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发布时间:2022-08-02 05:01:04

‘壹’ 麦当劳英文全称

麦当劳企业英文全称是 McDonald's Corporation。
麦当劳连锁餐馆在名称上除 McDonald's 外并无其他文字标识,尽管文字叙述常用“汉堡包连锁速食餐馆”(the chain of hamburger fast food restaurants)。
McDonald's 由理查·麦当劳(Richard "Dick" J. McDonald,1909-1998年)与莫里斯·麦当劳(Maurice "Mac" McDonald,1902 -1971)兄弟俩1940年在美国加利福尼亚圣贝纳迪诺创立“Dick and Mac McDonald”餐厅,开始了今日麦当劳餐厅前身。

‘贰’ 英文介绍麦当劳历史

Development history:

Since 1963, the image of "Uncle McDonald" has swept the children of the United States.

In the United Kingdom, Japan, Hong Kong and other places, "Uncle McDonald" has also become a household name.

When they think of "Uncle McDonald", they naturally think of McDonald's hamburger, fish wicker bag, French fries ... these delicious dishes.

With the globalization of McDonald's, Uncle McDonald's is also set to speak 31 languages, including Chinese and Hindi.

In addition, as the main virtual role used by McDonald's companies to attract children, the official set Uncle McDonald as "the best friend of the child".

And a group of unique friends will always welcome children at McDonald's Paradise.

And since August 2003, he has served as the "Chief Happy Officer" of McDonald's.












‘叁’ 帮我翻译。。。

The cooperation of McDonald's and Olympic game has already had the history for more than 30 years.The McDonald's concentrates on the expansion balanced but aggressive life style, initiating a team cooperation and pursue outstanding, these principle and Olympic spirit agree without previous consultation.
Is global Olympics to cooperate colleague and Olympic game to cooperate a restaurant formally, McDonald's for support the Olympics' doing unremitting effort.McDonald's not only provide high-quality food and the service of enthusiasm for athlete and audience, and make use of a global resources to open an exhibition abundant colorful activity, initiate balanced but aggressive life style in the consumer, make the Olympic bringing the whole world athletic of intense emotion and merriment tens of thousands customer and family 1968:the McDonald's starts supporting Olympic sport after it open 13 years, transporting by air to hamburger French the space 勒 promise cloth, 尔 City, alleviate far to remember fondly to the home town hamburger delicacies at the American contestant of foreign land.
1976:in Montreal summer Olympics would up, the McDonald's becomes Olympic game to specify sponsor company for the first time.The McDonald's initiates a person's thunder gram 洛 gram to still make the 4000th restaurant choice competing square in the location-Montreal to open in front in an Olympics.
1984:the McDonald's and its charter's dealer's property construct the Olympics of locating Los Angeles to swim building.
1988:Seoul Olympic game in Korea, the McDonald's is a part of national 奥委 the sponsor company of the meeting.
1992:Spanish Ba fill that Olympic game, the McDonald's is part of national 奥委s and would sponsor a company.
1994:benefit 勒 in Norway admire the 默尔 winter 奥 meeting, the McDonald's is a part of national 奥委 meeting of sponsor
1996:the McDonald's become second especially orchid
1997:the McDonald's continue it to Olympic sport of commitment, become\\\\\\\"The Olympics world cooperates a colleague\\\\\\\"It a, and become in 1998 and in 2000 Olympic game of global sponsor
1998:McDonald's for the first time to the 奥 which attends a winter would of the athlete provide an official appointed food service.This is also the McDonald's has opportunity to pass for the first time sponsor in its world and the region of market activity, bring happiness and vitality of Olympic game all global consumers.
2000:the McDonald's continued to the commitment of the Olympics, becoming 2000 Olympic game in Sydney of global sponsor company.At Sydney, the McDonald's establishes in the Olympics village of another restaurant brought to the all countries athlete, coach and officials\\\\\\\"Home town taste\\\\\\\".The McDonald's passes 2000 Olympics youth camp of sponsor Sydney to publicize the Olympics ideal in the global scope.The McDonald's takes part in a game to choose from each Olympics
As for McDonald's McDonald's is a world to retail food servicing business to lead, own more than 30,000 restaurants in more than 119 nations in the world and region, provide a high-quality food for 50,000,000 customers everyday.The McDonald's set up domestic the first store in Shenzhen in 1990, to big today in China six set up shop total amount have already had more than 700 houses, own employee's more than 50,000ses.

‘肆’ 麦当劳有多少年历史了


‘伍’ 麦当劳的历史

1902 年10月5日,麦当劳创办人雷.克罗克在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥诞生。
1903 美国人熟识的汉堡包在密苏里州圣路易斯安那采购展览会上面世。
1940 理乍得.麦当劳与莫里斯.麦当劳兄弟在美国加利福尼亚州的圣贝纳迪诺创建了 “Dick and Mac McDonald” 餐厅, 是今日麦当劳餐厅的原型。
1948 餐厅引入“快速度服务系统”原则。 简称“快餐厅”
1955 行政总裁雷.克洛克在伊利诺伊州的德斯普兰斯以经销权开设了首个麦当劳餐厅,也是公司的第九个分店。第一天的营业额是366.12美元。
1960 雷.克洛克正式将“Dick and Mac McDonald”餐厅更名为“McDonald's” 1961 雷.克罗克以270万美元收购麦当劳兄弟的餐厅。 汉堡包大学在伊利诺斯州的埃尔克格罗夫村成立,为全世界的麦当劳经理提供专门训练。
1962 麦当劳售出第10亿个汉堡包,罗纳德麦当劳叔叔在华盛顿市首度亮相
1967 麦当劳在加拿大开设第一家国际餐厅
1968 “巨无霸”面世,麦当劳成立国际业务部
1972 麦当劳资产值达到10亿美元
1973 第一间麦当劳叔叔之家在宾夕法尼亚洲费城设立。麦当劳叔叔之家专门为下在接受癌病或其他致命疾病治疗的儿童的家人而设立。
1977 麦当劳正式在全国餐厅中增加多款套餐 1980 麦当劳成立25周年,麦当劳在香港开设第1000家国际餐厅,国际营业额首次突破10亿美元。
1984 售出第500亿个汉堡包;麦当劳创办人雷.克罗克病逝,享年81岁;为了纪念雷.克罗克,公司成立了麦当劳叔叔儿童慈善基金,旨在资助各类儿童计划,范围遍及医疗保健、医疗研究、教育艺术、公民与社会服务。 1988 第10,000家麦当劳餐厅成立
1992 麦当劳在中国北京开设第一家餐厅
1993 麦当劳在中国广州开设第一家餐厅
1994 麦当劳在中国福州开设第一家餐厅
1998 麦当劳在中国湖南长沙开设第一家餐厅

麦当劳公司旗下最知名的麦当劳品牌拥有超过32000家快餐厅,分布在全球121个国家和地区。在世界各地的麦当劳按照当地人的口味对餐点进行适当的调整。另外,麦当劳公司现在还掌控着其他一些餐饮品牌,例如午后浓香咖啡(Aroma Cafe)、Boston Market、Chipotle墨西哥大玉米饼快餐店、Donatos Pizza和Pret a Manger。麦当劳公司2001年的总收入达到148.7亿美元,净利润为16.4亿美元。大多数麦当劳快餐厅都提供柜台式和得来速式(drive-through的英译,即指不下车便可以购买餐点的一种快餐服务。顾客可以驾车在门口点菜,然后绕过餐厅,在出口处取餐)两种服务方式,同时提供室内就餐,有时也提供室外座位。 得来速餐厅通常拥有几个独立的站点:停车点、结账点和取货点,而一般而言后两个站点会并在一起。 目前,麦当劳在全球快餐连锁领域是冠军。迄今为止,麦当劳在中国共拥有1000余家餐厅,2013年餐厅数量预计达到2000家。

‘陆’ 麦当劳 翻译


‘柒’ 有没有人有麦当劳相关的英文资料阿~急~










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