导战争的是资产阶级。在南方,坚持战争的只是种植场奴隶主,他们进行战争的目的是把奴隶制度扩大到全国, 而北方资产阶级的目的在于打败南方,以便恢复全国的统一。



1860年共和党人林肯当选为总统,美国民主党遭到惨败,这就成为南方奴隶主脱离联邦和发动叛乱的信号。南部蓄奴州南卡罗来纳州首先脱离联邦,接着佐治亚州、亚拉巴马、佛罗里达、密西西比、路易斯安那和得克萨斯诸州相继脱离, 并于1861年2月宣布成立“南部同盟”,另立以杰斐逊·戴维斯为总统的政府。1861年4月12日叛乱政府军开始炮轰在南卡罗来纳的联邦萨姆特要塞,14日被攻陷。林肯政府于4月15日发布讨伐令,内战爆发 。不久,弗吉尼亚、北卡罗来纳、田纳西、阿肯色4州退出联邦参加南部联盟。






1863年,北方在军事上出现转机。同年7月1日葛底斯堡大捷,歼灭南军2.8万人 ,成为内战的转折点。战场上的主动权转到北方军队手中。1864年,北方最高统帅采用新的战略方针:在东,西两线同时展开强大攻势。在东线以消耗敌人的力量为主要目标;在西线用强大兵力深入敌方腹地,切断“南部同盟”的东北部与西南部的联系。1864年9月,W.T.谢尔曼将军麾下的北军一举攻下亚特兰大,两个月后开始着名的“向海洋进军”,在进军中彻底摧毁了敌人的各种军事设施,使南方经济陷于瘫痪。在东线,格兰特将军统率北军把敌军驱逼到叛乱“首都”里士满附近。1865年初,奴隶纷纷逃亡,种植场经济濒于瓦解。北方海军实行的海上封锁,几乎断绝了南方与欧洲的贸易。同时,在南方内部也出现反对派,许多小农加入联邦派从事反战活动。南方逃兵与日俱增。粮食及日用品匮乏。1865年4月9日,R.E.李的部队陷入北方军队的重围之中,被迫向格兰特请降。美国内战终止。美国恢复统一。



北方在战争中的胜利,确立了北方大资产阶级在全国的统治地位。内战消灭了奴隶制,从而为美国的资本主义迅速发展扫清了道路。《宅地法》的实施 ,加速了西部的开发,促进农业资本主义发展中美国式道路的胜利。因而19世纪末美国一跃而成为世界上最先进的工农业资本主义大国。黑人在内战后的重建时期仍受到多方面的歧视和种植场主的剥削,但在政治上取得公民权及选举权,从奴隶枷锁下解放出来。因此,美国内战在美国历史发展中是具有划时代的进步意义的。
Civil War
Civil War: Civil War, U.S.

In April 1861 to April 1865, the United States between North and South war. Also known as the American Civil War. North is leading the war bourgeoisie. In the South, insist war is plantation slavery, the purpose of war is to expand the slave system of the country, while the northern bourgeoisie is designed to defeat the South, in order to restore national unity.

The mid-19th century, free labor system in northern and southern slavery to the development of the contradictions between irreconcilable stage, the slave system in the United States the main obstacle to socio-economic development, the struggle between North and South in the western land for a performance in the most intense. The first half of the 19th century westward expansion in the territory of the United States in the process of setting up a new series of Western states. But whenever the occasion of the establishment of the new state, as occurred in the state - or the struggle against slavery. Northern bourgeoisie and the peasants in the new states that the prohibition of slavery, the new requirements identified in the free state. Southern slaveholders, tried to extend slavery to the West, advocates of the new state, defined as slavery, slave-owners in the United States use of its Parliament and the government's dominance in consecutive victory, the majority of the people of Northern provoked indignation. Established in 1854 in the north of the Republican Party. The same year, the Southern slaveholders an attempt to force the expansion of slavery to Kansas, then broke out in western Kansas, farmers and immigrants from the free state of the Southern slaveholders against the armed struggle, the struggle continued until 1856, opened the prelude to civil war. 1857 slaveholders also attempted to slavery extended to the entire territory of the United States forward. Leading John intifada.

The first stage

In 1860 Republican President Abraham Lincoln was elected, the United States defeat by the Democratic Party, which became Southern slaveholders from the Federation and the rebels launched signal. Southern slavery in South Carolina the first state from the federal, then the state of Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas have been from the states, and in February 1861 announced the formation of "southern alliance" and to separate the President Jefferson Davis government. On April 12, 1861 the rebel army started shelling in South Carolina federal Fort Sumter, the 14th name. Lincoln government on April 15 issued the onslaught, the civil war broke out. Soon, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, four from the union in southern Union.

The beginning of the war far exceeds the strength of the North South, the North 22.34 million population, only 9.1 million South, and more than 380 million of which is the slave trade. The North has developed instrial, railway network connections and rich food, and the South almost no instrial, railway rarely. But the South's military is fully prepared, with all the training, equipment, and more sophisticated military. Moreover, the eve of the civil war, President J. Buchanan to the large quantities of weapons and money to transfer it to the South. Lincoln in the early years of war civil war aim is to restore the unity of the South and the North, the slave system that will touch some of the border to the South, slaves rebel side, which lost the border states of this strategically important regions. Because the government refused to declare the liberation of the Northern slaves. Therefore, in the first phase of the civil war, the North suffered defeat in the military. In Manassas in July 1861 and the 1862 summer campaign in the peninsula, North-heavy losses. Although the North-West Line made a series of brilliant victory from the hands of the Yugoslav Army seized several important strategic positions, but these results were offset by the line of Waterloo.

In the northern military has repeatedly failed circumstances, the radical faction within the Republican Party and the community to scrap the right to the liberation of black slaves and armed proposition. Lincoln also aware of the need for the liberation of slaves.

The second stage

On September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued the preliminary "liberate black slaves Declaration." Announced: If the January 1, 1863 before the South rebels do not lay down their arms, the rebel slave states since the day it will be free. News spread to the South, thousands of slaves fled to the north. The British working class has launched a campaign to support the north, forcing the British government to abandon the original plan to interfere.

Lincoln government has also introced a series of measures and policies Revolution: 1862 - 1863 implementation of the policy of armed blacks. Therefore, thousands of blacks enroll in the northern army, which mainly in the South quilombo; In May 1862 the promulgation of the "Homestead Act" stipulates: all loyal to the Federal alts, as long as the delivery of 10 US dollars registration fee, they can receive in the western 64.74 hectares of land, land farming can become five years after the land owners. Lincoln government to suppress counter-revolutionaries, the South cleansing agents in the army. 1863 started to implement conscription law, to replace the edge, thus, enhance the strength of the North. At the same time, Lincoln adjusted the military leadership, a unified command, outstanding appointments to the U.S. military Grant for the military commander.

In 1863, the Northern military turn. The same year on July 1 Gettysburg victory, Terminator VJ 28,000 people and became a turning point in the civil war. On the battlefield initiative in the hands of the army to the north. In 1864, Supreme Commander of the North adoption of a new strategic directions: East, West simultaneously launched two powerful offensive line. In line with the power consumption of the enemy main objectives; In West with a powerful strength in depth of the enemy's hinterland, and to cut off "the southern alliance" of the Northeast and Southwest ties. In September 1864, W.T. General Sherman's army killing ten North Atlanta, two months after the famous "into the oceans", enter completely destroyed in the enemy's military facilities, South economic gridlock. In the East, Northern Army Command General Grant to drive the enemy into the rebel "capital" near Richmond. Early in 1865, have fled slavery, plantation brink of economic collapse. Northern Navy implemented a naval blockade, almost cut off trade with the European south. Meanwhile, also in the south of internal opposition, many small farmers were joined in the federal anti-war activities. South deserters increasing. Lack of food and daily necessities. On April 9, 1865, Lee's forces R.E. a tight encirclement of the northern army, forced Grant to the gassing. End of the Civil War. The United States resuming reunification.

The significance of the civil war

During the civil war, the two sides battle for consumption of 15 billion US dollars. Federal military casualties 630,000 people, the Yugoslav Army casualties 480,000 people. The war demonstrated the power of modern instry, both equipped with a new large-bore weapons, promoting the formation dispersed, field fortifications and infantry force operating near the use and development. Rail and telegraph played a major role, and the first time in the history of warfare and the use of armored ships, mines, torpedoes and submarines.

North's victory in the war, to establish the North of the big bourgeoisie in the dominant position. Civil war eliminated slavery, which the United States cleared the rapid development of the capitalist road. "Homestead Act" of the implementation, and has accelerated the development of the west, promoting agricultural development in the American-style capitalist road victory. Thus the late 19th century the United States leaped into the world's most advanced instrial capitalist power. Black postwar period of reconstruction, still be many plantation owners discrimination and exploitation, but in the political citizenship and the right to vote, from the liberation of slave shackles. Therefore, the history of the Civil War in the United States is a landmark in the development of meaningful progress

❺ 战争的英文是什么





n. 战争,斗争;军事,战术;冲突,对抗,竞争

vi. 打仗,作战;对抗






n. 战争;交战,武装冲突;斗争;竞争;冲突;军事行为;兵火






n. 战争,战役;斗争;比赛,较量;长期论战或长期作战;激烈的竞争

vi. 斗争;作战

vt. 与…作战




[其他] 第三人称单数:battles复数:battles现在分词:battling过去式:battled过去分词:battled



n. 战争;[心理] 敌意(hostility的复数)






adj. 战斗的;好战的;适于格斗的

n. 战斗;搏斗;战争

v. 奋斗(fight的ing形式);打仗;与…进行拳击


The dogged fighting was constant.


❻ 战争用英文怎么说


❼ 关于战争的英文有翻译的

War and Peace
Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome.While peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization. Does man have an innate taste for war? Or is it just an acquired scheme learned from human society? We only know
that there hasn't been any period in the history ring which the world was really at peace. Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment of families, communities, and nations. Why should we let all these be destroyed by wars?
To rece the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have two suggestions. First of all, ecation should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. Knowledge derives from ecation and is a surer road to wisdom. Wisdom enables us to distinguish right from wrong. It also teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction. Another cure is religion. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropy and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge. Consequently, ecation and religion working side by side can transform a barbarian into a civilized person. With wisdom and love, the human race as a whole will detest war and embrace peace.

要将战争的可能性降至最低程度,我有两点建议:首先,必须落实教育,以去除人性中的残酷与兽性;知识源于教育,同时也是通往智慧较稳当的一条路。智慧使我们明辨是非,同时也教导我们自制与容忍。 自制与容忍乃防止任意杀戮和破坏的两条有效途径。另一帖良方是宗教。世界上大部分的宗教主张博爱与宽恕,而博爱与宽恕可化解仇恨和报复。因此,教育和宗教相辅相成,能够将野蛮人转变为文明人。有了智慧和爱,全体人类定当厌恶战争、拥抱和平。

❽ 用英文介绍抗日战争!

The War of Resistance Against Japan refers to a nationwide all-out war against Japanese aggression ring the Second World War in the middle of the 20th century; since the total war lasted about 8 years, it was also called the Eight-year War of Resistance, or simply the War of Resistance.

In 1931, after the September 18th Incident of the Japanese invaders, they completely occupied Northeast China and established a pseudo-Manchurian state. Since then, they have provoked war conflicts in North China and Shanghai. On July 7, 1937, the Japanese army provoked the Lugou Bridge Incident near Peiping, and the Sino-Japanese War broke out.







❾ 急求!!!世界历史上最有影响的战争 英文简介


According to England "The Times" in June, 2004 reported, in First World War period, probably

some 250,000 English boys are recruited by the government to enlist, rush to the reactionary

reign of terror European theater, these "boy soldier" the age all is lower than the legal

age limit ---18 years old, one about the half "the boy soldier" all died in battle nearly in

the front or is wounded. The English government to recruited 250000 "the boy scout" the

scandal which the participation as soon as fought to conceal selously for more than 80

years, until on the other day, the research war history historian only then had discovered

from the historical file this astonishing secret, the historical documentary film which "the

testimony film and television" the company manufactured by England "the English Boy scout"

last night "the fourth channel" on discloses this historical truth for the first time in


Reveals: 250,000 boy scouts leave for the battlefield:

After a war eruption, the short two months, have 750,000 English men to respond the

propaganda to enlist in the military, many people all are the underage boys which Weak, is

smallest even only then 14 years old. Although then English Prime Minister Asquith and his

cabinet clearly knew many calls up for service the boys have not all achieved the legal age

limit ---18 years old, but in order to recruit to the enough military strength, all opens

the eyes to shut. According to the historian disclosed that, at that time some 250,000

English boys are probably called up for service by the government, rush to the reactionary

reign of terror European theater, has become out-and-out England "the boy scout".

Recollection: Made a false report the age enlistment government pretends ignorance:

Present age 106 year-old Cecile -Withers was still lives until now in a world minority

several war "the boy scout" one, in the past he enlist in the military to should

government's summons when only then 17 years old. Withers recollects the road: "They simply

do not be born the age to me to prove that, I like this easily enlisted in the military. At

that time many 15 year-old boys all made a false report oneself already 20 year old or 19

years old, they also all smoothly enlisted in the military ---the present to think really

shocking." Withers from the very beginning even will not have matter of the enlistment to

inform own parents, he will be registers with a fictitious name and the vacation family

address. Withers road: "At that time many boys the reason that enlisted only were because in

the family was poor, after they thought enlisted may fill the belly."

Shock: 17 years old "the military deserter" is executed:

The document demonstrated, "boy scout" if occurs in the battlefield is absent-minded works

as military deserter's behavior, similarly must execute by the firing squad, East London boy

Abraham -Bevis is peaceful because is unfortunate. When he accepted a job offer enlisted

only then 16 years old in September, 1914, in February, 1915, Bevis was peaceful because

Behind is hit in a lucky prosperous Greece's campaign is injured, is escorted to a hospital

to accept the treatment. When soon returns to the front, a hand grenade explodes in his side

not far away, fully suffered Bevis which frightens to be peaceful because is not willing to

return to the battlefield to go again. A military medical service official orders him to

return to the front trench to go immediately, after Bevis is peaceful because rejects the

command prompt, he encountered in March 20, 1916 has executed. At that time his death record

demonstrated he has 21 years old, however in fact, he at that time only then 17 years old.

Sighs woefully: The young boy scout 16 years old died in battle:

Came from England to suppose Fielder city Huo Russ -Iraqi Lies is at that time the youngest

England "the boy scout" one, when he accepted a job offer enlisted only then 14 years old.

After two years, at the French Sohm river campaign first day, he on are hit by the enemy

side shell got killed. Front it is reported died in battle in Iraqi Lies, his elder sister

not Luo river Li once wrote a letter entreats him, wanted him to say own to the military

real age. Not Luo river Li write in the letter: "dear Huo Russ, tells them you the real age,

I believed they can safely deliver you to come back." However not the Luo river Li's letter

actually has been drawn back, above has also attached line of characters: "already died in

battle". Huo Russ -Iraqi Lies dies when only then 16 years old.

Resistance: Britain congressman rushes about for the boy scout:

It is reported, England's Liberal Party Congressman Arthur - Mark Tom felt the anxiety at

that time to these young children's safety. He did has been massive diligently, attempted to

convince the English war office person in charge, secretaries of war Kitchener issues an

order to guarantee the tens of thousands of names "the boy scout" the soldier to be able

safely to withdraw from the European theater. However, the English government ignores to the

Mark Tom appeal. Mark Tom angrily accuses the English government to use the fraulence

method to deceive these children to enlist in the military, but his sound too lonely, too

was also small and weak. In August, 1916, 50 year-old Mark Tom died in heart disease arises

suddenly, from this time on again not artificial "the boy scout" entered a war the incident

to express to the English government protested

❿ 谁有casablanca的战争历史英文介绍或这部电影的故事要全英文的,有没有翻译没关系。

剧情1941年。卡萨布兰卡。在纳粹的铁蹄之下,要从欧洲逃往巴西,必须绕道摩洛哥北部城市卡萨布兰卡。这使得这座城市的情势异常紧张。里克咖啡馆的老板里克(亨弗莱·鲍嘉饰)是位神秘的男子。这个偏 僻的小城现在突然变得热闹起来。人们从法西斯铁蹄下的欧洲各国来到这里,因为在这里能弄到出境护照,取道里斯本到美国去。不过,代价极高。为了出境证,这儿每天都在发生悲剧。一架德国飞机载着秘密警察头目司特拉斯少校降落在卡萨布兰卡。当地的法国警察局长雷诺上尉(克劳德·雷恩斯饰)前往迎接。原来,前不久,两个德国信使被杀,他们身上带的两张戴高乐将军亲笔签名的护照被人取走。司特拉斯此行为追查此案;同时还有更重要的任务:跟踪一个捷克左翼运动领导人——维克多·拉斯罗。雷诺向他报告,兇手已查明,今夜将在一个饭店当众逮捕他。司特拉斯命令雷诺决不能使拉斯罗离开卡萨布兰卡,这对德国政府来说是头等重要的事情。卡萨布兰卡机场附近,豪华的咖啡馆店。顾客盈门,欧洲人,非洲人,亚洲的土耳其人。黑人乐师山姆坐在钢琴前,边弹边唱。寻欢作乐者们的议论中心却仍是护照。一个漂亮女人:“以往我想要一所戛纳的别墅,现在我只想要一出境护照。”一个男人:“弄不到护照,我只有死在卡萨布兰卡。”只有饭店的主人里克,显得那样冷静淡漠,独自坐在桌子边。专事倒卖出境护照的犹加特来到里克跟前,取出了装有两张通行证的信封,要里克代为保管。他告诉里克,两个德国信使是他杀的。今天倒卖出去,发笔横财,他就离开这里。里克尽管不喜欢此人,但还是默许代他保管,并把通行证放在山姆还在弹的钢琴后盖里。犹加特刚离开,雷诺来了。他告诉里克,拉斯罗已来到卡萨布兰卡,要里克不要做感情主义者。司特拉斯知道里克在欧洲和北非都参加过反法西斯战争。他要里克这次能站在德国一边,阻止拉斯罗离开这儿到美国去。里克拒绝了:“你们的职业是政治,我的职业是开酒店。”犹加特被警察抓走后打死了,在他身上,没有搜到那两张护照。拉斯罗和妻子依尔沙(英格丽·褒曼饰)走进饭店。依尔沙发现正在弹钢琴的山姆很脸熟,山姆仔细地打量了一会儿才收回目光。一个男人随之而来,以要拉斯罗买下一枚戒指为掩护,与拉斯罗接上了头,约定见面地点。接着,司特拉斯和雷诺也来到他们桌边。拉斯罗拒绝与司特拉斯多谈,雷诺只好以地方警察局名义邀他去一次警察局。此两人走后,拉斯罗应约去会卖戒指人,知道犹加特已死,护照无指望。依尔沙独自一个留在餐厅,听着山姆弹琴。终于,下决心上前与山姆打招呼。山姆没料到会在这儿碰上依尔沙。在依尔沙的请求下,山姆和依尔沙一起边弹边唱起《时光流转》。里克发现了伊尔沙,变得与往日不同。深夜,漆黑的饭店里,顾客都已离去。山姆轻轻地弹着《时光流转》,里克陷入了往事:巴黎,里克和依尔沙依偎着,在大街上,在塞纳河的汽艇中,在豪华的饭店里。里克幸福地微笑着:“为什么我这么幸运,会遇上你?”依尔沙告诉里克,她曾经爱过一个男人,可他死了。后来,她遇上了里克,爱上了他。一辆宣传车打断了这对恋人的呢喃。德国军队正在向巴黎推进,几天之内便将占领巴黎。饭店里,山姆在钢琴上弹着《时光流转》,街上的喇叭在播送盖世太保的嚣喧。山姆和依尔沙知道里克是德国纳粹悬赏捉拿目标,劝他马上离开巴黎,里克建议三人一起走。讲定在火车站碰头。分手时,依尔沙对里克说,无论怎样,她都非常爱他。火车站前,里克在风雨中焦急地等着依尔沙。山姆来了。交给里克一封依尔沙的信。里克迫不及待地拆开,信中写道:“我不能和你一同走,也不能和你再见面了,你一定不要问为什么。只要相信我爱你。”雨点打在信纸上,字迹模糊了……依尔沙出现在正在回忆往事的里克面前。里克这才发现,山姆正准备回家。他冷冷地对依尔沙说:“我们已停止营业。” 依尔沙想找里克谈件事,但里克却质问她为什么要到卡萨布兰卡来,还告诉她,自己的心已被高跟鞋踢伤。依尔沙想解释,里克不想听。拉斯罗和依尔沙应邀来到警察局,司特拉斯要拉斯罗供出欧洲各国地下抵抗组织的领导人,答应给他们发护照。拉斯罗回答得很巧妙:“在集中营里”。拉斯罗和依尔沙找到黑市头面人物弗拉里,想花钱买两张护照,弗拉里告诉他们,只能卖一张,因为拉斯罗是德国当局控制对象,没人敢卖护照给他。弗拉里还告诉他们,犹加特的那两张特别通行证估计在里克那里,虽然警察局曾去搜,但没搜到。他建议拉斯罗去找里克帮忙。但里克却很冷漠。拉斯罗问他原因,里克要他问问自己的太太。正在谈话,饭店里的德国人唱起了法西斯军歌。拉斯罗到乐队前指挥起马赛曲,周围的人都唱了起来,压住了德国人的歌声。司特拉斯气急败坏,命令雷诺立即查封里克饭店。晚上,依尔沙又来找里克,要他交出通行证,里克不肯。依尔沙又以旧情要求他,他还是不理睬。依尔沙无奈,拔出了手枪。里克取出了通行证,却又说,只有开枪打死他才能办到。依尔沙手中的枪掉了下来。她向里克倾诉了当时离他而去的原因。她和拉斯罗结婚刚三个星期,他就到布拉格去了,不久,传来他被捕死亡的消息。后来,她与里克相遇相爱。可就在她要和里克、山姆离开巴黎时,临去火车站前,忽然接到拉斯罗朋友的电话,说拉斯罗还活着,而且就在巴黎郊外,正在生病。她虽然爱里克,但不能扔下拉斯罗不管,里克明白了一切,决定帮助拉斯罗。雷诺因为拉斯罗参加秘密集会,决定逮捕他,里克知道后帮他出主意:待拉斯罗拿到通行证后再逮捕他。这样雷诺可以一举两得立功,里克也可以带着漂亮的依尔沙到美国去。雷诺同意了。拉斯罗在飞机起飞前几分钟来到饭店,拿到了通行证。他要将十万法郎给里克,里克不要,说他去美国用得着。正在这时,雷诺突然出现,宣布逮捕拉斯罗。拉斯罗感到意外,里克却掏出手枪对准了雷诺,要他给机场打电话:不得留难拉斯罗和依尔沙。雷诺却将电话打到德国领事馆,尽管不便讲清,司特拉斯却已明白事情不妙,带了警察直奔飞机场。里克逼着雷诺在通行证上签上拉斯罗和依尔沙的名字,雷诺和依尔沙却很惊奇。里克对依尔沙说:“我们将永远记住巴黎。你来卡萨布兰卡以前,我们的甜蜜记忆消失了,昨天夜里我们把它找回来了。” 飞机的马达发动了。司特拉斯冲进了机场。当他知道拉斯罗已上了飞机,便企图打电话阻止飞机起飞。里克用枪指住他,司特拉斯依然拿起电话机拨通电话,里克的枪响了,打死了司特拉斯。尾随而来的宪兵刚刚赶到,雷诺却命令宪兵去把往常的嫌疑犯都抓起来。飞机起飞了。雷诺对里克说:“你不但是感情主义者,你也变成了一个爱国者了。”里克说这正是重新开始的大好时机。雷诺表示希望里克离开卡萨布兰卡,隐匿一段时间,交通他安排,里克说起10万美元的赌约,雷诺说他们俩马上用得着了,然后私下建议锐克一同去参加自由法兰西抵抗运动。最后,一对反纳粹新战友一同消失在雾气蒙蒙的黑夜中。故事曲折出奇的结局使这部影片成为描写爱情,人性和关于为正义献身的经典之作。 精彩对白I guess our love story will never be seen on the big wide silver screen, but it hurt just as badly when I had to watch you go. 我想,我们的故事永远不会出现在银幕上,可是当我看着你离去,我的心一样的痛楚。I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca. You know I've never really been there. so I don't know. 我猜在卡萨布兰卡一定有很多破碎的心,你知道我从未置身其中,所以不得而知。I love you more & more each day as time goes by. 时光流逝,我对你的爱却与日俱增。Rick: Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.里克:世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇中有那么多的酒馆,她(伊尔莎)却偏偏走进了我的酒馆。--Where were you last night? --That's so long ago, I don't remember. --Will I see you tonight? --I never make plans that far ahead. --你昨晚去哪里了? --那么久以前的事我记不起来了。 --我今晚可以见到你吗? --我从不计划那么遥远的事情。
Captain Renault:where did you put the exit visas?
Rick: over the piano.
Captain Renault:that's a kind of punishment for I don't like music.
警察局局长:哦,看来这是对我不喜欢音乐的一种惩罚。I was a fool to fall for a man like you. 我真是傻瓜,竟然爱上你这样一个人。How extravagant you are, throwing away women. Someday they may be scarce. 你真奢侈,这样把女人抛开。有一天他们可能会渐渐消失。I suspect that under that cynical shell you are at heart a sentimentalist. 我怀疑在你愤世嫉俗的外表下,你的内心是个性情中人。Alot of water under the bridge. 过去的事有如逝水.往事如烟。I can't remember it, Miss llsa. I'm a little rusty on it. 我记不起来了,伊莎小姐.我有点生锈了。We all try. You succeed. 人家都尽力而为,而你成功了。--Let's see, the last time we met... --Was La Belle Aurore. --我想想看,我们最后一次见面是 --“美丽的晨晕”Another precedent gone. This has been a very interesting evening. 又一个惯例被打破了,这真是一个很有趣的晚上。That's the way it goes. One in, one out. 自然法则,一进一出。You played it for her. You can play it for me.lf she can stand it, I can. 你能为她弹,你也能为我弹。如果她受得了,我也可以。Rick: Here's looking at you, kid.里克(祝酒词):永志不忘。- A franc for your thoughts. -- In America they'd bring only a penny. I guess that's about all they're worth. -- I'm willing to be overcharged. Tell me. -- 一法郎买你的心事。 --在美国他们只出一便士,你猜出大概只值这么多。 --我愿意超额付费。Well, I was wondering why I' m so lucky. Why I should find you waiting for me to come along. 我在想,为什么我那么幸运?为什么你会在那里等着我出现正巧又被我找到。With the whole world crumbling, we pick this time to fall in love. 整个世界快倒下来了,我们却挑上这时候来谈恋爱。Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look on his face, because his insides have been kicked out. 最后一天我记得最清楚,当汽笛声响过后,月台上有一个人站在雨中,脸上挂着可笑的表情,因为他的内心被踢翻了。I guess neither one of our stories is very funny. 我猜我们的故事都不怎么有趣。If I had to stay and there were only visa for one, would you take it? 如果我必须留下,只有一份签证,你会要吗?I'm not interested in politics. The problems of the world are not in my department. 我对政治不感兴趣,世界的问题不是我份内的事。I'm not fighting for anything anymore except myself. I'm the only cause I' m interested in. 我不再为任何事战斗了,除了为自己。我唯一感兴趣的目标就是自己。Richard, I tried to stay away. I thought I would never see you again. That you were out of my life. 我尽量避开你,我以为我永远不会再见到你,你已经在我生命中消失。-- Miss Lund, she is very beautiful, yes, but you were never interested in any woman. -- She isn't just any woman. -- 林小姐,她非常美丽,不错,可是你从不对任何女人感兴趣。 -- 她不只是任何女人。Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life. 如果飞机离地,你不在上面。你会后悔的,或者不是今天,或者不是明天,不过很快,并且是后悔一辈子。We'll always have Paris. We didn't have... We'd lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night. 我们永远拥有巴黎,本来没有,你来卡萨布兰卡后我们失去了,不过昨晚我们重拾回来了。Ilsa, I' m no good at being noble. But it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. 伊莎,清高我并不在行,不过要明白也不难。在这疯狂的世界,三个小人物就别太计较了。总有一天你会明白的。She did her best to convince me that she was still in love with me. But that was all over long ago. For your sake, she pretended it wasn't, and I let her pretend. 她尽力让我们相信她仍爱着我,那在很久以前就结束了,因为你的缘故,她假装不是,我让她继续装下去。I was right. You are a sentimentalist. 我说对了,你是个感情用事的人。You used to be a much better liar, Sam.你以前骗人的本事比现在高明多了(现在不会骗人了)We will always have Paris.-“我们将永远拥有巴黎(的那段恋情)。”Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]
Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.哦警察局局长:哦,谢谢你。里克:Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.-“路易,我觉得这是一段美好友谊的开始。”-(片尾台词)



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