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发布时间:2022-05-02 18:00:03

A. 初二英语。 怎么写 【粽子的做法】 就是做粽子的步骤,可以简略。 不过要分步骤。如: 【First


Ingredients: A:750 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rhubarb rice, 120 grams of peanut kernels and 200 grams of vegetables.B:Reed leaves 1 bundle, 25 jujubes.

The practice is as follows:

【First,Wash and mix all material A together without soaking in advance, because mplings need to be cooked for a long time.】

B. 英语作文:如何制做粽子60词


Ingredients: A:750 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rhubarb rice, 120 grams of peanut kernels and 200 grams of vegetables.B:Reed leaves 1 bundle, 25 jujubes.

The practice is as follows:

【First,Wash and mix all material A together without soaking in advance, because mplings need to be cooked for a long time.】

C. 制作粽子用英语怎么说


D. 怎样制作粽子英语作文80词左右

firstly,we must prepare some polished gtutinous rice,which is the major material in making the gtutinous rice.we dip the polished gtutinous rice into water for a while.secondly,we take a bamboo or the reed leave in hands,then put the polished gtutinous rice in it and put some soy sauce in the rice.after that,fold the leave into a cone,and bind it tightly.at last,put the gtutinous rice into a pot with boiled water.when they are cooked,we could eat them.

E. 写一篇怎样制作粽子的英语小作文

Two days before the annual Dragon Boat Festival, the mother began to preparebamboo leaves, glutinous rice, jujube, red bean, bacon and other raw materials.
Zongye should choose long wide moderate smooth reed, fresh reed after mining tosoak 12 hours or with boiling water boiled soft, flexible, so that the tension. Sharp thin wash the glutinous rice, soak three or four hours, red dates, red bean alsosoak good backup. Mother will be two pieces of reed leaves spread out evenly,slightly overlapping part, folded into a cone, scoop into a spoonful of rice placed on the fillings, and then scoop into a spoonful of meters, hand force compaction, theballs into the shape, winding, wrapped in reed leaves to force the inclusion tied to a rope. Look at the reed in the mother's fingers fluttering, we these children also"follow suit", helpless those rice was unable to bear loneliness, left to right, notemerge from this angle, there is leakage, wrap mplings Matsumatsu, quite unlikethe mother package angular.
Boiled mplings is a huge project. Home pot add enough water, open water dropmplings, water soaked rice mplings noodles. The water re opened after the use simmer 2 hours or so, will be cooked mplings. Glutinous rice and reedfragrance in the dense steam more rich, greedy and I no homework, or play, justwaiting for the green hemp fiber in white fat.

F. 写端午节做粽子的过程的英语作文80字

The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is there are a lot of cultured. Zongzi, leaves a request, the fresh bamboo leaves; Green green; Sending out the light faint scent. If use dry out after the mplings boiled bamboo leaves no bamboo fragrance. One afternoon before the Dragon Boat Festival all raw materials ready, white glutinous rice soaked in water, full of red bean, peanut, have already ready, or chopped pork belly, have already with good ingredients flooded system. With deft hands instrious goodwife is left folded right, then use the rope layer upon layer, a delicate rice mplings was born soon. Cooked pot and the house was filled with the fragrance of bamboo and rice mplings. In addition to eating zongzi and eggs is little not. This two kinds of food are put together, even if you don't eat just looking at is to enjoy, the red oval eggs, meat green irregular shape of the mplings, from color collocation to the combination of shape, it. Smoked, hang mugwort on the lintel on the Dragon Boat Festival day. Hang sachets, various shapes of decorations, cloth make it bright put spices on the inside. Every year my mother to help me buy a hanging in his chest.


G. 用英语写简单的棕子制做方法

1. 将粽叶400克洗净,放入锅中加入清水煮软,捞起沥水,备用。
1 will the bamboo leaves 400 grams abluent, into the pot add water boiled soft,picked up the drain, reserve.
2 the rice panning clean, drain, reserve.
3 will be candied into the bowl, steamed soft out, while it is hot to go nuclear,grape dry cleaning, dewatering.
4 out of 3 pieces of bamboo leaves, hairy face first into the 13 relative, glutinous rice, add a little dates and raisins, and then into the 23 glutinous rice mplingsinto the triangle, tied with string.
5 will be wrapped rice mplings into the pot, add water to stir and cook for about 2 hours, with a small fire stew about 3, can be eaten.

H. 粽子的做法英语

The Practice of Zongzi





n. 练习;实行;习惯;业务;做法


Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language.



1、begin practice 开始训练

2、bring into practice 使…付诸实践

3、carry on practice 继续训练






4、在it is a...practice to- v 的结构中,不定冠词a有时可省略。

I. 粽子的做法和包法步骤英文


1、Zongye is scalded and softened in boiling water. After being removed, it is washed with clean water and the front part with diameter is cut off with scissors.


2、Soak glutinous rice in clear water for 3-4 hours.


3、Cut pork into shreds and marinate with sauce, sauce, salt, oyster oil, cooking wine and sugar.


4、dried mushrooms are foamed with water and cut into blocks.


5、Soak the rice and drain the water. Add a little raw and old extracts and mix evenly, so that the color of the rice is even.


6、Rinse the leaves with water and add the two leaves together. Fold them in the middle and roll them into a cone.


7、Fold the two leaves together, roll them into a conical shape from the middle, put a spoonful of rice, then put a layer of meat, put a few pieces of mushrooms, and finally put a layer of rice, gently add a pinch to the middle, you can cover the above leaves, wrap up the rice, and then wrap them with cotton thread.


8、Put the green mplings in the pot, add water (more water, must submerge the mplings), press with heavy objects, do not let them float. First boil for 2 hours in high heat, then add some water, then boil for 4-5 hours in low heat, then ripen.

J. 英文版粽子的简单做法


Ingredients: A:750 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rhubarb rice, 120 grams of peanut kernels and 200 grams of vegetables.B:Reed leaves 1 bundle, 25 jujubes.


The practice is as follows:


Wash and mix all material A together without soaking in advance, because mplings need to be cooked for a long time.



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