Ⅰ 扑克牌用英语怎么说
扑克牌的英文:playing card
card读法 英[kɑːd]美[kɑrd]
1、Octopus card八达通 ; 八达通卡 ; 通卡 ; 嘟嘟声
2、Card stacking洗牌法 ; 洗牌作弊法 ; 梳理论据时做手脚 ; 堆牌法
3、magnetic card磁卡片 ; 磁条卡 ; 磁性卡
4、rechargeable card充值卡 ; 冲值卡 ; 充值卡是
5、Storage Card存储卡 ; 内存卡 ; 储存卡
1、cut cards 切牌
2、deal cards 发牌
3、exchange cards 交换名片
4、get well card 拿到健康卡
5、have a card up one's sleeve 有锦囊妙计
He was down on all cards at the middle of the tenth round.
Ⅱ 扑克牌中的J,Q,K都代表的是什么啊用英文怎么说
黑桃3的说法并不是spade three, 而是the three of spades;同理,方块5就是the five of diamonds。
Ⅲ 扑克英语
poker 其实在国外主要指几种,德州扑克,奥马哈。。。。并不是用纸牌玩的就是‘扑克’,比如百家乐,21点什么的,只是赌场游戏,并不能算是真的‘扑克’。全世界来说,德州扑克是第一的,要玩的好,很有技巧性。如果你喜欢玩扑克,以下基础词给楼主参考,这是很少的部分,因为真的太多太多,我曾今帮公司翻译过扑克的策略和技巧,但自己没整理过:
Suit 花色
Hearts 红桃
Spades 黑桃
Diamonds 方块
Clubs 草花
Royal flush 皇家同花顺A-K-Q-J-10
Straight flush 同花顺
Four of a kind 四张/四同点 – 四张相同的牌
Full house 满堂红– 三条加一对
Flush 同花
Straight 顺子
Three of a kind 三条– 三张相同的牌
Two pairs 两对
One pair 一对
Button 按钮(庄家)- 每一圈押注的顺序决定于庄家"按钮"的位置。这是一个玩家顺时针轮流持有的标志,每圈押注由按钮左侧的玩家开始。
Hole cards 底牌- 每个人在牌局开始时得到的底牌,也称“口袋”牌。
Starting hand 起手牌- 也就是各个玩家不让别人看到的底牌。
Board (cards) 台面- 泛指桌上的五张公共牌。
Community cards 公共牌- 即台面上的五张公共牌。
Flop 翻牌 - 首三张公共牌
Turn 转牌 - 第四张公共牌
River 河牌 - 第五张公共牌
Action 叫注 / 说话 - 一个玩家的决定。德州扑克里共有七种决定:
Bet 押注 - 押上筹码
Call 跟注 - 跟随其他玩家押上同等的注额
Fold 盖牌 / 不跟- 放弃继续牌局的机会
Check 让牌 - 在无需跟注的情况下把决定权“让”给下一位玩家
Raise 加注 - 把现有的赌注抬高
Re-raise 再加注
– 在别人加注的基础上再加注
All-in 全押- 一次性把手上的筹码全押上
Limit 注限 - 即大盲注的注额。这代表牌局的最低押注限额,也说明一个牌局的大小。玩一个$50的牌局所需要的资本当然要比玩一个$0.50的多得多。
Bank roll 资本 - 游戏时身上的筹码数。
Rake 佣金 - 扑克室在常规游戏里向每一局的赢家抽取的场费。
Blinds 盲注 - 在每一局开始时,台面上必须有“盲注”。这是对玩家强制性的押注,为的是确保“底池”(每一牌局的奖金)基数。德州扑克里的盲注一般由庄家左侧的两个玩家押上。左侧第一位押相等于下限注一半的“小盲注”;左侧第二位押相等于最低注的“大盲注”。在场的玩家自然随着每一轮换庄而轮流担起押盲注的任务。
Betting rounds 押注圈- 每一个牌局可分为四个押注圈。每一圈押注由按钮(庄家)左侧的玩家开始叫注。
Cap 封顶 - 每一个押注圈只允许三次加注。
Pot 底池 - 每一个牌局里众人已押上的筹码总额,也即该局的奖金数。
Pre-flop 底牌权 / 前翻牌圈 - 公共牌出现以前的第一轮叫注。
Flop round 翻牌圈- 首三张公共牌出现以后的押注圈
Turn round 转牌圈- 第四张公共牌出现以后的押注圈
River round 河牌圈- 第五张公共牌出现以后,也就是摊牌以前的押注圈
Bluff factor 虚张声势- 在没有什么胜算的情况下押上很多筹码。
Bust 出局 - 筹码全部输光。
Position 位置 - 一个玩家就庄家的相对位置。随着按钮换庄,每个人的位置也跟着变动。
On the button 按钮- 这是全场最有利的位置。
Early 靠前 - 按钮左侧的首三个位子,也是最不利于玩家的位子。
Middle 中间 - 按钮左侧第四至第七个位子。
Late 靠后 - 第八和第九个位子。这两个位子的玩家因为可以先观察他人的决策后作决定,因此较占优势。
Over card - 比台面的公共牌高的口袋牌。口袋A 、 K 就是 6 、8 、 Q翻牌的 Over card 。
Pocket pair 口袋对子- 两张等值的底牌,比如 AA 、QQ 、88等。
American Airlines: AA,一对A的起手牌
Bet: 下注,投入筹码.其他玩家必须跟注,加注,或弃牌.
Bicycle: A2345,最小的一条龙.
Big blind: 牌局开始时在发牌之前,Dealer Button(庄家)左手第二位玩家的强制性下注,通常是该牌局的注额下限.
Blinds: 盲点.牌局开始时在发牌之前的强制性下注,分为Small blind和Big blind.
Boat: 三条加一对满堂彩(Full house)的另一种叫法
Broadway: 10到A的一条龙.
Call: 跟注,投入和前面玩家相同数额的筹码.
Calling station: 总是跟注的玩家.这一类型的玩家不在乎其对手的牌好坏与否,总是跟注.
Check: 如果在你之前没有人下注,到你的时候可以选择Check,即也不下注,静观其变.但如果在你之前有任何一人下注,你必须至少跟注,否则就要弃牌.
Check-Raise: 先check不下注,目的是之后可以加注对手们的下注.当你觉得你有一副好牌的时候,这种技巧可用来吸引更多筹码到台面上.
Community cards: 同Borad cards
Cowboys: KK,一对K的起手牌
Draw: 当你Drawing时,表示你在等待亮出来的公用牌可以对你已有的牌形有所帮助.比如,你的起手牌是 10 9, 头三张公用牌是Q J 3,你希望第四张或第五张公用牌是 K 或 8, 从而你可形成一条龙. 这种情况你就是在Drawing,K 或 8就是你的Draw.
Fifth street: 第五街.对第五张(最后一张)公用牌的一种称法.也叫River.
No Limit: 没有上限的下注结构.玩家可以下注任意数额的筹码.
Nuts: 保证能赢的好牌
Offsuit: 不同花色,杂牌.
Positon: 你在牌桌上坐的位置.Dealer有最好的Position,因为他最后下注. Small blind 是最差的Position,因为他最先下注.
Pot Odds: 抽牌功效概率.详见 概率计算
Pre-flop: 收到两张起手牌(starting hand)后到头三张公开牌(flop)亮出来之前的这一阶段
Rags: 无用的牌,对你的牌形没有帮助的牌.
Rainbow: 亮出来的公用牌由各种不同花色组成,这种公用牌叫作Rainbow(彩虹)
Raise: 加注.投入比前面玩家更高数额的筹码,迫使对手们提高他们的下注数额或放弃.
Rake: 赌场抽成.通常为台面注额的5%,依据不同场所而不同.
Rock: 总是弃牌的一类玩家.非常谨慎,好象岩石.
Semi-bluff: 手中的牌并非很好,但有希望在公用牌亮出来后形成好牌.通过下注或加注想唬使对手放弃.即使对手不被唬倒,最后也有比大小赢的机会.
Set: 三条 Three of a kind 的另一种叫法.
Shark: 牌坛鲨鱼.吃人不吐骨.
Slowplay: Bluffing的反面,另一种迷惑对手的技巧.手中有很强的牌,故意示弱,诱使对手投入更多的筹码.
Suit: 花色(s-spades黑桃 h-hearts红桃 d-diamonds方块 c-clubs梅花)
Under the gun: Big blind 左手边的位置,头三张公用牌亮出来之后须要第一个决定是否下注.
WPT: World Poker Tour
WSOP: World Series of Poker
Ⅳ 扑克牌英语来源
Playing cards were found in China as early as the 9th century ring the Tang Dynasty (618–907), when relatives of a princess played a "leaf game".[1][2][3] The Tang writer Su E (obtained a jinshi degree in 885) stated that Princess Tongchang (?–870), daughter of Emperor Yizong of Tang (r. 860–874), played the leaf game with members of the Wei clan to pass the time.[4] The Song Dynasty (960–1279) scholar Ouyang Xiu (1007–1072) asserted that card games existed since the mid Tang Dynasty and associated their invention with the simultaneous development of using sheets or pages instead of paper rolls as a writing medium.[5][4] A book called Yezi Gexi was allegedly written by a Tang era woman, and was commented on by Chinese writers of subsequent dynasties.[5]
Ancient Chinese "money cards" have four "suits": coins (or cash), strings of coins (which may have been misinterpreted as sticks from crude drawings), myriads of strings, and tens of myriads. These were represented by ideograms, with numerals of 2–9 in the first three suits and numerals 1–9 in the "tens of myriads". Wilkinson suggests that the first cards may have been actual paper currency which were both the tools of gaming and the stakes being played for.[6] The designs on modern Mahjong tiles likely evolved from those earliest playing cards. However, it may be that the first deck of cards ever printed was a Chinese domino deck, in whose cards we can see all the 21 combinations of a pair of dice. In Kuei-t'ien-lu, a Chinese text redacted in the 11th century, we find that dominoes cards were printed ring the Tang Dynasty, contemporary to the first printed books. The Chinese word pái (牌) is used to describe both paper cards and gaming tiles.
An Indian origin for playing cards has been suggested by the resemblance of symbols on some early European decks (traditional Sicilian cards, for example) to the ring, sword, cup, and baton classically depicted in the four hands of Indian statues.[citation needed]
The time and manner of the introction of cards into Europe are matters of dispute. The 38th canon of the council of Worcester (1240)[7] is often quoted as evidence of cards having been known in England in the middle of the 13th century, but the games de rege et regina (on the king and the queen) there mentioned are now thought to more likely have been chess.
If cards were generally known in Europe as early as 1278 , it is very remarkable that Petrarch, in his work De remediis utriusque fortunae (On the remedies of good/bad fortunes) that treats gaming, never once mentions them. Boccaccio, Chaucer and other writers of that time specifically refer to various games, but there is not a single passage in their works that can be fairly construed to refer to cards. Passages have been quoted from various works, of or relative to this period, but modern research leads to the supposition that the word rendered cards has often been mistranslated or interpolated.
A miniature of courtiers playing cards with the king can be found in the Roman Roy Melias de Leonnoys (c. 1352), proced for King Louis II of Naples.
It is likely that the precursor of modern cards arrived in Europe from the Mamelukes of Egypt in the late 1300s, by which time they had already assumed a form very close to that in use today. In particular, the Mameluke deck contained 52 cards comprising four "suits": polo sticks, coins, swords, and cups. Each suit contained ten "spot" cards (cards identified by the number of suit symbols or "pips" they show) and three "court" cards named malik (King), nā'ib malik (Viceroy or Deputy King), and thānī nā'ib (Second or Under-Deputy). The Mameluke court cards showed abstract designs not depicting persons (at least not in any surviving specimens) though they did bear the names of military officers.
A complete pack of Mameluke playing cards was discovered by Leo Mayer in the Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, in 1939[8]; this particular complete pack was not made before 1400, but the complete deck allowed matching to a private fragment dated to the twelfth or thirteenth century. In effect it's not a complete deck, but there are cards of three different packs of the same style.[9] There is some evidence to suggest that this deck may have evolved from an earlier 48-card deck that had only two court cards per suit, and some further evidence to suggest that earlier Chinese cards brought to Europe may have travelled to Persia, which then influenced the Mameluke and other Egyptian cards of the time before their reappearance.
It is not known whether these cards influenced the design of the Indian cards used for the game of Ganjifa, or whether the Indian cards may have influenced these. Regardless, the Indian cards have many distinctive features: they are round, generally hand painted with intricate designs, and comprise more than four suits (often as many as thirty two, like a deck in the Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, painted in the Mewar, a city in Rajasthan, between the 18th and 19th century. Decks used to play have from eight up to twenty different suits).
Ⅳ 扑克用英语怎么说
Ⅵ 求扑克牌的英文简介一篇
Poker is a family of card games that share betting rules and usually (but not always) hand rankings. Poker games differ in how the cards are dealt, how hands may be formed, whether the high or low hand wins the pot in a showdown (in some games, the pot is split between the high and low hands), limits on bets and how many rounds of betting are allowed. In most modern poker games, the first round of betting begins with some form of forced bet. The action then proceeds to the left. Each player in turn must either match the maximum previous bet or fold, losing all further interest in the hand. A player who matches a bet may also raise, increasing the bet. The betting round ends when all players have either matched the last bet or folded. If all but one player fold on any round, the remaining player collects the pot without showing his hand. If more than one player remains in contention after the final betting round, the hands are shown and the winning hand takes the pot.[1]
Players feel that this betting system distinguishes poker from gambling games. With the minor exception of initial forced bets, money is only placed into the pot voluntarily by a player who, at least in theory, rationally believes the bet has positive expected value. Thus while the outcome of any particular hand is determined mostly by chance, the long-run expectations of the players are determined mostly by their actions chosen based on probability and psychology.
Ⅶ 一副扑克牌 里面各个牌 用英语怎么说
牌的大小:2- two 、3 -three 、 4 -four 、5 -five 、6- six 、7 -seven 、8- eight 、9- nine 、10 -ten 、J -jack 、Q-- queen 、K--- king 、A-- ace 、大小王-- joker。
1、含义:n. 铲子;铁锹。n. 黑桃。v. 铲。
She got a spade and laid to with the others.
My father used a special spade for digging turf.
1、含义:n. 心;内心;中心;要点;红桃。v. 将…记在心里,铭记;鼓励。
My heart was thumping with excitement.
Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble.
1、含义:n. 俱乐部;棍棒;(扑克牌中)梅花。v. 用棍棒打;分担花费;凑钱;泡夜总会。
club还可指“棒子,棍子”。在纸牌游戏中, club还可指“梅花”。
The tennis club has organized a dance.
He is an active member of the school's stamp club.
1、含义:n. 钻石;菱形;棒球内场;纸牌的方块。vt. 用钻石装饰。
diamond的基本意思是“钻石,金刚石”,指一种已知的最坚硬的矿物质,可用于多种用途(如装饰首饰等); 还可以指类似于方块状,但又不是完全直角的形状,即“菱形”。diamond还可用来指纸牌游戏中的“方块”。
She wore a diamond clip on her new dress.
The diamond ring on her finger glittered in the light.
1、含义:n. 千斤顶;插座;船首旗;男人;公畜。vt. 用千斤顶顶起;抬高。n. 杰克(男子名)。
n. 扑克牌里的J。n. 水手;侍者。
They put the car up with a hoisting jack.
Jack up the car so you can change the tire.
Ⅷ 扑克英文怎样读
红桃k the king of hearts
方块10 the ten of diamonds
2-9用正常数字读法 JQK分别读作Jack Queen King
Ⅸ 扑克的英语单词是怎么拼写
扑克 pūkè
[poker;playing cards]