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发布时间:2022-06-24 08:15:18

㈠ 北京去年冬天的天气如何英语英文

. The weather in Beijing last winter was better and warmer. It snows anyway, because can internal water make red couplets? Anyway, the latitude in the north is so high. In Beijing, it also snows. This is no exception

㈡ 急求北京的天气概括(英文)(要写此提问的回答,要求写四句话左右)

What's the weather like? It's windy.
What's weather do you like? I like cloudy.
What's weather at today? It's sunny.
How was weather in yesterday? It was sonwny.

㈢ 北京的天气是什么英语怎么说

What's the weather like in Beijing?


㈣ 北京的天气怎么样的英文

英文;1.what is the weather in beijing.2.what's the weather in beijing.3.What's the weather like in Beijing?

㈤ 用英文描述北京的天气

Beijing winter weather can also be,not very cold.Temperature at zero,the sweater coat or down jacket to add,as many wear,cold can not,unless you physically very cold.Is that the weather was very dry,more bad skin,if you normal wear contact lenses,then it might be advisable not to wear a very warm indoor ...Beijing's weather is also very dry,James points out emollient supplies,otherwise the skin will become very dry.

㈥ 北京的天气预报用英语怎么说,气温-8~-2摄氏度,天气多云

The weather forecast of / in Beijing / Beijing's weather forecast北京的天气预报
The temperature is -8 to -2(minus eight to minus two)degrees Celsius with cloudy weather.气温零下8至零下2摄氏度,天气多云。

㈦ 用英文介绍北京一年四季的天气特点


Summer is very hot,so we can wear thin clothes: like jacket,skirts,shorts。


Spring weather warmed,so we can wear:as shirt,thin dress,thin T-shirt。


Fall weather is getting cold,so we can wear:As the short suits,T-shirts,casual wear。


Winter is very cold,so we can wear : like coat,thick coat,sweater


㈧ 北京的四季天气(用英文的)

spring(春天)warm, alittle bit cold and a bit rainy. Summer(夏天)hot, boiling, high teperatured, stormy. autumn(秋天)cool,fresh sunny

㈨ 请问北京的天气用英语可以说Beijing's weather

the weather in beijing



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