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发布时间:2022-05-17 14:32:13

‘壹’ 1~10用维语如何翻译

sorry,i don't know

‘贰’ 语言用维语怎么写


中国境内官方的维吾尔文(UEY——Uyghurche Ereb Yëziqi)是以阿拉伯字母书写的,同时以拉丁字母书写的拉丁维文(ULY——Uyghurche Latin Yëziqi)作为补充。

俄罗斯境内的维吾尔语使用以西里尔字母书写的西里尔维吾尔文(USY——Uyghurche Shilir Yëziqi)。








在学习过程中建议多看一些优质的双语教学视频视——双语(维语 汉语),通过讲课老师的授课学习维语。

‘叁’ 奎屯 新疆是维语的音译吗是啥意思啊


‘肆’ 最简单的十句维语


您好:牙合西莫/ 色孜









您找谁? :开木尼/衣孜代衣色孜


您在哪里工作? :乃代/衣西来衣色孜

您要买什么? :尼麦/阿里色孜


‘伍’ 怎么用维语说

维文: كىچىككىنە بىر ۋەدە كۆك ئاسماننىمۇ كۆتۈرۈپ تۇرالايدۇ
ULY:Kichikkine bir wede kök asmannimu kötürüp turalay.



维文: گېپىڭ راست بولسا، ئىشىڭ ئوڭ بولۇر
ULY: Gëping rast bolsa, ishing ong bolur.


‘陆’ 维吾尔语怎么说拎

拎翻译为维吾尔语为ئېلىپ يۈرۈش。

维吾尔语(维吾尔文:ئۇيغۇر تىلى,拉丁转写Uyghur tili),维吾尔族的语言,简称维语(Uyghur),属阿尔泰语系—突厥语族—葛逻禄语支。与乌兹别克语十分相似。其次与哈萨克语,柯尔克孜语,塔塔尔语,土耳其语等语言也有些相似。

中国境内官方的维吾尔文(UEY——Uyghurche Ereb Yëziqi)是以阿拉伯字母书写的,同时以拉丁字母书写的拉丁维文(ULY——Uyghurche Latin Yëziqi)作为补充。俄罗斯境内的维吾尔语使用以西里尔字母书写的西里尔维吾尔文(USY——Uyghurche Shilir Yëziqi)。




‘柒’ 维吾尔语中的<a:i>弱化现象省略条件...请各位高人指点 谢谢!

关于这个其实并不杂乱无章,而是非常简单科学,和物理数学公式一样,你记住“元辅元”这三个字 就全没问题了, 呵呵 这个也是我当时觉得一大难点之一 说难就因为所有的教材都说的不全,不管是《大众维语》还是《基础维吾尔语》虽然里面有提及 但是书上根本没有一个统一的方法 而是把简单复杂化了,总是很喜欢写碰到情况一怎么处理 情况二怎么处理 可是大家碰到不同的词还是会 迷惑。碰到名词接后缀的会弱化了 但是又发现动词接后缀的时候 怎么又没有弱化了 碰到单音节和多音节 又不一样了 让人很是烦躁。

所谓“元辅元”就是指“当元音是a或者e‘e对应拼音的ai’时 ,后面如果是一个辅音加一个元音必弱化(‘元辅元’的结构), 其他情况如‘元辅辅’则都不需要弱化”
首先记住最重要的一点 不管名词动词 加后缀的时候先选好是哪个 一般辅音结尾选元音 元音结尾选辅音 书上说的很清楚 什么接什么。
例子bala+m = balam 因为最后一个a的后面 需要加的只一个辅音m 所以不弱化
bala+ngiz=balingiz 因为最后一个a的后面 是ngi(辅音加元音)所以弱化为i
ozbek+ing=ozbiking 因为e的后面是ki(辅音加元音) 所以弱化, 这个例子证明不管a和e是不是在词的末尾都可以直接套用这方法
biz+ning= bizning 因为biz的i后面紧跟的是zn组合
alma+ning=almining 因为alma的a后面紧跟ni组合
aka+si=akisi 因为aka的a后面紧跟si组合
kel+dim=keldim (e后面是ld ) kel+imen=kélimen(e后面是li) al+isen=élisen(a后面是li) 记住a和e如果是单词的第一个元音 他弱化时是弱化成é,其他情况都是i。
oyna+ymen=oynaymen(a后面是ym) oyna+dim=oynidim(a后面是di)
“你不能够玩” oyna+yala+ ma+ding=oyniyalmiding(oyna后面是ya,需弱化, yala后面是ma 也需弱化 ma后面是di 还是要弱化 就成了oyniyalimiding 然后根据语法省去yali的i 就大功告成了 )
"我不能够开始" bashla+ yala+ma+ymen=bashliyalmaymen
"你试试"baq+ing= béqing(a后为 qi)
“玩吧”oyna+sun=oynisun (a后为su) 注意那个有名的歌“欢乐的跳吧”歌名是oynasun没错 之所以不弱化 因为是乌兹别克语。
'您来吧"kel+ing=kéling(e后为li) “你没来”kel+me+ding = kelmiding(第一个e 后是lm, 第二个e后则是 di)

只有两种例外 1 外来语 比如 bina+si=binasi hawa+si=hawasi 这些词是特殊的 多来自波斯语阿拉伯语 不符合维吾尔语的语音和谐规律 但不是都不弱化 需要单独记忆 目前我碰到的不弱化的词很少。
2带a的以辅音结尾的单音节动词 附加带a的后缀时不弱化 比如
"我来写吧"yaz+ay=yazay "我们要吧" al+ayli=alayli
“我正在去” bar+iwatimen=bariwatimen(虽然a后面是ri 不过正在进行时的wat后缀带a)

这个方法适用于所有任何词加任何后缀的情况 需要弱化的的是单词本身的a,e元音 而不是后缀里的元音 如果后缀又加了后缀 也可以用这个方法了。【在实际使用时把你不知道是否需要弱化的那个元音a或e后面的两个字母直接写出来看是否是 辅元结构 就可以瞬间成功判断 慢慢地会越来越熟练 最后是凭感觉 不需要这些了】
讲得已经非常详尽了,希望你可以明白、学会, 有什么不懂的 可以再问 我这里举例用的是可以和维文老字母完全转化的拉丁维文方案(新维文)书写的

‘捌’ 维语翻译 谁帮我把这个作文翻译成维语 .或者给我 有关(用微笑面对挫折)的维语作文的网址也行

We are in this world and what to do? The world is very subtle, always make people unable to recover some of the things.

So, we should therefore give up? We're so decadent? No, no, we want to smile, smile to yourself to others convey the warmth. Smile to others for a consideration, give people a kind of spiritual comfort.

In life, there are enough to live comfortably, also often have to live with people in high places; waste, also somebody in the alley to and fro. Some people do not put money seriously, also somebody for money but there worry.

These days, if we want to put the money as the only goal, and even do some do things offensive to God and reason things? No, no, nor do.

We must use the smile, with a smile telling myself, money is not the whole life, we can through hard work in exchange for. We want to use a smile to poverty

. simple life or rich rich life embellishment more perfect number!!

Can't forget Hawking's example, he was sad, was admitted to University of Oxford in the UK when, he was to inform patients suffering from incurable.

But he didn't because the world for his unfair and depressed, didn't give up his initial pursuit, and his goal. He was still good, do the right thing, smile to his life. Even if he is in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, the hand can not write.

In this way, he lived over the age of the physician's expected, it is power, the power of a smile.

The power of smile life can be used to describe the" boring", sometimes even " the fickleness of the world " to sum up the whole world. However, in the US, presumably should learn to smile to look at life??

Smile is the most beautiful word, although it is just lip a radian.

Smile is the most beautiful adjectives, although it is a smiling face of part.

In life, there's always going to be people in memory of smile, some will live to trouble, someone 's back like a physical change like expansion, but some remained in the shrinking. There are some people too early to be cynical, decreed by fate; there is also too late to let the consciousness, invisible to beside you forever.

We are in this world and what to do? The world is very subtle, always make people unable to recover some of the things.

So, we should therefore give up? We're so decadent? No, no, we want to smile, smile to yourself to others convey the warmth. Smile to others for a consideration, give people a kind of spiritual comfort.

In life, there are enough to live comfortably, also often have to live with people in high places; waste, also somebody in the alley to and fro. Some people do not put money seriously, also somebody for money but there worry.

These days, if we want to put the money as the only goal, and even do some do things offensive to God and reason things? No, no, nor do.

We must use the smile, with a smile telling myself, money is not the whole life, we can through hard work in exchange for. We want to use a smile to poverty

. simple life or rich rich life embellishment more perfect number!!

Can't forget Hawking's example, he was sad, was admitted to University of Oxford in the UK when, he was to inform patients suffering from incurable.

But he didn't because the world for his unfair and depressed, didn't give up his initial pursuit, and his goal. He was still good, do the right thing, smile to his life. Even if he is in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, the hand can not write.

In this way, he lived over the age of the physician's expected, it is power, the power of a smile.

The power of smile can even to far far away, to bring more people to comfort and care.

Smile, is a kind of arc, is the most beautiful radian.

Smile, is a seed, can grow into a towering tree.

Smile, is a piece of feather, gentle too.

Smile, is a kind of power, change lives, change the destiny.

If so, why don't we smile in the face of life?

So, smile! So in the face of life!!!

Can even to far far away, to bring more people to comfort and care.

Smile, is a kind of arc, is the most beautiful radian.

Smile, is a seed, can grow into a towering tree.

Smile, is a piece of feather, gentle too.

Smile, is a kind of power, change lives, change the destiny.

If so, why don't we smile in the face of life?

So, smile! So in the face of life!!!



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