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发布时间:2022-02-16 02:14:40

A. 泰坦尼克号英文简介

"Titanic" is USA twentieth Century Fawkes and Paramount Pictures co financed, photographed in 1994 an epic romantic disaster movie,written by James Cameron, editing, proction, director and procer, Hollywood actor Leonardo Dicaprio, starring Kate Winsleet.In the 1912 film Titanic cruise ship set sail in the virgin of the rocks an iceberg and sank events as the background, describes in thedifferent segments of the two people -- poor painter Jack and noble women abandon Ruth crashed into the secular bias in love, Jack finally put the life of opportunity to give Ruth's story. The filmpremiered in Tokyo in November 1, 1997.
The film premiered at the global box office of more than $1800000000 between 1997 and 2010, is the highest grossing film,and won the seventieth Oscar Award for best film, best director award11 prizes. "Titanic" was released again in April 4, 2012 to 3D version,commemorating the 100 anniversary of the Titanic disaster, 3Dedition after the release China box office is 987000000 yuan, the North American box office of $57000000, $344000000 in global box office, has grossed $2187000000.


B. 《泰坦尼克号》英文简介

Plot Summary

On April 15th, 1912, the Titanic, the largest and most luxurious passenger ship built
until that time, struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean while on its maiden voyage
from Southhampton, England to New York City. 1,517 of the ship’s 2,207 passengers died
when the great ship---which was generally thought to be unsinkable---went down to the
bottom of the ocean floor just two hours after striking the iceberg. Among the dead
were some of the richest people alive, but in fact the majority of those who died
were relatively poor people who were trapped in the bottom of the ship, in what was
called the ‘steerage’ quarters.

This film tells the story of that tragic event from the point of view of Rose, a 100 year
old woman who survived the sinking, and is now looking back at what happened, 85 years
later. This happens because one day, Rose recognizes a painting of herself that was being
shown on TV, after it had been recovered by a group of undersea explorers who were filming
the remainsof the Titanic on the ocean bottom. After she sees her portrait, she and
her granddaughter contact Brock, the leader of the exploration ship, so that she can tell
him the story of her amazing adventure.

At the time of the sinking, Rose was a charming but spoiled 17 year old woman who was
sailing back to America in order to get married to Cal Hockley, a rich, arrogant and
truly disagreeable businessman who was going to eventually inherit millions of dollars.
Rose was desperate to avoid this fate, but she was being pushed to do so by her mother, a
snobby woman who had recently discovered that her recently deceased husband had left her
and Rose without any money, despite their rich family name.

In a moment of great depression, Rose considers jumping off the Titanic, but is convinced
not to do so by Jack Dawson, a charming young artist who travels around the world, painting
the people that he sees. Jack has no money and is clearly not from the same social class as
Rose or Cal, but over the next couple days, they quickly fall in love, which obviously does
not please either Cal or Rose’s mother. Yet for Rose herself, meeting Jack is probably the
best thing that would ever happen to her, for ring the course of their two short
days together, Jack saves her "in every way that a person can be saved."

A Brief Note on the Titanic and Social Class: While the plot is focused on the love
story between Jack and Rose, this film often explores the role of social class in the
lives of the indivial characters. Indeed, in real life, the passengers on the Titanic
were clearly divided along class lines, and thus when the ship sunk, few of the survivors
were from 3rd class steerage, which was where the poorer passengers stayed, on the lowest
levels of the ship.

C. 泰坦尼克号简单故事叙述英语


On April 10, 1912, the Titanic, known as a miracle in the history of world instry, sailed from Southampton, England, to New York, USA. Rose, a wealthy girl, boarded the ship with her mother and fiance Carl. On the other hand, Jack, an unruly young painter, won the ticket by a gamble on the dock. Rose had long known that Carl was a snobbish who was unwilling to marry from the bottom of her heart. He even planned to throw himself into the sea.

At the critical moment, Jack hugged Rose, a young girl, and the two young people met. To alleviate the sadness in the girl's heart, Jack and Rose constantly find the joy of life. Soon, Rose, beautiful and lively, fell in love with Jack, who was handsome and cheerful. Rose took off her clothes and put on the necklace Carl had given her, so that Jack could paint her as a witness of their love. When they had sex, the Titanic hit an iceberg.

The terrible tragedy happened. The Titanic was in chaos. In crisis, the goodness and ugliness, nobility and inferiority in human nature were more distinct. Jack gave his lover Rose the chance to survive, and he was frozen to death in the ice. After the old-fashioned Rose talked about this sad love, she sank the valuable jewelry into the bottom of the sea and let it sleep with Jack and the love for a long time.










为了进度,船上的布景建设必须同时进行。还有大部分的内部设施,舱餐厅、那个豪华楼梯等都是在墨西哥城制作完成,再拆开运到罗萨里托,再由工作人员装配起来 。


D. 泰坦尼克号包含了哪些文化元素 求回答啊


E. 用英语形容泰坦尼克号吸引人的原因

Many cite this as proof positive that modern blockbusters sacrifice everything in favour of computer-generated magic and, while the central romance isn't without its charm, it's still the weakest element of the film.

Thus, first-class rich kid Rose DeWitt Bukaer (Winslet) and steerage urchin and struggling artist Jack Dawson (DiCaprio) fall helplessly in love, inlge in some back seat cherry popping and decide on the basis of their two-day relationship that they can't live without each other - until a big iceberg gets in the way of their new-found happiness.

Cameron is no stranger to spectacle, and the amazing boat-sinking effects paper over the cracks in the story so well that even the most cynical viewer is drawn in.

F. 求泰坦尼克号观后感英文的,体现人的行为的自己的感受。

The most expensive movie in the history of film

A sunken ship unsinkable love song

A man should always examine their evil warning monitor

A packet into the faith, courage, sacrifice and love of the immortal legend

A television news" treasure Explorer Booker in 1912 in order to find the sinking of the Titanic, from the ship set up a well-preserved a young woman wearing a diamond necklace ." caused a 100years old woman's attention. The old woman excited, then comes the Booker ship. She is named Ruth, the portrait of the woman. Look at the picture, the past scenes surfaced in her eyes --

In April 10, 1912, known as" the history of the world's instrial miracle" of the" Titanic" from the British Southampton starting from the United States of New York to live in the Atlantic, began its maiden voyage.

The dock huge crowds of people, people who witnessed the greatest in human history, the most luxurious ship. Ruth, a beautiful lady and her mother and fiance, son of the king of steel Carle boarded the first-class cabin. At the same time, the young artist Jack and by gambling, lucky to get three class ticket, he and his partner flying went to code head, jumped on the deck, boarded the Titanic, they exclaimed with delight, as the masters of the sea.

Ruth is the appearance of a follow the rules, and have a strong sense of rebellion inside the girl, she's tired of the nobles of the boring life. On deck, Jack saw Ruth, she was deeply attracted.

Ruth on future marriage life feel helpless, her heart as surging waves in general. When she tried to jump into the sea was discovered by Jack, he saved her, two people from each. Ruth confides to Jack his soul:" I have found nothing more than that, like living a life like, and like standing on the edge of the cliff, no one pulled me back, no one cares, or even left unattended."

Jack persuaded Ruth, took her to the three class in dance, and even taught her how to spit out a long and straight spit, optimism in Jack 's guidance, Ruth found the long lost happiness.

Ruth's fiance Carle found Jack and Ruth's dealings, he gave Ruth a very valuable necklace" heart of the ocean", trying to save the same love for Ruth C however this ' cut cannot be captured Ruth's heart, because she has fallen deeply in love with Jack. In the bedroom, Ruth put on the " heart of the ocean", by Jack drew the Zhang Ling her unforgettable portrait. Ruth decided to go ashore after living with Jack, happiness seems to have been held in two hands.

However as a result of the Titanic hit an iceberg, the ruptured right, although it is known as the" unsinkable", people can feel it in the one point one set, but Jack was Carle's frame-up, were kept in the lower cabin.

Ruth returned to the empty room to find Jack, at the crucial moment to find the axe rescued him. They came on deck, Ruth Jack persuaded a lifeboat, however in aboard the rescue boats at the last minute, Ruth changed her mind, her to jump back to Titanic, decided to go through thick and thin together with Jack.

Jack Ruth went to the stern, climbed on the railing, until the Titanic sank. Two people fell in the sea, Jack Ruth will be pushed on a piece of wood, he soaked in cold water. He encouraged Ruth, asked her to promise a good live, but his body is more and more cold, ultimately slow slowly sank into the sea ... ...

Rescue boat picked up Ruth, Jack was always engulfment of ice. 84 years later, Ruth returned to the sinking of the Titanic 's place, will "the heart of ocean" behind the crowd, the spirit of the deceased to sue Jack ... ...
This is love, really love……




一则电视新闻“寻宝探险家布克为了寻找1912年沉没的泰坦尼克号,从沉船上订 捞起一幅保存完好的一位年轻女子佩戴着一条钻石项链的画像”引起了一位百岁老妇的 注意。老妇人激动不已,随即来到布克的船上。原来她名叫露丝,就是画像上的女子。 看着画像,往事一幕幕浮现在她眼前——


码头上人山人海,人们争相目睹人类有史以来最大、最豪华的船。露丝,一位漂亮 的贵族小姐与她的母亲及未婚夫、钢铁大王之子卡尔一起登上了头等舱。与此同时,年轻的画家杰克通过与人赌博,幸运地得到了三等舱的船票,他和伙伴飞一般地跑到码 头,跳上甲板,登上了泰坦尼克号,他们高声欢呼着,仿佛是大海的主人。

露丝是一个外表遵循规矩,而内心有着强烈的反叛意识的女孩,她早已厌倦了贵族 们的无聊生活。在甲板上,杰克看到了露丝,被她深深吸引。

露丝对未来的婚姻生活感到万分无奈,她的内心如波涛一般地汹涌澎湃。当她试图 跳人大海时恰巧被杰克发现,他救了她,两人由此相识。露丝向杰克吐露着心声:“我觉得这一生不外如此,像活了一辈子似的,又像是站在悬崖边上,没人 拉我回来,没人关心,甚至无人理会。”

杰克耐心地开导着露丝,带她去三等舱中跳舞,甚至教她如何吐出 又远又直的唾沫,在杰克乐观精神的开导下,露丝找回了失去已久的快乐。


然而由于泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山,船身右侧破裂了,尽管它号称 “永不沉没”,人们却能感受到它在一点一点地下沉,可这时杰克却被 卡尔栽赃陷害,被关在下层船舱里。

露丝回到空无一人的船舱里找到杰克,在紧要关头找来斧子救出了 他。他们来到甲板上,露丝在杰克的劝说下上了救生艇,然而在登上救 生艇的最后一刻,露丝改变了主意,她重新跳回到泰坦尼克号上,决定 与杰克生死与共。

杰克拉着露丝跑到船尾,爬上栏杆,直到泰坦尼克号沉没。两人落 人海中,杰克将露丝推上一块木板,自己则泡在冰冷的海水中。他鼓励 着露丝,要她答应好好地活下去,而他自己的身体却越来越冷,最终缓 缓沉人大海……


G. 泰坦尼克号》包含了哪些文化元素各自有什么思想内涵





1 美国人民的思想价值观


H. 泰坦尼克号主要内容(英语)

The story of the Titanic and the iceberg has grown into a legend of the sea. It took her discovery in 1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth. One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900's, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor.

I. <泰坦尼克号》英语观后感


J. 用英文介绍泰坦尼克号


April 14, 1912, a calm night, not even a bit of wind. If there were any, the crew would find the waves lapping at the tip of the iceberg. The Titanic was traveling at an extreme speed of 22.3 knots across the dark, icy surface of the ocean. Captain Smith ordered the watchman to observe carefully after receiving reports of ice from many ships nearby.

It was a warm winter, and the icebergs were farther south than usual. But the crew of the Titanic could not find the binoculars (the only binoculars were locked in the cabinet by the second officer, who did not end up on board), and the watchmen had to watch them with the naked eye.

It was 23 o 'clock and that man Frederick fry, who was found to survive, found a dark photo of a "two table" at a distance which quickly became high. He knocks three off the bridge and grabs the phone. "there's an iceberg right ahead!" . The six people who answered the phone, moody, informed the one next to murdoch.

Murdoch immediately ordered the bell to be fired: "all engines slow down! !! Reverse propeller no. 3. It was only 37 seconds before the lookout spotted the iceberg hitting the ship's starboard side.The first command was proved to be a fatal error. Just 37 seconds later, the Titanic was too big and moving too fast to stop and hit the iceberg.







1912年4月10日,世界最大的客运轮船“泰坦尼克号”从英国南安普顿出发,开始了它的首航。“快乐的乘客根本没有意识到,他们刚刚登上了一座浮动的坟墓。” 四天后,号称“永不沉没”的巨轮撞上冰山,沉入大西洋,1500多人葬身海底。




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