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发布时间:2022-02-18 00:00:36

❶ 美国百科全书的历史版本

1903~1904 年经过改编增为16卷。后又经多次修订,1912年修订版为22卷。
全书最新重印本30卷,约3150万词,收有 6万条目。采取狭主题、小条目的编法。但对重大主题也设置大条目,如“第二次世界大战”条长达 169页。全书约有插图2万幅,另有许多彩色插页 。条目释文内共有地图 1100 幅。全书图文比为1:1500词。条目之间建立有严谨的参见系统,采取集中参见和随释文参见相结合的方式。该书内容偏重美国和加拿大的历史、人物和地理资料,人物条目和科技条目篇幅较大,前者约占40%,后者占30%多。

❷ sat美国历史中文版美国通史哪个版本好


❸ 美国历史 《glencoe woeld history》 ( 如下图) 。是美国的历史教材么如果是,是哪个区的教材

这本书及其系列是由国家地理频道即《National Geographyic》与McGraw-Hill公司旗下Glencoe合作出版的Glencoe Science Moles系列教材。该系列教材面向中学生,是中学教材,涵盖Life Science Earth Science以及Physical Science三类共计15本,由Mole A至Mole O组成。

❹ 想了解下美国历史,《美国通史》和《光荣与梦想》哪本比较好点呢我历史方面较弱 哪本比较易懂 谢谢!


❺ 求美国历史这本书的中文版

你用电驴,能下载到,美国通史6卷本,书写的还算可以吧 但是,有个缺陷,研究西方和美国,竟然没有考虑到宗教对西方的巨大影响。不过还是值得一看的。

❻ 美国文学史 哪个版本好


❼ 美国历史介绍,要英文版的~在线等

United States
officially United States of AmericaFederal republic, North America.
It comprises 48 contiguous states occupying the mid-continent, Alaska at the northwestern extreme of North America, and the island state of Hawaii in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The U.S. is a republic with two legislative houses; its head of state and government is the president. The territory was originally inhabited for several thousand years by numerous American Indian peoples who had probably emigrated from Asia. European exploration and settlement from the 16th century began displacement of the Indians. The first permanent European settlement, by the Spanish, was at Saint Augustine, Fla., in 1565; the British settled Jamestown, Va. (1607); Plymouth, Mass. (1620); Maryland (1634); and Pennsylvania (1681). The British took New York, New Jersey, and Delaware from the Dutch in 1664, a year after the Carolinas had been granted to British noblemen. The British defeat of the French in 1763 (see French and Indian War) assured British political control over its 13 colonies. Political unrest caused by British colonial policy culminated in the American Revolution (1775–83) and the Declaration of Independence (1776). The U.S. was first organized under the Articles of Confederation (1781), then finally under the Constitution (1787) as a federal republic. Boundaries extended west to the Mississippi River, excluding Spanish Florida. Land acquired from France by the Louisiana Purchase (1803) nearly doubled the country's territory. The U.S. fought the War of 1812 against the British and acquired Florida from Spain in 1819. In 1830 it legalized removal of American Indians to lands west of the Mississippi River. Settlement expanded into the Far West in the mid-19th century, especially after the discovery of gold in California in 1848 (see gold rush). Victory in the Mexican War (1846–48) brought the territory of seven more future states (including California and Texas) into U.S. hands. The northwestern boundary was established by treaty with Great Britain in 1846. The U.S. acquired southern Arizona by the Gadsden Purchase (1853). It suffered disunity ring the conflict between the slavery-based plantation economy in the South and the free instrial and agricultural economy in the North, culminating in the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery under the 13th Amendment. After Reconstruction (1865–77) the U.S. experienced rapid growth, urbanization, instrial development, and European immigration. In 1877 it authorized allotment of American Indian reservation land to indivial tribesmen, resulting in widespread loss of land to whites. By the end of the 19th century, it had developed foreign trade and acquired outlying territories, including Alaska, Midway Island, the Hawaiian Islands, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, Wake Island, American Samoa, the Panama Canal Zone, and the Virgin Islands. The U.S. participated in World War I in 1917–18. It granted suffrage to women in 1920 and citizenship to American Indians in 1924. The stock market crash of 1929 led to the Great Depression. The U.S. entered World War II after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941). The explosion by the U.S. of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima (Aug. 6, 1945) and another on Nagasaki (Aug. 9, 1945), Japan, brought about Japan's surrender. Thereafter the U.S. was the military and economic leader of the Western world.

❽ 《美的历程》有几个版本 哪个版本比较适合收藏


❾ 美国历史书籍

推荐一个:英语专业八级考试用的一本书“人文知识”(因为我要准备考试,所以也在看。虽说是八级考试的内容,但人文知识这部分并没有难度~ )。这书有很多版本,但内容都差不多,到卖英语考试材料的书店都能买到。这其中就有一部分是专门介绍美国历史的。之所以推荐这个给你,是因为它不像历史书那样,反而是很系统的、分门别类的讲解美国历史。买的时候可以多参考几本,因为有的版本是中英对照的,挺实用的。

❿ 读美国历史用什么书好(英文版的)




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