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发布时间:2022-07-15 06:09:42

Ⅰ 英文本科论文写作要求多少字数




1. 题目 (宋体,小二,居中)

2. 中文摘要(200字以上),关键词;字体:宋体、小四号,字符间距:标准;行距:20磅

3. 英文摘要,关键词;

4. 目录

5. 正文;字体:宋体、小四号,字符间距:标准;行距:20磅

6. 参考文献。期刊内容包括:作者 题名,刊名,年,卷(期):起始页码-结束页码。着作内容包括:作者、编者,文献题名,出版社,出版年份,起止页码。

7. 附件:开题报告和检查情况记录表


1. 书写格式要求:填写项目必须用碳素或蓝黑墨水钢笔书写;

2. 文稿要求:文字通顺,语言流畅,版面整洁,便于装订。Word文稿A4纸打印。

3. 图纸要求:图面整洁,布局合理,线条粗细均匀,圆弧连接光滑,尺寸标准规范,文字注释必须使用工程字书写;

4. 曲线图表要求:所有曲线、图表、线路图、流程图、程序框图、示意图等不得简单徒手画,须按国家规范标准或工程要求绘制;

5. 公式要求:所有公式不得徒手书写,利用Microsoft公式编辑器或Mathtype编辑。


1. 大学毕业论文(设计)封面(教务处统一印制);

2. 毕业论文,包括题目及目录、开题报告、内容提要、正文及相关图表、参考文献及其他附件等;

3. 指导教师、答辩委员会评阅意见、成绩评定表;

4. 其他附件

Ⅱ 雅思 阅读 一共多少字啊 3篇文章一共多少字


Ⅲ 一般六级阅读的文章一篇是多少字1000还是多少要求多长时间做完


Ⅳ 一篇英语文章(120~150字)

关于地震的英语作文:汶川地震中最感动的人和事Wenchuan earthquake in the most moving people and things

1, my wife, let me give you carefully wipe the hands of the sludge, as you have gently wipe the tears in my face. I love you to the wide arms of the Harbour I habitat, to the earthquake in four children lives in a new shore. It will also tired man, how can you not to lie down on » Let me kneel, and you still maintain the last the distance, let me as you warm cold fingers……

-- 5 on 14, the Commissioner of Cheng in wipe the remains of her husband Tan ages. The earthquake occurred at the moment, Deyang City East steam secondary school teachers Mrs. ages趴open arms in the desks, are under Huzhuo four students. Four students were rescued, Mrs. teacher died.

The night of May 13, Deyang East steam political director of secondary school teachers to teach the ages Tan's wife, Zhang Rong Commissioner for her husband polished. The earthquake occurred at that moment, Mrs. ages with open arms Huzhu four students, for the four children who survived the opportunity to win. "We found him, he趴with open arms in the desks, are under stubbornly to Huzhe four students, four students live!" One rescue workers to reporters described the scene at that time. "You have heard it» you Huzhe Waer of those four are alive! Have survived the, ah, you did not hear »" Zhang Rong Guan broke down in tears, kept the death of her husband affectionately calls for.

2,12 afternoon, Chong City Huaiyuan secondary school buildings collapse because of the earthquake, in the face of unexpected disaster, the vast majority of the school more than 700 students and teachers successfully escape, but the school English teacher Wuzhong Hong has never left his love of The students - he led the evacuation of children, heard a student Left Behind, ty-bound to return to the third floor from the fourth floor, the floor of a sudden meltdown at this time, Wuzhong Hong and several children were swallowed up……

Lihong Cheng, vice president of the school said, is empty four-story teaching building with 12 classes, 13:50 start school, class is going on in the first quarter at the end of a sudden the ground started shaking.

Building shaking about one minute, split the middle of a long slit, the House of splitting in two. Most of the children in the teachers under the leadership of the stairs from the two evacuated to the ground.

At that time, Wu Zhonghong the fourth floor to the first day teachers are (5) English class. The class of male students Xiaobin (a pseudonym) describes the scene at that time: the classroom suddenly shaking up, he and his classmates did scream, "students, and Buyao Huang, anything not to take, go down with me!" Wu Teachers waved hand, indicate the whole class ran out with him. At that time, I squeeze the stairs together, the first day (5) classes with the majority of students in teacher Miss behind. Suddenly, the students shouted back of the out: "there are two classrooms, students……" "Miss teacher was very nervous, they immediately turn Huishen, we have the stairs to the third floor of the mouth, and he ran on the fourth floor, You Wang, we Went to the downstairs, the house to collapse, Miss teachers are gone…… "choked with Xiaobin said.

Received a report, the principal leaders of Chongzhou city government led by the armed police, public security, fire, health and other departments rushed to the scene to begin the search. The search for a whole night on the 13th at 6:00, before rescue workers from the collapse of Wuzhong Hong Canzhuan found that he had never stopped breathing. According to Li Xiaochang said that after an inventory, in addition to Wu Zhonghong, there are four students died. This reporter has learned that Wu Zhonghong, 45-year-old teacher, in front of teaching for 28 years.

fire fighters kneel to tears: Let me you seek for a further Qujiu

At 3:10 on May 12 about, Mianzhu City Fire Battalion Chen lead the first time to fire the squadron rushed to the rescue Wu primary schools. Wu primary school buildings collapsed the most part, buried at least below the pressure of more than 100 teachers and students. Although there is no special services tools, but the soldiers will soon start rescue bare hands. 19-year-old Jing Li-Jie first toward the ruins, began a three-day rescue.

Aftershocks continue to occur, steel and crumbling floor, the remnants of the wall descend from time to time, Jing Li-Jie completely ignored. Mopo hand, finger bleeding, a punctured the soles of the feet were reinforced, Jing Li-Jie but have never stopped. 13, a heaven to tears. Rain, Jing Li-Jie and comrades-in-arms are still to release.

On the 13th at 10 am, in the most critical to the rescue when a sudden teaching building in the ruins of the aftershocks and the cable car operation took place in a great shaking, shaking the floor, wall collapse in the second collapse……!

Ⅳ 请问一下七分钟英语演讲的一篇文章要多少字呀 我的语速一般.请帮我参谋一下,THANK YOU!


Ⅵ 有谁知道考研英语中的阅读理解短文一篇字数大概有多少


Ⅶ 一篇英语文章,翻译成1500+字的汉语,英语原文大概有多少字


Ⅷ 七分钟英语演讲的一篇文章要多少字


Ⅸ 一篇1000字英文essay,draft一般要求多少字

2. 学术概念上的outline指的是提纲,也就是在多少页上可以看到哪些具体的内容,draft则是指总的对你essay的大概涉及内容的阐述。

Ⅹ 500字的英语论文摘要该写多少字呢

主要组成:目的 方法 结果 结论
(4).删除无意义的或不必要的字眼。但也不要矫枉过正,将应有的字眼过份删除,如在英文中不应删除必要的冠词如a'' an'' the等。



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