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发布时间:2023-03-21 22:44:37

‘壹’ 电视剧用英语怎么说

电视剧是一种专为在电视或互联网上播映的演剧形式。是一种适应电视广播特点、融合舞台和电影艺术的表现 方法 而形成的现代艺术样式扮手。那么你知道电视剧用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来电视剧的英语说法,供大家参考学习。


TV play


TV drama


TV serial


泰国电视剧 Thailand TV series

电视剧帝王 The King of Dramas

电视剧明星 Drama Star

中国电视剧 Chinese television drama

国外电视剧 overseas TV play

电视剧改编 Teleplay Adaptation


1. Meanwhile, Dusty Springfield's new TV series began a run on BBC 1.


2. He wrote 54 crime novels, which spawned both movies and television shows.


3. I could write for TV as well as any of those goofs.


4. She has been acclaimed for the TV drama "Prime Suspect"


5. Women are already well represented in the area of TV drama.


6. Now she's made a splash in the American television show "Civil Wars".


7. Their partnership gelled and scriptwriting for television followed.


8. The biggest makeover has been in TV drama.


9. the award-winning TV drama


10. He is going to adapt his play for television.


11. Taken altogether , this TV play was successful.

总的看来, 这部电视剧是成功的.

12. Ed was snowed under with fan mail when he was doing his television show.


13. The idea that TV shows like "Dallas" or "Dynasty" represent typical American life is laughable.


14. I like to eat popcorn when I am watching TV play at home.


15. My novel "The Rector's Wife" is being adapted for TV, with Lindsay Duncan in the title role.


‘贰’ 英文中 "电视剧" 怎么翻译啊

英文中 "电视剧"有很多种表达方式,如teleplay; TV play; TV drama; TV serial;TV show等。

1,teleplay,英 ['teləpleɪ],美 ['teləˌpleɪ] ,做名词直接表示电视剧的意思。例句如.这个电视剧形象地表现了拓荒者们坚韧不拔的精神。

2,TV play 为短语,英 [ˈti:ˈvi: pleɪ],美 [ˈtiˈvi pleɪ] ,TV 是电视的英文television的缩写,play 有戏剧,演出的意思,因此组成电视剧的意思。例句如 IlikethemusicoftheTVplay.我喜欢这部电视剧中的音乐。

3,TV drama为短语,同TV play的解释,译为电视剧;电视戏剧,因为drama多表示戏剧的意思。例句如.最大的变革发生在电视剧行业。

4,TV serial为短语,表示电视连续剧,因为serial 做形容词表示连续的;连载的意思,做名词表示连载小说;电视连续剧;定期刊物。


5,TV show是英语国家中比较口语化的说法,英 [ˈti:ˈvi: ʃəu],美 [ˈtiˈvi ʃo] 表示电视节目。例句如IhadmyownTVshow.我有自己的电视节目。


TV play; TV drama; TV serial;TV show的辨析:这几个短语都可以表示电视剧的意思,drama比play所涵盖的面要广泛的多,drama包括了play的一切,并且延伸到音乐,服装,布景等等方面。

同时play专指文字意义上的剧,比如剧作家叫playwriter,而不叫dramawriter,因为他负责纸面工作。而戏剧家叫dramatist,不叫playist, 因为他通晓包括剧本在内舞台上所有一切细节。

而series可以叫系列剧,各集之间的故事可以完全没有关系,也可以说是连续剧。我们熟知的连续剧,尤其八点档狗血剧一类的,一般美国口语里叫soap opera。TV show则是比较口语化的说法,泛指电视节目,可以指电视剧也可以指综艺性的节目。

电视剧类型的英语表达方式 comedy 喜剧,tragic drama 悲剧,romance 爱情,thriller 惊悚,action 动作,mystery 悬疑,ethical play 伦理,modern opera 现代剧,costume piece 古装剧,soup opera 肥皂剧,idol drama偶像剧,variety show 综艺节目,talk show 脱口秀。

‘叁’ 电视剧 / 连续剧 英语怎么说

电视剧 / 连续剧的英文是:Teleplay(电视剧);Series (连续剧)、

teleplay 英['teləpleɪ] 美['teləˌpleɪ] n. 电视剧;

[例句]Theteleplayvividly depicts the dauntless spirit of thetrailblazers.


series 英[ˈsɪəri:z] 美[ˈsɪri:z] ;n. 串联; 级数; 系列,连续; (广播或电视上题材或角色相同的) 系列节目; 复数:series

[例句]The students have put forward aseriesofquestions.



series 相关词组:

1.in series with: 与...相连;

2.in series: 连续地;

3.a series of: 一连串;


1、Then began aseriesof wet days that spoiled our vacation.

2、He saw aseriesof white arrows painted on the road.

series 网络解释

1. 串联:此外,电子元件的特性除了电阻(R)及电抗(X)外,还有品质因子(Quality)及损串联(Series)及并联(Parallel)显示. 在串联模式时,阻抗可以简单的加法求出等效造成量测的误差. 改善之道是将一片守护板(Guard Plate)置于量测夹具的正和负端守护板(Guard Plate)可降低杂散电融效应表示,

2. 级数:对传统的、视觉上确定的几何学的这种摧毁,最明晰的例证,在我看来,莫过于把角函数--在印度数学中,它便是数字(我们的心智几乎无法理解印度人的这个词的含义)--转化成周期函数,由此而进入无穷的数字王国,在那里,角函数变成了级数(series),不再留有欧几里得

3. 系:群(group), 组(section), 系(series):这些类群名称用在不同场合,常常有非常不同的含义,可以是种水平系睦嗳,也可以代表属以系燃兜姆掷嗟ピ的集合.

‘肆’ 你有看历史的电视剧吗英语翻译


Do you have the historical TV series

‘伍’ 电视剧英文怎么说

问题一:“英文电影”和“英模橡文电视剧”用茄码敏英语怎么说? 你问颤枝的有些只不过是不同语法的表达,而其他的则是不同意思。以下是详细的译释:
English films 英国电影 / 英语电影 films in English 说英语的电影
TV plays 电视话剧 (不同类的电视剧统称)
TV series 电视剧集 (一套连续的电视剧)
TV episode 电视剧的回数 (即中文的第几回)
soap opera 肥皂剧 (也可作连续剧)

问题二:电视剧用英语怎么说 你好,应该是teleplay series

问题三:电视剧用英语怎么说 soap opera 就是一般的那种八点档电视剧
sit(situation edy)是情景喜剧

问题四:美剧用英语怎么说是美国电视剧,不是美丽的 在美国应该说TV series,我们为了区别或者也可说成 American
TV series

问题五:电视剧的英语怎么说和你们在哪。 电视剧:TV serials
serials 英['s??r?əlz] 美['s??r?rlz]
n. 连载小说,电视连续剧( serial的名词复数 );
你们在哪里:where are you

问题六:演电视剧 用英语怎么说? Perform TV play

问题七:韩剧或者电视剧英文怎么说! 韩剧: Korean drama
电视剧: TV series 或 TV drama

问题八:一部英国电视剧用英语怎么说 一部英国电视剧用英语怎么说
a British TV drama/play

‘陆’ "历史剧"用英文怎么讲啊

historical play

‘柒’ 电视剧用英语怎么说


读音:英['teləpleɪ] 美['teləˌpleɪ]


1、Teleplay Kit剧集小工具

2、Children Teleplay儿童电视剧

3、Teleplay Qianyi电视剧杂谈

4、Teleplay Adaptation电视剧改编


1、She was rewarded as the queen of the teleplay.


2、Many people do not have the gift like the heroes in the novels, teleplay and manga.


3、Idealteleplayrhetorichas itsdeepstructurewhichshould bemade upbytheformand themeaning.


4、Iwatchtheteleplay《Gilmoregirls》(1)for threetimestoday.




teleplay和TV play也有电视剧的意思。区别在于:

1、teleplay较正式。TV play习惯于口语。

例句:He was invited to play a role in this TV play.


2、It's a TV play with English subtitles.


‘捌’ 历史剧英语


Many historical plays have been on TV recently.Some people like watching historical TV plays to know about history.They think they are interesting and easy to understand.Both the old and the young will have a lot of fun watching them.

Some other people think another way to learn about history is to read books on history.They believe books can tell them the true story. They can learn and think a lot from them while reading.

I like watching historical TV plays because they make me relaxed and save me much time.


例句与用法: 1. 最近有关离婚的电视剧太多了。

There has been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the TV recently. 2.这部电视剧的下一集将于星期五播映。 The next episode of this (television movie )_will be shown on Friday. I found the sentence,but no exactly to say the "dian shi ju",but if only we read it ,I found there are some like TV drama program。


Now let me say something about Beijing Opera. Beijing Opera is very popular in China. (英卜晌语作文)It has a history of more than 200 years. During the reign of the Qianlong emperor in the Qing dynasty, Qianlong had a interest in the local opera. In 1790, to celebrate his eightieth birthday, he summoned opera troupes from different places to perform for him in Beijing. Four famous troupes from Anhui province remained in Beijing after the celebration. In 1828, A Hubei troupe came to Beijing and often performed together with the Anhui troupes. The two types of singing mixed together and graally a new type came into being known as Beijing Opera. Now is the performance. I hope you will like it.(中国作文网)。


国产电视剧小说英文版公众号名:Translator 看电视,请型闷锋看英文版本!英语是门语言,也可以是门爱好,兴趣。

让我们在娱乐中学好英语 英文版国产电视剧 boss and me杉杉来了 Paladin 5 - Yunfan仙剑奇侠传5仙剑云之凡 Chronicle of Life寂寞空庭春欲晚 City Still Believe in Love北上广依然相信爱情 Customize Happiness定制幸福 Demi Gods And Semi Devils天龙八部 Empresses in the Palace后宫甄嬛传 Far Away Love远得要命的爱情 Fighter of The Destiny择天记 Fighting Time职场是个技术活 General and I孤芳不自赏 Journey to the West西游记 Kunlun's Past Life Mistake In This Life昆仑阙之前世今生 Laughing in the Wind笑傲江湖 Legend Of Dragon Pearl 龙珠传奇 Legend of the Qing Qiu Fox青丘狐传说 Lost Love in Times醉玲珑 Men With Sword刺客列传 My Amazing Boyfriend我的奇妙男友 My Bratty Princess SpinOff刁蛮俏御医 My Ruby My Blood一粒红尘 My Sunshine何以笙箫默 Nirvana in Fire琅琊榜 Noble Aspirations诛仙青云志 Nothing Gold Can Stay那年花开月正圆 Ode to Joy欢乐颂 Princess Agents楚乔传 Princess Jieyou解忧公主 Princess of Lanling King兰陵王妃 Princess Pearl 2还珠格格2 Revive重生之名流巨星 Return of the Condor Heroes神雕侠侣 Rookie Agent Rouge胭脂 Rush to the Dead Summer夏至未至 Secrets of the Three Kingdoms三国机密 Singing All Along秀丽江山之长歌行 Soul Stitcher画心师 Star April繁星四月 S of Legends古剑奇谭 Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms三生三世十里桃花 The Advisors Alliance大军师司马懿之军师联盟 The eternal love双世宠妃 The Firmament of the Pleiades苍穹之昴 The First Half of My Life我的前半生 The Fox's Summer狐狸的夏天 The Glory of Tang Dynasty大唐荣耀 The Golden Age of the Leftover Ladies剩女的黄金时代 The Interpreter亲爱的翻译官 The journey of flowers花千骨 The King's Woman秦时丽人明月心 The Legend of Dugu Long独孤天下 The Legend of Mi Yue芈月传 The Legend of Qin秦时明月 The Legend of White Snake新白娘子传奇 The new Shushan knight errant蜀山战纪之剑侠传奇 The Princess Weiyang 锦绣未央 The Wife's Secret妻子的秘密 The Yong Zheng Dynasty雍正王朝 To Be a Better Man好先生 Tribes and Empires Storm of Prophecy九州·海上牧云记 Twice Blooms the Flower两生花 Think Before You Marry想明白了再结婚。


汤姆汉克斯(Tom Hanks)的确是发音正确的演员。

但是 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump 有浓重的美国南方口音。幸福终点站 The Terminal 是演一位外国人到美国,有更严重的口音,不好作为学习的标准。

其他的都很好。 美国的电视,多看一般生活性的影集都是很好学习口语的方式,最好是不看中文翻译,目前中国的电影和电视的中文翻译简直是惨不忍睹,常常都是文不对题各说各话。

成龙的英语电影: 2007 Rush Hour 3 2004 Around the World in 80 Days 2003 The Medallion 2003 Shanghai Knights 2002 The Tuxedo 2002 Shanghai Noon 2001 Rush Hour 2 1998 Rush Hour 1998 Who Am I 1985 The Protector 1985 Ninja Thunderbolt 1984 The Cannonball Run 2 1984 Two in a Black Belt 1981 The Cannonball Run 以上资料取自 Earth's Biggest Movie Database, 。



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