导航:首页 > 人文历史 > 这让我对历史有了不同的认识用英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-06-17 12:20:46

‘壹’ 我喜欢历史,因为它让我了解了古代的人类是怎样生活的英文释议

I like history because it makes me know about how the historical people lived.

‘贰’ 它能让我更好的了解世界历史用英语怎么说

英文:It gives me a better understanding of the history of the world。

‘叁’ 我可以了解到许多中国历史 用英语怎么说

I can learn much about Chinese history

‘肆’ 经过几年的学习,我发现自己对历史了解的更深了也更有兴趣了。用英语怎么说谢谢

After several years of study, I found myself more interested in history
英 [ˈhistəri] 美 [ˈhɪstəri]
n. 历史,历史学; 发展史; 履历,经历; (某地的)沿革;

‘伍’ 它们可以使我了解历史用英语怎么说

they can let/make me know more about history

‘陆’ 这节课有助于我们了解中国历史用英语怎么说

This lesson can help us understand Chinese history.

‘柒’ 英语翻译;历史非常的有趣,能让我们了解到很久以前和现在的历史情况

History is very interesting; it can make us learn the situations we face now and faced in the long past.

‘捌’ 我非常了解中国历史并且对中国文物有大量知识用英语怎么说

I know Chinese history very well and have a lot of knowledge of Chinese cultural relics.

‘玖’ 这本书可以让我更加清楚的了解美国历史 这句话用英语怎么说

This book may let me clearer understand the American history 希望采纳

‘拾’ 我也喜欢历史历史以史为鉴可以正衣冠让我了解更多的世界英语翻译

Retrospection of history enables us to behave better,learn more,become wiser and keep in mind the mistakes once ever made to prevent ourselves from making them again.Through learning the history of our motherland,we can cultivate both ourselves and the soul of our nation.



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