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发布时间:2023-05-18 12:58:12

❶ 马克思一句话英文的翻译,急!!



❷ 历史用英语怎么说


history,英 [ˈhɪstri],美 [ˈhɪstəri],名词,意思是历史,历史学(指过去发生的所有事情);发展史;履历,经历;(某地的)沿革,(有关某个地方、主题等的)发展史,历史;复数为不规则形式:histories。

例句1,She's studying art history .她正在研读艺术史。

例句2,. 他的小说融合了大量巴尔干半岛的历史和神话故事。


1,be history,非正式用法,完蛋;已过去了;不再重要;成为历史 。

例句,That's past history now. 那是以前的事了。

2,the history books,指历史上重大成就的记载。

例句,She has earned her place in the history books. 她名垂青史。

3,make history,go down in history,指载入史册;青史留名;创造历史。

例句,It's a discovery that made medical history. 这是载入医学史册的一项重大发现。



1,annals,英 [ˈænlz],美 [ˈænəlz],名词,意思是编年史;历史记载;(学会等的)活动年报。复数为annals。

例句1,He has become a legend in the annals of military history. 他已成为军事史上的一个传奇。

例句2,. 英国议会的历史记载于一份称为《议会议事录》的出版物中。

2,past records,英 [pɑ:st,rɪ'kɔ:ds] 美 [pæst,rɪ'kɔ:ds] ,past为形容词,意思是过去的;以前的 ,也可以做名词表示经历;过去之事 ,往昔。records表示经历;(有关过去的)事实。

例句1,. 检索历史记录你可以找到这些价格上的变化是何等精确。

例句2,,thealienationofscience and technology 'pursuitthegoalofmodernization. 纵观历史和全局,科技异化与各国追求现代化实现现代性的目标有密切联系。

❸ make history怎么翻译

make historymake history 基本解释创造历史,做出值得载入史册的重要事情;make history 网络解释1. 创造历史, 做出永垂史册的事业, 影响历史进程的大事:make heavy weather of sth. 对某事考虑太多, 发现某事难对付. | make history 创造历史, 做出永垂史册的事业, 影响历史进程的大事. | mak

e hole 钻井.2. 作出值得载入史册的事情:make believe 假装,假扮 | make history 作出值得载入史册的事情 | mend ones way 改正错误3. 创造了历史:He denied the charges against him and said he had nothing to hide.他否认了兆顷对他指控说他没什么可隐瞒的 | 创造了历史 make history | 移情别恋transfer ones affection4. 创造历史:32. fall to the ground 落在了地上 | 33. make history 创造历史 | 34. go on a school trip to the Palace Museum 去故宫博物馆进行学校旅行make history 双语例句make history1. And now, I decide to make the fearful financial crisis of human history.现在,我决定制造,人类历史上最为恐怖的一次金融危机。2. When you use this pen, her own history, also involuntarily make some changes in your own!当你使用这样的一支钢笔的时候,她自身深厚的底蕴,也会不由自主的使你自身发生一些变化!3. The feasibility includes advantages of the corridor, the stratagem of make Northeast China thriving, the common infrastructure and the common history and culture.可行性体现在辽西走廊城市自身的优势、国家实施振兴东北战略、共同的基础设施和历史文化基础等方面。4. This dissertation is trying to make a systematic introction on the accreditation system in Scotland, and to analyze the system in the background of era, history and the development on Scotlands ecation as well.本研究试图对苏格兰职前教师教育课程鉴定的有关情况进行较为系统的介绍,并将其放在时代、历史及苏格兰自身教育发展的芦清背景中进行分析,以期为苏格兰职前教师教育课程鉴定的进一步研究和建立我国自己的教族哗陆师教育课程鉴定制度尽一点棉薄之力。make history是什么意思

❹ "创造历史"用英语怎么说 四个选:create,invent,discover,find

create 创造
invent 是指发明! 以前没有的东西!
discover 是发宴埋源运现!
find 也是发晌裂蚂现!找到!

❺ 人类历史英文的哦!

Human beings, or humans, Homo sapiens sapiens (Homo sapiens — Latin: "wise human" or "knowing human"),[2] are bipedal primates in the family Hominidae.[3][4] mtDNA evidence indicates that modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago. Humans have a highly developed brain, capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, problem solving and emotion. This mental capability, bined with an erect body carriage that frees the forelimbs (arms) for manipulating objects, has allowed humans to make far greater use of tools than any other species. Humans currently inhabit every continent on Earth, except Antarctica (although several governments maintain seasonally-staffed research stations there). Humans also now have a continuous presence in low Earth orbit, occupying the International Space Station. The human population on Earth is greater than 6.7 billion, as of July, 2008.[5]

Like most primates, humans are social by nature. However, they are particularly adept at utilizing systems of munication for self-expression, exchanging of ideas, and anization. Humans create plex social structures posed of many cooperating and peting groups, from families to nations. Social interactions between humans have established an extremely wide variety of traditions, rituals, ethics, values, social norms, and laws, which together form the basis of human society. Humans have a marked appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, which, bined with the desire for self-expression, has led to cultural innovations such as art, writing, literature and music.

Humans are notable for their desire to understand and influence the world around them, seeking to explain and manipulate natural phenomena through science, philosophy, mythology and religion. This natural curiosity has led to the development of advanced tools and skills; humans are the only species known to build fires, cook their food, clothe themselves, and manipulate and develop numerous other technologies. Humans pass down their skills and knowledge to the next generations through ecation.



❻ 创造历史的英文

Make history

❼ 创造历史用英语怎么说 make history 还是create history

create history
create with history对…带历史创建
Every day create your history每一天你都在创造历史;每天你都在创造历史
We Create History我们创造历史
People Create History人民创造历史;人类创造历史
Save History and Create Alerts创建并管理定题跟踪服

make history 报错 基本释义名垂史册;影响历史进程的大事

网络释义21世纪大英汉词典创造历史“我渴望创造历史(Make History),一方面,如果我当选,将是加国历史上第一个大陆移民进入加国国会,能够代表大陆移民乃至广大华裔民众在国会占有一席之地,这是...
创历史从电声乐队主唱,到发行第一张个人专辑并畅销全球,Lenka不断开创属于她的历史,她表示:“Make History(创历史)是一种积极人生的态度,这种精神会鼓励人们热爱生活,积极追求梦想,‘创历史’就要有‘真激情’,有敢想敢做的魄力.”
基于41个网页- 相关网页
写历史该博物馆首倡“写历史(Make History)的动,已采集了其时许多专业摄影、逃出生避世贸大楼的员工、皮神神目睹者,用手机或数位相机记实下的照片、影片、录音等,这些材料都暴...
基于12个网页- 相关网页
制造历史...有考虑到后代有可能掩藏一些历史耻辱凸燃亏显一瞎弯些历史荣耀,改写家谱,冒认阔亲戚攀上名先辈,甚至改姓换宗制造历史(Make History),因而,总是讨论“影响”往往会忽略了思想史上后人的选择与诠释的力量讨论“影响”往往会忽略了思想史上后人的选择与诠释的力量...
基于11个网页- 相关网页
Make Poverty History让贫穷成为历史;贫困成为历史;终止贫穷;使贫穷成为历史
These Evenings Make History这些夜晚创造历史
We Make History我们创造历史
Make History Again碾核金属
together we'll make history我们可以一起创造历史;我们一起创造历史
the main thing is still to make history, not to write it历史不过是一张印上东西的纸
the main thing is still to make history, not to write it.历史不过是一张印上东西的纸

❽ 历史是人们创造的英语是什么 历史是人们创造的英语是什么

history is created by man

❾ 历史用英文怎么说

历史用英语怎么说 10分
(1) [history]

(2) 记载和解释作为一系列人类活动进程的历史事件的一门学科

(3) 沿革,来历

(4) 过去的事实
历史学[lì shǐ xué]


history 英[ˈhɪstri] 美[ˈhɪstəri]

n. 历史,历史学; 发展史; 履历,经历; (某地的) 沿革;

[例句]The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history.


[其他] 复数:histories
香港辅助警察队由社会各阶层的志愿人士组成,早于一九一四年成立,拥有悠久而光辉的历史。2.The country has a long tradition in the sport and pays much attention to the development of badminton.这个国家在这项运动上有着悠久的历史传统,并且很关注羽毛球运动的发展状况。3.Lotteries are of ancient origin; they were used in the entertainment of the Roman emperors and later of the feudal princes of Europe.彩票具有悠久的历史渊源,它曾是罗马皇帝以及后来的欧洲封建王公贵族的娱乐形式。4.China’s long history and rich culture have bined to bestow Beijing a full array of world-renowned historic and cultural heritages, a variety of famous tourist sites, many highly acclaimed cultural resources such as Beijing’s unique traditional lifestyle, folk art, and the Hutong residences.悠久的历史和丰富的文化积淀,使北京拥有一批世界级历史文化遗产、诸多着名旅游景观以及独特的市俗风情、民间艺术、胡同民居等现实文化资源。5.The Jet d'Eau of Geneva has a rich history.日内瓦大喷泉有着悠久的历史。6.It has a tremendous long rich history and it has contributed immeasurably to the progress of human knowledge and also to human culture.中国有着极其悠久的历史,为人类知识和文化的进步做出了不可估量的贡献。7.The pany you mentioned is an old-established one which has been enjoying the highest reputation.您所提到的公司已有悠久的历史,并具有极高的信誉。8.It has a long and rich history. You think of coffeehouses all over the world.咖啡有着悠久而丰富的历史,咖啡馆如今风靡了整个世界。9.Actually China has a long history of protecting intellectual property rights and also of lustrous inventions.事实上,中国拥有保护知识产权和杰出发明的悠久历史。10.Yes, it is. China is a great country with long history, so there are a great number of beautiful historic sites in China.列车员:是的,中国是具有悠久历史的伟大国家,有许多美丽的历史古......>>

historical records
拥有悠久的历史 英文怎样说
them profoundly, and preserved them. He too


It has been 1600 years of history
brilliant history 辉煌的 历史

❿ 创造新的历史, 翻译成英文

现在时态 make new history。过去式 made new history



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