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发布时间:2022-06-17 09:47:32

A. wwe谁的出场歌最好听

HHH的出场音乐最猛,最能振奋人心. HHH出场音乐 king of kings 中文歌词 Behold the King, the King of Kings. 那个王!是王中之王! On your knees dog. All hail. 我们是你膝上之犬。万岁! Bow down to the, bow down to the King. 跪下,向国王跪下 Bow down to the, bow down to the King. 跪下,向国王跪下 The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze, 国王笑了,他火红如从他刚从烈火中走出 Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. 叛国者顿时失去了脸面和姓名 Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood, 从大厅到走廊都喷溅着鲜血 He tasted his grin and it tasted good. 他尝试着舔拭双唇,味道不错 The King took his head. Left him broken and dead. 国王拉起他(叛国者)的头,扔到一边,他死了~ Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. The King left none living, none able to tell. 国王一个活口也不留,没有一个人能够出去讲述。 The King took their heads and he sent them to hell. 国王拾起他们的头颅,将他们统统扔到地狱 Their screams echoed loud in the place of their death. 他们尖叫的声音在他们的死亡之地大声环绕~ Ripped open they died. With their final breath. 让他们死得安息。带着他们最后的呼吸 They hailed to the King, the King of Kings. 她们向国王跪下。那王中之王 Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Into the dirt, his will be done. 他将把你嵌入泥土 Now feel your fear, there can be only one. 现在!感受你的恐惧,这是你唯一能做的。 Bow down, bow down, bow down to the ... Bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down to the ... Bow down, bow down to the... Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the ... Bow down, bow down, bow down. The King is here, now feel your fear. 王就在这里!现在!感受你的恐惧吧! The King of Kings. 王中之王! All hail, all hail the King. 都向国王俯首称臣 On your knees, on your knees for the King. 跪下,向你的国王下跪 The King of Kings, there is only one. 王中之王!唯一的王中之王

B. wwe选手的出场音乐好听的除了triple H的cena的还有谁的好啊听啊


C. WWE里面哪个选手的出场音乐好听


D. WWE经典的歌曲

WWE经典的歌曲:RAW 2007-2009主题曲-To Be loved。
To Be loved
所属品牌:WWE RAW
次序: RAW第8首主题曲
演唱: PAPA Roach

Take your past and burn it up and let it go
Carry on; I'm stronger than you'll ever know
That's the deal; you get no respect
You're gonna get yours
You better watch your f****** neck

I want domination
I want your submission
I've gotta roll the dice
Never look back and never think twice

Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved...


(Chorus 2x)
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved

I want domination
I want your submission
I see you're not resiSting
To this temptation
I've got one confession
A love deprivation
I've got a jet black heart
It's all f***** up and it's falling apart

(Chorus 2x)

I've got another confession
I fell to temptation
And there is no question
There was some connection
I've got to follow my heart
No matter how far
I've gotta roll the dice
Never look back and never think twice

E. WWE中哪个的出场音乐最好听

不知道你喜欢什么风格的,但是个人觉得tool cool(和rakishi跳舞时)的音乐和golst,ken shamrock的音乐都不是很激烈,但满好听,

如果泥对比较激烈的音乐更喜欢,那SCSA的CEI玻璃音乐,老板的YOU HAVE NO CHANCE,ROCK,JOHN CENA,APA的音乐都会让泥精神振奋,



F. 求几首好听的WWE出场曲

摔迷 你好个人认为几首好听的WWE出场音乐:Jeff Hardy 新版出场音乐(以及WWE出场音乐)
《Another Me》
视听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10828/riple H 出场音乐
《The Game》
视听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10538/
Randy Orton 出场音乐
视听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10724/
John Cena 出场音乐
《My Time Is Now》
视听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10818/
Edge 出场音乐
视听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10871/
The Miz (带Awesome)出场音乐
《I Came To Play》
视听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10594/
The Nexus 出场音乐
《We Are One》
视听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10593/ 还有几首WWE的主题曲也不错:RAW主题曲:歌名:《Burn It To The Ground》试听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10982/SD主题曲:歌名:《Know Your Enemy》试听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10972/皇家大战2011主题曲:歌名:《Living in a Dream》——Finger Eleven演唱试听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/11571/第27届摔角狂热大赛主题曲:歌名:《Written in the Stars》-Tinie Tempah演唱试听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/11900/女子选手出场音乐:Ashley 出场音乐:歌名:《be Yourself》试听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10951/Tiffany 出场音乐歌名:《Insatiable》试听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10547/Kelly Kelly 出场音乐歌名:《Holla》试听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10808/Mickie James 出场音乐(TNA版,自己演唱)歌名:《Hardcore Country》试听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10755/ 好了就说这么多了!找了半天!上面这些都是非常好听的!希望你能喜欢!

G. WWE中除了选手的出场曲,还有什么好听的音乐请推荐一下。

那就是PPV的了,推荐好像是上年的RR PPV的曲子,HERO ,演唱者: SKILLET 还不错。

H. 求WWE选手好听的出场音乐

Triple H的 《The Game》
HBK的 《Sexy Boy》
Aj Lee 的 《Let's Light It Up》
CM Punk的 《Cult Of Personality》
John Cena的 《My Time Is Now》
Randy Orton的 《Voices》
The Rock的 《If You Smell》
D Generation X的 《Break it Down》
Dolph Ziggler的 《Here To Show The Word》
摔跤狂热29的主题曲《Coming Home》
2013名人堂主题曲《Hall Of Fame》

I. WWE好听的音乐

08年Cyber sunday的主题曲 我到现在还在听 很激情!
今年Summer slam的You gotta move也不错
ECW的Don't question my heart也挺赞
虽然你说不包括出场曲但我还是要说些比较好听得也许你没听过 Christian markhenry edge(exit) Hogan听听看吧 再想到我再给你说

J. wwe中谁的出场音乐最霸气,最好听啊




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