导航:首页 > 人文历史 > 我非常喜欢历史英文怎么说


发布时间:2023-06-07 02:51:17

A. 谁能帮我把下面的汉语翻译成英语 ;'我喜欢历史 我喜欢过去 我喜欢曾经

I like history. I like the past. I like to have a history. It belongs to the past and now belongs to us.

B. 我喜欢历史并且很擅长.用英语怎么说


I like history and I am good at it.

C. 对中国的历史文化很感兴趣用英文怎写

I am very interested in chinese history even i like love myself.(我喜欢历史甚至像我喜欢我自己一样)

D. 我喜欢历史,因为它让我了解了古代的人类是怎样生活的英文释议

I like history because it makes me know about how the historical people lived.

E. 翻译英语"我对历史很感兴趣,但我对欧洲和其它国家的历史不太熟悉"

I'm interested in history, but I'm not so familiar with the history of Europe or other coutries. If I have the time later, I will try to have a better knowledge of them because reading history makes you feel you're going through space and time in your conversation with ancient people. Reading history can make people wise.

F. 我喜欢历史并且很擅长。用英语怎么说

I like history and I'm good at it. ______竭诚为您解答,麻烦亲不吝赐一个好评,感激不尽!

G. 我对历史感兴趣的英文

I also like history,especially the history of The Three Kingdoms period

H. 翻译<我最喜欢历史,我对地理最感兴趣,我觉得物理最枯燥,英语最难,数学最重要和最有用>

方案1: History is my favourate, geography is most interesting, physics is boring, English is hard, while mathematics is most important and useful for me.

方案2:I consider history as my favorate subject, while geography is the most interesting one, I feel physics is the top boring subject, well, English is number one hard, and mathematics is most important and useful.




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