导航:首页 > 数字科学 > 我认为学好数学有点难用英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-09-18 07:52:20

A. 我发现数学很难学。(译为英语)

I find it is difficult to mathematics. 或者I find mathematics is hard to me.其实你可以在手机上下载一个有道词典,这样你就很方便了

B. 学数学对我们来说很难,用英语怎么说

study math is very difficult for us

C. 我发现学数学很难的英文

i find it difficult to learn math

D. 她认为学好数学很难。 的英语翻译

She thinks it's hard to learn math well.


E. 这个学期初,我发现学习数学很难英语怎么说

(1)He wants to be a scientist by his endeavor.
(2)Please research the medicine carefully.
(3)Yesterday i sent some photos to my parents.
(4)At the begining of this semester,i found that math is very difficult.

F. 我觉得数学有一点点难.英语两种方式表达

I think math is a little bit difficult.
From my point of view, mathematics is a little difficult for me.

G. 用kind of 翻译“我认为数学有点儿难”

I think math is kind of difficult(hard)难

H. “我觉得数学有点难”用英语怎么说

I think math is kind of difficult。

I. 老师说数学很有用,但是我认为很难.的英语

The teacher said that maths is very useful, but in my view, it is very difficult.



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