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发布时间:2023-01-19 14:21:50

❶ 茶的起源 英文的

Tea:Chinese Beginnings

According to Chinese legend, tea was discovered by emperor Shen Nung in 2737 B.C.E. While boiling water one morning, leaves from a nearby plant fell into the pot. He liked the taste and discovered that not only did this new infusion of herbs quench thirst, but also reced the need for sleep and cheered the heart. He continued to drink what we now know as tea, and shared the beverage with others.

The Japanese legend tells a different tale. According to the Japanese, the Chinese Buddhist saint, Bodhidharma, became so overwhelmed by sleep while meditating that he tore off his eyelids and threw them on the ground. They took root and a tea plant grew. This explains both the invigorating effects of tea and the eyelid shape of the leaf .

Demand in China for the new medicinal drink grew slowly, but eventually caused the destruction of many of the tea tree forests in China, as the entire tree was cut down to strip it of its leaves. With the appearance of tea cultivation, the plant was prevented from completely disappearing. By 350 CE tea drinking was common in China, and many grew the herb privately.

Tea was thought of as a medicinal drink in China until late in the sixth century. In 780 CE Chinese merchants commissioned the Ch'a Ching, a book about the history of tea to extol its virtues. An abridged version of the Ch'a Ching's description of the proper tea making process is as follows: after being plucked on a sunny day, the tea leaves must be baked over an even fire, with no wind. After baking they should be placed in a paper bag to cool. When completely cold the leaves can be ground. Then spring water should be heated to just under the boiling point and a pinch of salt added. Then bring it to a second boil, and stir only the middle portion of the liquid. Steep the ground tea leaves in this water in each cup indivially and drink before it cools. The first and second cups taste the best, and more than four or five cups should not be consumed. The skill of making tea properly was highly valued in China, and an inability to make tea well, and with elegance, would cause disgrace. Making tea was an honor, and only the lord of the house was allowed this privilege and ty

Tea drinking was especially popular in the T'ang Dynasty, 620 to 907 CE. Several different preparations were used to make tea, including the addition of onion, ginger, orange, or peppermint. Milk and sugar were never added to tea, although both were available and used in other foods. Different preparations of teas held different medicinal purposes, although by this time tea was primarily thought of as a beverage in spite of its believed healing properties.

Tea was a drink of the working people and the aristocracy, and was often drunk while entertaining, both casually and formally. Visitors were served tea, prepared by the lord of the house. Although consumed universally throughout China, tea was identified primarily with the southern and central provinces, where it played an important role in betrothals. It was the symbol of new marriages, as it was said that both tea bushes and new families must grow from a new seed.

The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schele, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves.
China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one's hunger.


中国人饮茶, 注重一个"品"字。"品茶"不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有神思遐想和领略饮茶情趣之意。在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。品茶的环境一般由建筑物、园林、摆设、茶具等因素组成。饮茶要求安静、清新、舒适、干净。中国园林世界闻名,山水风景更是不可胜数。利用园林或自然山水间,搭设茶室,让人们小憩,意趣盎然。



2.领略饮茶情趣:take delight in tea-drinking。


4.择静雅之处:securing a serene space。

5.细啜慢饮:imbibe slowly in small sips。


7.使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界:until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm。

8.利用园林或自然山水间,搭设茶室:翻译时用了tucked away和nestled,比用built要形象、优美得多。



11.当有客来访:是"凡来了客人"的重复,可不译。根据下文的内容,加上before serving tea,使上下衔接贴切自然。


13.主人在陪伴客人饮茶时:译为in the course of serving tea,与前面before serving tea相呼应。


15.随喝随添:and thus the cup is kept filled或者and in this way the cup is kept filled。



❷ 茶在中国有五千年的历史英语














❸ 茶的历史和益处怎么用英文介绍


Since I started my major in the tea culture of ChinaI have been deeply impressed by its sophistication and beauty.I would like to share some fascinating aspects of the tea culture of China.


In a country with the history of five thousand yearsthe Chinese tea drinking habit dated back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD).It became a national tradition and led to development of a delicate tea drinking ritual.

Over the centuriespoets and artists in China wrote many marvelous masterpiecesin appreciation of tea and Chinese people’s constant love of tea drinking .One of the best-known writers is Lu Yuwho was regarded as the “Tea Sage ” for he composed the first book on tea.


In his classic bookhe detailed his studies of teasuch as the origin of teatea toolstea pickingtea cookingtea ceremony and well-known areas where tea was grown.And the valuable knowledge he recorded has laid foundation for modern tea culture development.


based on ways in which tea leaves are processedthere are five distinct types of tea.They are as follow:the green teathe black teathe Wulong teathe compressed tea and the scented tea.Among themmay foreigners are familiar with the green tea.The Longjing teaof the green typehas a reputation.


❹ 英语翻译


❺ 我国是茶树的原产地,是世界上种茶、制茶、饮茶最早的国家,茶树栽培已有几千年的历史。英文翻译一下

Our country is the origin of the tea tree, is the world tea, tea, tea is the earliest country, tea tree cultivation has been thousands of years of history.

❻ 茶拥有近5000年的历史用英语




Tea has a history of 5000 years. It is said that when Shen Nong drank
boiled water, several leaves of wild trees fell into the pot, and the boiled
water immediately gave off a pleasant fragrance. He took a few sips and felt
refreshed. Then, tea was discovered.

Since then, tea has gained popularity in China. Tea plantations spread all
over the country and tea merchants became rich. The expensive and elegant tea
set GREw to be a symbol of status.

Today, tea is not only a healthy drink, but also an integral part of
Chinese culture. More and more international tourists learn about Chinese
culture while tasting tea.

❼ “有很长的历史”英语怎么说

with a long history ;
或have a long history ;
或have a history of long ages

❽ 我们很少有人知道茶的历史,用英文怎么说

Very few of us know about the history of tea.


❾ “有很长的历史”英语怎么说

用动词:have/has long histry
用介词:with long histry



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